Friday, December 31, 2010

Super Advanced Creatine

Case Baptists. TODAY THE COMIC. Berlusconi moves to Brazil war "must comply with the rulings of the judiciary!"

Here's another good argument that can 'fill the front pages (and evenings) for the coming months to distract us from more serious problems.
Here's another good argument by which we can harm us (Brazil is one of the few big emerging nations in which Italy have major economic interests) and lose more face in the world.
Here's another easy topic with which some politicians can 'consent to collect and easy to deploy the Italians (without nothing concrete, then so much the cost will pay for the country).

not to say that history is not serious. They are not actors and can not indeed no 'that end up in or tragicomic COMEDY FARCE.

"Brazil", say by the Berlusconi government, "now has to explain to the Italians because of OUR JUDGMENTS judging must be respected!".
Bravo! So 'you! Great Guy!

but I 'is a doubt can not' be that the Brazilian Attorney General has taken seriously the many statements of our ongoing Premier on OUR COURTS "politicized", "EVERS", "criminals", "Genetics AMENDED "?

short, SILVIO, can 'be that you have heard and taken seriously!
should explain that not be done!
should explain exactly what you mean! Please, explain to him that the judiciary politicized 'ONLY ONE THAT TAKES CARE OF YOURSELF OR BUSINESS Mediaset and PDL. Not when other sentence!

As I said, we are on the comic. How do you ask now than the justice of our country?

now are two options:

  1. If a prime minister Berlusconi is perhaps unfair, but still with any sense of the state, in secret calls Lula and says, "... now I feel I do a bit of mayhem internal consensus and to distract people, etc ... In the end friends like before!
  2. If inisistono on what to pick up two more votes, we are total madness and self-destructive (from the economic point of view, credibility, etc. ..). I mean for the country! In what can the government ', however, and helps bring consensus to change the subject!
PS: For the avoidance of doubt, I'd like to clarify that the sentence was being maintained on Baptists, like all other judgments and would forssero punished those guilty of corruption and other abuses, financial and administrative rarely end up in prison in our country!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Make Yudec Work

Qubbat Al-Khadra al-': Welcome to the Green Dome

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Green Dome, view from inside the Mosque of the Prophet

The Green Dome ( Qubbat al-al-Khadra ') of the Prophet's Mosque is located at the tomb of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ), buried together with the first two rightly guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab ( رضى ٱلله عنهم ا ) in what was the room of his wife 'Aisha ( رضى ٱلله عن ها ) , immediately adjacent to the area where the Prophet he used to pray pe rsonalmente, and now fully integrated in the building of the sacred complex.

writes Dr. 'Ali Hafez, in his "Fusūl min Tarikh al-Madinah al-Munawwarah" :
"Originally, there was no dome over the sacred chamber [ where the Prophet was buried , ed.] On the roof of the mosque, was erected a fence of brick, with the height of life, which distinguished the position of this section from the rest of the mosque.
The first dome was built in 678 H. (1280) by the sultan as-Salih Qalawun [ and then subjected to various renovations and reconstructions ]. In 1253 H. (1837) The dome was painted green for the first time on the order of Ottoman Sultan 'Abdul Hamid, and has since been renewed on green, where necessary, to date, taking the nickname "Green Dome ". Previously, essa fu conosciuta anche come " Cupola Bianca ", " Cupola Blu " o " Cupola Profumata ". »

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Ip 109 Stronger Than Vicodin 500

35 members of the Dover PD absent during the vote of no confidence in Calderoli ?

I think they need to justify their absence. If you do not have time to go to Parliament if they stay home and give way to those who want to work and do really

Cancer Quotes On Death

RECIPE FOR GROWTH: less Gasparri, less Cogne, more 'Future!

What do they talk in Italy and our news media (and as a result of which people talk about and what topics will guide the vote)? It

from an idea that you can find a search Observatory of Pavia (below the time spent by the Italian media to various topics).

On television, therefore, the crime and 'by far predominant in Italy and in general Crime and politics are the lion's share.

will be the same abroad? We see a comparison between the TG of the first networks:

The comparison with Germany and pitiless! The TG of the ARD themes' covered:
  2. INTERNAL POLICY (13.6%)
  3. ECONOMY (11.3%)

NOTE: crime news and the 13th place (1.8%), even after news of costume.

In Italy on TG1:

  1. INTERNAL POLICY (16.7%)
  2. COSTUME (12.8%)
  3. crime (10.8%)

NOTE: the economy is only a 5th place (6.1% ex-aequo with the sport), while the FOREIGN POLICY is preceded by 10 other subjects (the remains only 3.4%).

Question: you wonder that Germany is the country with the economy more 'solid growth in Europe and worldwide (more than one car in Shanghai on 3 and' German), while Italy and ' the second lowest in the world for growth in the Ulimate 10 years (before only Haiti), and continues to lose ground and 'increasingly provincial and device in the world?

Note that here the problem is not only the TG1 (though much worse), but all of our media for which "a fine in the Crown" is more newsworthy than a factory with 1000 employees that close ( or open). Then in the internal politics that we rarely question the merit of the measures, but rather a chronicle of the daily bickering. The discussion focuses on the daily dichiarificio (where the amount Gasparri seems to drive the rankings), but that absolutely does not deserve so much space (wasted).

Here we add up all the space devoted to the various cases of crime (see Cogne, Avetrana, etc ...). What the heck is informed in real time of the "feelings" of how investigations evolve (today it seems that the culprit is the uncle, then his cousin, the daughter yesterday, maybe not the grandmother)? Details of the murder (with a plastic case)? The interviews with passers-by? Cititofoni shots to the victims (see the case all c'han an intercom system, there is a relationship ...?). To note, I change the channel, these things I appallano tremendously, but then I was angry when I hear people say around "that time ... a time these things did not happen." Eh, no. These things happened and how, but details have remained the same over the sconociuti Avetrana ( Police officers outside the court, etc. ..) and let alone nationally .

Returning to the theme, in short:

If the media dealing with others, if they lead people to become interested in other things, they do not seek information also does not read press of Economics and recipes for growth the people will direct their vote to another, and the policies of the governments will deal with the other!

Obviously many of the commentators of today (those Paraculo that those are all the rage, in short) will be objected that the TG TG is a German by bigots, that the TV does not have to educate the public to choose ... etc. .. In short we better the Germans! The numbers say otherwise, but '!

PS: A plea to any party that understands: you try to change the agenda, to propose other themes and consistently. I would never want another campaign voter on abortion, euthanasia, the Communists, the judges .... please!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Common Household Items Used For Masterbation

How wonderful photos!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vip Invitation Card Sample

the name of Allah the Merciful
Nel Nome d'Iddio, il Misericordioso, il Clementissimo

Peace be upon you and Allah and his blessing Rahmۃ
Peace and Mercy of God and His blessings be upon you!

This blog was born on the day of 'Ashurah the month of Muharram 1432 H. [December 16, 2010], mainly to help those Muslims - especially those from Italy, or Italians living abroad, between 15 and 25 - wishing to undertake a course of religious studies at the Islamic University of Madinah al-Munawwarah, in Saudi Arabia.

well as useful information to properly forward the application for enrollment at the University, this site will collect gradually teaching materials, useful for the study of Arabic language and the foundations of the Islamic sciences, as well as notes and news information relating to the City of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ).

Looking ahead, we hope to steadily expand this service to all major centers of Islamic studies in Muslim countries present, in close collaboration with those brothers with whom they associate and / or are interested to attend.
We hope thereby to facilitate the establishment of a network students of Islamic sciences, which can significantly promote this type of study, represent a constructive basis for comparison between different teaching about Islam, and be supportive useful to the Muslim community as a whole, and to the Italian in particular.

We would be grateful for any suggestion, request, warning or advice please give. However
your direction, on the improvement of this site, its services or its contents, we will try to match the best of our ability, God willing.

We are at your disposal addition, and open to any form of collaboration , both as regards these issues are closely related to the location of university, and for all that can be met, physically or culturally, living in the holy city of Madinah.

We ask you, finally, to recall frequently and support all the students on the path of God, in your prayers to the Almighty. May He protect their hearts, and bestow them with a useful science, a sustenance lawful and works that I meet. Amin

و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على أله و صحبه و سلم
Ed God bless and pour out peace upon His Messenger, his family and his companions

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are In Tank Toilet Bowl Cleaner Bad

The National Health System public still exist?

During 2009, total pharmaceutical spending, public and private, through contracted pharmacies Veneto Region was € 1,406 million (as at retail price), 70.0% of them for drugs group A, 17.2% for class C drugs, prescription, 9.3 % for the-counter drugs and 3.5% for other drugs. Spending on drugs of group A was € 985 million, of which 92.9% NHS and the remaining 7.1% as private purchase. The gross expenditure for drugs of group A SSN (915 million €), the net expenditure accounts for 84, 5%, the contribution of the city was 9.3% (6.2% and 3.1% as a fixed amount as difference from the reference price for generic drugs) and the rebate paid by pharmacies or 6.2%. Overall, total expenditure on pharmaceuticals through the pharmacies affiliated Region of Veneto (1,406 million €), the Regional Health Service is in charge of 773 million € (55%) and citizens of € 577 million (41%). The remaining € 56 million representing the discount applied by pharmacies (4%).
Compared to 2008 the total pharmaceutical expenditure increased by 1, 9% between its components, increases the gross expenditure for drugs to end NHS (+2.9%) and class C drugs with prescription (+3.0%) (+2, 2%), while decreases in an important way the private purchase of drugs of group A (-12.0%). Local Health Units in which the only increases the private purchase of drugs of group A are Thiene and Pieve di Soligo.
The official document from which they were derived data is the report drawn up by ULSS 20 on behalf of the Veneto Region in accordance with the requirements of general practitioners.

A range of medications are the class of drugs considered "Essential." Reading these figures released by the Veneto Region and other data published by ISTAT, has strengthened my conviction that we are probably far when I say (along with many others) that the NHS and universal solidarity that we have known and defended has been dismantled and now close to death. Fact:
1. over 40% of pharmaceutical expenditure is supported by the citizens Veneto, in practice, each 10 € spent on drugs in Veneto 4 come directly from the pockets of citizens. What is this but put your hands in the pockets of the Venetians?
2. From year to year, private spending for drugs to end ("essentials") decreased by 12%, with only two exceptions Thiene and Pieve di Soligo. Mica
not enter it a crisis that forces families to reduce spending for essential drugs? It follows that, even in Veneto, who is better able to continue to pay for essential drugs that ULSS not spend more.
's probably not a coincidence that the two Health Units in which private spending for drugs has not diminished, are also, historically, among those considered most virtuous, at least from a purely economistic point of view, because they are among those who spend less for deliver the drugs to their citizens.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Funny Wedding Invitation To Friends


The European Commission has recently approved the cultivation of GMOs in Europe, for first time in 12 years, ignoring the concerns of the public. Signed the petition brought by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Avaaz and asking for a moratorium on the introduction of GMOs in Europe. With one million signatures of EU citizens can submit a formal request to the European Commission.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where Is The Cervix 3 Days Before Period

Vatican Radio harmful as the atomic bomb on Hiroshima - New York

Vatican Radio harmful as the atomic bomb on Hiroshima - New York

But Veronesi says that electromagnetic fields are safe. Everyone is looking his way to paradise

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Genital Tatoos For Women

part of the South - Blog: The Savoy barbarism in the Abruzzi (and would ...

parts of South - Blog: The barbarity of the Savoy in the Abruzzi (and would ... : "Chapter from the book of Antonio Ciano 'The massacres and slaughters of the Savoy' Tower Saint Lucia Abruzzo massacrataGli reacted wholesale ... "

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Feels Like Bruise Back Head Right Side

indictments in the "Marlane Marzotto" After 10 years returns process for environmental damage Stefano Federici

107 people died of cancer, many others ill, a region ravaged and polluted, as this left in Praia a Mare and its population by Marlane Marzotto Valdagno ( vi) closed in 2004.

It took over 10 years of struggle for workers and the union-Slai cobas, the only union that defends them and that it was also a civil, arriving, after 4 months and 6 preliminary hearing, the trial for multiple murder for failure to comply with the rules and safety disaster external (environmental) and internal for the lack of protection for workers.

Friday, November 12 in the court of Paola, Antonella pm Lauri and Gup Salvatore Carpino, were indicted Pietro Marzotto (Cav. count of the work already Valdagno and president of the Industrial Association of Vicenza), Silvano Storer (formerly with the Group), Jean de Jaegher (Council of the 'European Association of Textile Industries and president of the Marzotto USA from '95 to '98), Lorenzo Bosetti (ex-mayor and director of Valdagno Officer and Vice President of Lanerossi), Vincent Benincasa, Salvatore Crystalline, Ivo Comegna, Charles Lomonaco (ex-manager and mayor of Praia dye), Giuseppe Ferrari, Lamberto Priori, Ernesto Emilio Fugazzola, Antonio Favrin (deputy chairman of Confindustria Veneto) and Attilio Rauss, defended by a bipartisan panel including Niccolo Ghedini (PDL), Guido Calvi (PD) and Giuliano Pisapia (Sel and next candidate for mayor in Milan for the left).

The company was founded in the 50s by the count produced Rivets and fabrics, mostly military uniforms. The wards were divided by walls.

Then in 1969 it passed into the hands of 'Eni - Lanerossi and later, in 1987, the Marzotto group for 173 billion lire. For the 200 workers laid off, the finance facility made available to Eni, for each of them, 44 million for a reallocation of employment never took place.

The factory, run by just Lanerossi, removed the dividing walls and thus became a unique environment in which all converged warping and weaving, spinning and dyeing, and so the fumes from the chemicals the coloring is expanding everywhere.
There were no vacuums in operation and the workers threw the dyes in open tanks without any protection. In this factory there was asbestos in brake linings of the frames, which, consumed, emitted respirable dust by all.
At the end of the day was "donated" a bag of milk to every worker, the only remedy to the poison breathed throughout the shift. In 1996, the dry cleaners was closed. I also seem
damage extended to the surrounding environment. Behind the Marzotto Marlane there are excavations which have been found in toxic waste.

words Mara Malavenda, national director of the cobas Slai-which, along with Senator Chambers of Naples and the lawyer. Natalia Diamante Branda, who fought together with workers, are the best summary of how difficult it was to get this first result:

"In the thirty-year silence, still looming, institutions responsible for monitoring health in the factory and land, (confederal unions and parties of the center, center, and related media), today Marlane Marzotto is on trial ... the serious corporate crimes and disturbing reports of complicity of those who, in charge of protection workers, but has 'protected' the illicit corporate behavior and allowed the massacre and the irreparable environmental disaster, while it is still in place and the dripping of the dead of cancer patients for years after the plant closure.

should prevent creeping attempt to soften the process in favor of the Marzotto and at the expense of workers. It is disturbing that instead of being established as a must plaintiff, the Ministry of Environment, the Region of Calabria, the Province of Cosenza, and the Municipality of Praia a Mare (with the mayor under investigation), continue to evade the defense of workers, citizens and the environment! But as

expect something different when the lawyers of the corporation, who have called the requirement of the offenses are Giuliano Pisapia, Refoundation Communist candidate for mayor in Milan in the next administration?! Perhaps because

to see their names to the nomenclature of 'excellent' among the 14 suspects for various reasons is more important than the hundreds of workers killed or died of cancer patients?! But as workers know that they are well wide, and having to rely primarily on our own forces as workers and Slai-cobas we Marzotto dragged to court and we know that to get 'justice', we must continue this way. " 16/11/2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Watchikusa Otome Valkyrieonline

We do not celebrate the unification of Italy, but remember ...

Rocco Biondi's Journal - Blog: We do not celebrate the unification of Italy, but we must remember ... : "We do not celebrate south, nor can we celebrate, not unity of Italy. Remember deeds and misdeeds that led to the unity, real ..."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Average Car Starter Price

Value ecomafie legambiente. Veneto in the second cycle of illegal waste. Zaja force, even a little effort will be first, and the Venetians, THE WHITE DEATH

ecomafie Legambiente emerge from the report alarming figures: each year disappears a 2000 meter high mountain of garbage. Millions of tons of waste are disposed of illegally. Crimes, complaints and seizures are not enough to stop the 'illegal. In 2007 the numbers of illegal environmental increased: around 18.4 billion d 'Affairs of environmental crimes in Italy, the 4800 crime for illegal disposal of waste; 103 investigations into waste trafficking in Italy and with the' foreign country; 2196 people complained; 520 companies involved in the trafficking of waste, rising to 27%, environmental crimes, the 9074 seizures for environmental crimes, the 28,000 illegal houses built in 2007, 225,000 hectares of forest burned, 7.5 million tons of carbon dioxide produced by burning of trees. These data report released by ecomafie Legambiente. A mountain of waste high one and a half Vesuvius disappears into thin air every year. Environmental crimes occur around 83 days to three every hour, 30,124 in all. The offenses established by the forces of 'order in 2007 for breach of waste legislation have been over 4800, 36% are committed to traditional Mafia presence in the regions: Campania, Calabria, Puglia, Sicilia. In total violation of environmental law were 30124, 27% more than in 2006. The good news is that it also increases people reported (22,069, 9.7% more) and seizures (9074, ie +19% compared to 2006), while the turnover of the clan dell'ecomafia decreased by EUR 4 billion over 2006. In Naples, there's highly dangerous toxic waste from the industrial north with the involvement of the Camorra. Campania is the first to environmental crimes in the ranking of 'illegality made by Legambiente, followed by Calabria. In these two regions is concentrated on 30% of environmental crimes detected in Italy. But the 'ecomafia affects not only the South but also of Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont and Veneto. Just the Veneto, then, is ranked second, after Campania, in the cycle of illegal waste. Apulia holds third place. The National Anti-Mafia Directorate

indicates that the cycle of illegal waste What Our joins the Camorra, and that the Casalesi clan emerges a multifunctional business ranges from the concrete waste cycle, from 'Animal Agriculture to racketeering.
There are no free zones. It is estimated that for every euro that the eco-mafias earn, the state loses ten. To quantify
: according to surveys of the Forest Service, the region with the highest number of illegal dumping is discovered Apulia: 599. Follow the Lombardy region with 541, with 447 and Calabria. More generally: in Northern Italy 'illegal landfills are over seventeen hundred. In addition to quantity, counting the areas that deal with illegal landfills, only in the Veneto more than 5 million square feet. So numerically in Veneto illegal landfills are not many, on the other hand are all very large, and concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bMestre. In addition, these data show that the phenomenon does not know major differences between North, Central and South.
in Foggia, in particular, are illegally dumped waste in agricultural soils from North Central: often passed off as waste compost. And in the fashion the police of the Noe discovered an illegal dump by 500 thousand tonnes, some businessmen close to a river discharging hazardous waste are clicked 12 arrests.
had to expand the landfill Deliceto in Foggia, but they threw half a million tonnes of waste (ten times that of Naples) in an illegal dump on the banks of the river Cervaro that has been polluted and even diverted. Nine companies involved, one hundred suspects. The 'illegal activities would have saved all' Agecos, company run by Rocco Bonassin (39 years), one of those arrested, two and a half million Euros needed to dispose of waste legally. Environmental damage amounted to 315 million euro.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Spot On My Tongue That Is Red


What's wrong, they say, if private schools help to buy the school (as useless in the new Province of Barletta / Andria)?
much the better, no? There is no money! What have you against individuals? You are Bolsheviks, Communists, etc ... So the usual

TIPPING DAILY REALITY ' by politicians, journalists, would-be economists, opinion.



with taxes since the war we paid: public schools, universities, hospitals, research organizations, large public companies (which have been privatized to make cash, in some cases as opposed to Germany and France ), etc. ... with taxes paid in the past we have THE FUTURE!

Today we are told that NO MONEY FOR SCHOOLS, the PRINCIPAL INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE. dilapidated classrooms. Funds reduced each year. Parents need to bring toilet paper or painting classes. Cutting activities?

AND THEN PAY THE MONEY TO FINISH WHERE? We are a country with massive corruption and tax evasion. An abnormal cost of the policy and continues to grow. Benefits and pensions protected.
There are many other "costs" to cut things, theft and dishonesty by Stan.

HERE INSTEAD THE DEBATE ON PRIVATE Grants The school serves only to hide for a while 'the above problems.

So no, fool ourselves!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bejeweled Shuts Down My Pc


Gentlemen, the crisis is more serious every day! While increasing the unemployed, precarious workers, graduates have no prospects, the middle class is impoverished, it widens the gap with the rich and ever more public money are burned by corrorruzione, evasion and dishonesty.

It's enough to make one big goal for a great battle for "respect for the job, money of the taxpayers and a future for the country."

Yet the workers and the workers voted league or PDL.

want a TIP, you broaden the support of workers in this good fight?
Well, focus on work, on the above topics! It's enough.

Do a cauldron, not watered down these important claims with the usual slogan: NO The wars, the defense of Gay, the defending ROM, etc ...

I'm not saying that they are not important issues, but distract from the main theme. In some environments do not enjoy consensus and give the impression to many that you deal with the other! If he did, but in other contexts and in other battles. If

to defend the workers must first "get out of NATO", "Closing the Military aeronautical" or "Getting Gay Marriage" ... then we are cool!

In the past, Prodi has been dropped for reasons of Kosovo, paving the way for later years of Berlusconi! Some people think that so we have made the interests of workers? No, he did give to the workers!

We are interested in the social? Then LEGALITY '! There is nothing more antisocial stolen money to the public that could be used for schools and hospitals!

PS: Who cares ... when comedians give lessons in politics ...!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Which Folder Are Digital Comics In On Psp

Economy & Development: every time someone speaks clear, the central issue, bluntly!

I fully everything said in this intevista Professor Vaciago. It should be heard!

Centered in the heart of Italy's problems and well describes the causes of our decline, while the journalist who interviewed him (in good Fabi) seems to struggle to understand dance often pulling in the usual platitudes that parrot for years.

Look good which accept and understand our decline is not to say sorry for him! contrary. Making a correct diagnosis and 'the first step to hope in healing, in a recovery.

Without a correct diagnosis (which alas' is missing in most of the commentators, economists, etc. ..) we hope!

should instead be wary of the many that sweeten the pill, Confindustria and the government deny that the decline ("go better than others" ... response of the ritual, while we are still lagging behind).

wary of many ceilings (which are not only the Leninist ... but alas the various Tremonti, Oscar Giannino and many others ...). In short, all those magical recipes that can offer us solve our problems, namely those that: the solution and 'The Federalist, Privatization, PUBLIC PRIVATE against, the flat tax 30%, constitutional reforms, the liberator, socialism, and all the various isms ...

If we look at the models that work (see Germany), we realize improntanti are a lot more 'healthy PRAGMATISM . To make things work are more 'than anything else ENGINEERING', GOOD MANAGEMENT AND RESPECT FOR WHAT TOWN . no magic recipe or revolutionary reforms.

For planning for the country you intend to choose the model of development, sectors and strategic investments, the use of fiscal incentives to encourage investment and maybe work at the expense of income and consumption.

all made possible by transparency, controls and serious penalties ( sound management and compliance )!

All things that we are missing and take care not to copy!
We prefer to chase the "magic recipe" fashionable at the time that will solve all our problems. For the Police they are an easy way to gather support and many commentators / economists / journalists covering this game, alas, instead of properly forming the voters and help them distinguish the bullshit from serious proposals. As

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Portable Color T.v Prices In Hyderabad

Berlusconi: Next week the name of the Minister for Development!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bollywood Actress Boobs

August 2010: Bersani launches startegia of "Porta a Porta."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Free Clubnintendo Points

Germany locomotive in Europe. Italy up the rear!

It 's always so! Why?
and devil, always bringing up the rear then?

a response can 'be sought in the comparison of a speech of Chancellor Angela Merkel (midway through the first video 3:25) and a man of small stature of who govern us (the second video speech in Bonn Germany, alas, the "Super Premier" as he says)! Notice any difference?

noticed the difference, eh? By subject, level, future vision, preparation, seriously.
Who takes care of the nation and the future and those of his business?

Here in Italy and the opening (or closure) of a factory does not even notice (deliberately?) And our politicians attend other events far more 'frivolous and mundane.

Sure there are many reasons and the decline of Italy did not begin with Berlusconi. E 'but' worse.
Done is that policies that Merkel introduced in recent years the Germans have created 750,000 new jobs fancedo also research, industry, design and export.
In our development strategy which the Government has in mind? Does anyone know? Apart from the various Lodi Alfano, attacks on the judiciary, wiretapping, immigration and hunting a bit of redundancy payments for the unemployed to keep quiet? NO.

startegia the lack of our traditional were also other problems: corruption, underworld, mafia, bad politics, which certainly does not allow us to develop as Germany. But even these things with Berlusconi, the situation has improved, indeed!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What The Best Program To Make Stick Fights In

masters of journalism: Victor Felts. All = All Innocent Guilty! The Labour Market

It 'pretty clear that Felt attacks to target those who agree with him and his boss!

But the thing I find ridiculous, and 'the fact that he tries to defend his head from a charge (eg the very shameful to give the impression to appoint ministers to spare processes, see Brancher) trying to prove that the 'accuser misbehaves. And he writes clearly.

And even if it was that shit about defense and '?
All = all innocent guilty? But where?

Actually ' it works very well in Italy and by the way this technique 'most effective in changing the subject.
Cosi 'everybody talks about for weeks atro.

In practice, for example, if Tizio Caio accusation in detail to be pedophiles and they can 'meet accusing him of double parking (or at least to be a pedophile too). According to Felt that is enough to leave around the Pedophile, and maybe even the parking undisciplined (not both be punished)!

In short, more 'to refute the accusation on the merits, tends only to show that those who accuse "lacks the dignity' morale to do to close the matter, sending contenpo avveritimento to a mafia-like "an eye that the speaker dies!")

We know that every country has the Masters that you deserve!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Employment Anniversaries

Qualified ITALY: Coma! The Sole24Ore/Confindustria no longer 'pretend!

years we have repeated false SLOGAN:
  • "In Italy there are fewer graduates than in other countries."
  • "We need high-profile graduates and preparation."
  • "the uni 'does not prepare the figures that serve the industry."
  • "Today, we compete on knowledge."

Reality 'and instead' that our industry small, backward and underdeveloped, no research, no investment, rarely planning and entire categories of professionals who still our Univerisita 'form is intended only for export or for now if you do not under-unemployment. Prepare

"shapes that serve our industry" would mean often close entire School '. Physics for example. But even many engineering departments: such as "electronic", "telecommunications". Where do they work? Until a few years ago ended sadly in the call center, but even these are now moving abroad.

with us in many areas there is no 'more' industry. Those few that remain are closing slowly and example, and 'as for engineers with experience in the design Fourth generation of cellular networks (LTE, etc ...) and the only prospect in Italy 'to open in Bar or newsstand.

A country where this happens, and 'a country deeply sick!

often "shapes that serve our industry" are figures for which are in fact largely underutilized and is offered a salary of slightly more than the worker (1500Euro maybe). Given the depressed market, we want young people (otherwise maybe gudagnano already 'too) and with specific experience in that field (you are not certain to lose maybe two months to update people with higher skills, but from other sectors).

I am writing these things 15 years (with my real name) and sometimes I even publish them. But the slogans were prevailing over those Confindustria and of course has always denied this apparent decline (except maybe in parentheses illuminated di Montezemolo).

Today I see that the site of Sole24Ore does not even 'pretend. In fact if you go up and you click the link Job24 Search Listings you are projected on Experteer and that 'a society' German Head Hunting which lets you access only to a limited number of ads for free and instead calls constantly candidates to pay subscribe to gain access to better opportunities' and comprehensive services. This site sends you almost daily emails in which you note that there are 'opportunities' available for your profile "largely accessible only on payment, but it seems not pass your contacts (which have) with companies' interested (which makes me a little 'doubt the actual motivation of the companies: I usually pay for those looking for serious candidates).

I would say, ironically, that the body of Confindustria, abdicates, in essence, the role of interfacing "the broad contours of the high demand for dynamic, brilliant, meritocratic Italian business" with the ;-) " poor supply of the country ";-), but in practice suggests the latter audience (unexpectedly wide), to pay un'abbonamento to a German company in the hope, vain hope, but not be verified, to find a job or a better position.

Another confirmation of the "great demand for qualified personnel" are always the work of the organ of Confindustria. To date (August 16, 2010) Job24 of the page you will find a space for Offers of the Week . Make no mistake, there are no offers updated weekly, but apparently refers to a Week special, " perhaps that of April 21, 2009, date of the offer more 'recently that there is ;-).

E 'a step forward, at least we do not do more' fake. I hope soon will also change the title and content of articles about it, let us face reality 'and urging young people not graduating more' in, for example in Electronics or Telecommunications Engineering.

And maybe you will return 'one day to talk about industrial policy.

PS: But we see instead of what are great (they) these Germans? They can also earn from our unemployed, our trash (see the history of Naples) and even to sell the mozzarella. In all honesty, 'I take my hat!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Make A Small Chili Roaster

Berlusconi, Fini ... How to make sense of it despite the editorials of the Courier!

The Berlusconi-Fini case I would try to summarize some facts and put some stop.
Contrary to what some time ago, for example, the Corriere della Sera daily that can no longer publish an editorial in which they are called things by their name and prefers instead to raise harmful smoke screens (ah.. I stopped to buy Courier after years of loyal reading).

Let's be simple and we are the facts.

  1. The question of legality is not it? YES. corruption and dishonesty is a serious cancer and should be our number one priority. The statistics say, the Court of Auditors, the processes and interceptions.
  2. What does the PDL / Government against corruption and malfeasance? NOTHING! Indeed in recent years decreased hearing (brief requirements, falsification of accounts, etc. ...). When they speak of legality or Zero Tolerance refer mostly to non-EU or burglary. Not for white collar workers. Corruption for the government is not a priority and perhaps even considered physiologic or a lever of power and its business. Rather it is the "privacy" in line with the indications of Ostellino & C.
  3. E 'credible Fini raise the issue? NO. Today says the right, but in recent years has voted several laws "criminogenic". Now Felt & C. will do everything to prove that Fini is too corrupt and "can not 'give lessons." This is to to perform the Chief and his Parito (now in Italy there is incredibly fulfilling proving that the other steals), but in fact prove just how much corruption is very serious!
  4. E 'Fini the leading cause of weakness of the government? NO MORE! Have we forgotten that in two months Two ministers have resigned and several Secretaries of State? This does not count for anything? Does anyone know why Brancher has been appointed Minister (NDR: by Berlusconi)? Let's look at the facts: a man was appointed minister does not know what in a hurry, two days after seeking legal impediment (denied by Napolitano at the end) and then is sentenced (1st grade). As good idea that journalists have become the lords of the Courier? You have to be right to think of overt antiberlusconismo maybe you appoint ministers to avoid conviction? In which country this would be acceptable and not responsible to account to the (NDR: Berlusconi Brancher not)? And then the whole focus of Government action on intecettazioni and other controversial bills (mind Obama's visit with the Chrysler Merkel said Marchionne and strategies on industrial sources) may not weaken the government?
  5. Fini was to be loyal and defend his party colleagues under investigation? NO, this is a concept Conspiracy! not just parties, companies or other organizations. In most companies, for example, those under investigation is suspended at least conservatively. The presumption of innocence and 'account, another is the duty of "solidarity in advance" and stand against the judges crying in the plot, just because you are part of the same organization. Does not exist, unless it is "criminal."

But if a columnist for the Courier would respond to any of my questions I would be grateful.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Puss Blood Coming From Cats Ear

Philadelphia: Award SRHO "Sbarro Health Research Organization Lifetime Achievement Award" to the medical luminary of Naples Giulio Tarro

PHILADELPHIA - From the United States comes the news of the award SHRO. "Sbarro Health Research Organization Lifetime Achievement Award" in Philadelphia, the bright Neapolitan professor of medicine. Giulio Tarro "for outstanding contribution in the fields of medicine and biomedical research." The researcher
virologist, primary-emeritus of the 'Hospital' D. Cotugno ", (NA) Chairman of the Commission on Biotechnology Virosfera, WABT - UNESCO, Paris, Adjunct Professor College of Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia and president of the Foundation Teresa and Luigi de Beaumont Bonelli for Research on Cancer- by year commitment to eradicate the evil of the century, which has significant research: the responsibilities of the virus in causing cancer, herpes virus and cancer in humans; immunogenic properties of a complex antigenic material extracted from cancer, AIDS, laboratory tests applied to certain categories subjects and relationship with hepatitis virus, the discovery of the TLP (Libearated Tumor Protein) and its potential for diagnosis and treatment.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rebecca Lord Wesley Pipe

'markets: short chain, PRICE ALONG?

We make a short chain. GIVE MORE "WHO MAKES MONEY! Good. That 's always been a slogan that I like. I agree!

then I go to the various markets of producers (KM0, etc. ..) and what I? find prices often much more 'THAT THE HIGH SUPERMEC.

Then no! I do not understand!
"It is a 'other qualities'," they say, "compared to fruit that is at the supermarket!"

Well, but 'at the same time taught us that if a zucchini at the supermarket costs 100 , producers should be' only 10. And this, we agree, not good! It 's a shame. We must pay more "producer" than those who "sells".

So okay, I give the producer of the zucchini that's not the 10 from the supermarket, but 50. five times more '! At most maybe 70-80 !

But if you ask me 150 or 200, then no. This becomes too much! So 'I'm going back to the supermarket (at least do' something to eat all the families in the process and not just one).

possible that shorten the chain LONGER THEN THE PRICE??

Monday, May 24, 2010

Extreme Curves Galery

STATEMENT "artificial cell" influence

The extraordinary discovery of these days, announced by Craig Venter, there is no attack on the sanctity of life, but it represents a big step forward from the technological point of view, although conceptually it is not so distant than that from the 80's have and continue to do all researchers.
The artificial DNA was added to a mycoplasma could be the key to bringing
's right to correct information such as a genetic defect. Create artificial organisms to produce alternative energy and clean up the 'environmental objectives are still science fiction, but what you can have real implications in medicine?
Definitely a 'significant breakthrough in gene therapy, but diseases like cancer or transplants themselves are still too complex to benefit from this discovery. The way to achieve a personalized medicine is still arduous and long.

Giulio Tarro

Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Nasal Spray Burn

ancòra banks?

mma "in memory of Beatrice Pope here, waiting for him Minister Scajola, sisters Pope, the notary Gianluca Napoleone and" some officials of the bank. "And at least one, Beatrice Pope, remember the name: L. .. T. .., director of front office of Deutsche Bank, the institution where Zampolini had failed to return for 900 000 € in cash allowances ...... In the office of the minister was also an officer of Deutsche Bank ....... -3775402 /

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Calculate Dish End Surface Area

The alternatives of PD after the 2010 regional elections .... what? Auto

What 'emerged from these elections:
  • the center-right keeps his consent. To limit the votes to move from PDL League, but do not go anywhere else. Apart from the guest room, you might comment that this part of the electorate and not 'at all sensitive to the issue of corruption, the double / triple posts, an appointed parliament, nepotism, attacks on the judiciary, etc ... ( Rome and 'thieving, but if the league does the same way, then okay ).
  • The PD (perhaps slight recovery on the policies), he loses votes in favor of the Five-Star List of cricket and to a lesser extent to Di Pietro, which remains stable. These new fishing agreement lists only nell'elettorato center-left.
  • Vendola wins in Apulia against the nomenclature of the Democratic Party who tried to get him out in favor of an agreement with the UDC. Vince with a recognizable political (which someone mistakenly classified as "extreme").
  • mobile
  • The electorate remains very limited in Italy. Ex Center Right voters in any case (even if it means going against their own interests) would not vote ever Centre Left.
  • In these conditions, the PD and 'destined to lose. So much more 'that has no recognizable political.

What are the alternatives for the PD?

  1. Trying to chase some small percentage of voters in the center, mimicking as much as possible and PDL League in the north, follow the UDC (Cuffaro, etc. ...), wink thus exposing the Vatican 'to constant misunderstandings and contradictions (see Binetti).
  2. Darsi a more 'recognizable, perhaps even marrying some of the themes of Grillo. Fighting corruption, reducing the costs of policy, investment, jobs, industrial strategy, energy strategy. To do this, but 'should truly renew most of his paintings and his heads.

The newness 'of these elections,' and between IDV and Lists 5 Stars Cricket, there is a country in the percentage of voters around the 10-15% that put Legality 'and Transparency in the first place and ask for a significant renewal of the political class. Unfortunately, this request are waterproof current center-right voters.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Que Es Candida Albican Cleanse

Point Press Archive A bag, a market or a casino?
When the economy is a bet of Francis Chyurlia
"Options, futures or swaps: les jeux sont fait. Rien ne va plus ". The world economy seems to have become a casino and those who should be the right investment advice to investors often disguise themselves from the dealer.

Senate rules by the Treasury immediately remand in Milan four banks and
13 people charged with aggravated fraud for each of the derivatives of the City Milan. According to the charges involve the operation Deutsche Bank, UBS, JP Morgan and Depfa Bank . These institutions would have gained illegally about 100 million euro. The process will begin next May 6. For the President of the Senate Finance Committee, Baldassarri, would a regulation to govern the Treasury, with the appropriate posts, derivative transactions of local authorities, not "demonize derivatives."

Consumers: Bankitalia what it does?
For consumer groups, the battle against risky investments started several years ago. Before it became public with scandals that involve banks and many local authorities.
For Adusbef "derivatives are a major risk for investors. It 's a loose cannon for the world's economies and supervisors must intervene." For the Bank of Italy Adusbef also oversaw a little about who brought the toxic assets.

Comment author of the blog:

(NDA), but who controls Bank of Italy? ' Italy:
The distribution of the shares remained virtually unchanged since 1948, and the only changes were due to acquisitions and bank mergers occurred in the meantime. On January 31, 2008 the list of major participants, listed on the site, is as follows:

(Comment of the blog): If the watchdog
eat up their dinner served
from mice of the village, they can not easily

barking when they gnaw the cheese.

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Italian UniCredito SpA
Assicurazioni Generali SpA
Bank Savings in Bologna SpA
Bank Carige SpA
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA
2.8% 21

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA
Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Vercelli SpA
Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza
SpA 2.0%
By Presidential Decree of 12 December 2006, published in the Official Gazette No. 291, Dec. 15, is changed to Article 3 of the Statute of the Institute, which stated: "In every case must be ensured the permanence of the majority shareholding in the Bank by public bodies or companies whose majority of shares voting rights is owned by public entities. " [6] . The decree signed by Prime Minister Romano Prodi , the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa Schioppa .
This change is no longer the latest standard which included the Bank of Italy in the state, although it was never enforced by any government.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Does That Affect Things

Blue: A lot, Expensive, strange. And 'The image of a political class that is worth less and less respect!

Years ago my cousin on a visit to our house witnessed the arrival of our family physician in home visit and came with his utilitarian a Fiat 600 (the economic model is still for sale). What he did not like. " For a doctor," he said, "is not respectable." In short, should turn a more prestigious car, which incutesse due respect. "What has to tell the people?"

But this doctor was highly respected by us. He did his work conscientiously, he was human, available, come to your home, there is for emergencies after hours and in holidays.

Now, look at our political class . You see, run for years with these big cars Germans (in Italian industry scarring), pompous, arrogant, convinced that they have law. Li claim (up to make calls for tenders to purchase one-way).

probably consider it in their ignorance and partly due to the same inalienable externalization of their prestige. Do not know about you, but I guess a lot of me in a fit of stupidity, perhaps consider using an offensive breath, a Lancia Alfa oo. What do you say?


If we consider that in Italy it seems that the blue car have to be nearly 650 thousand (a record number), they find they are 10 times more 'than in all of the USA (nation far more' large and populous). It is confirmed the decline in which we are with this political class!

course should be considered both private vehicles and those in leasing, operating lease and long term, to the State, Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Municipality, ASL, and mountain communities, public authorities, non-economic public companies mixed public-private joint-stock company and total public participation. Despite the 1991 law that restricts the use of the blue car only Ministers, Secretaries and Directors General with some cuts and real measures were never carried out.

When it comes to reducing the costs of politics, or even salaries, reimbursements, car blue parliamentary and political regional, provincial, etc. .. the classic objection is that this is any , that these figures are in total at the end modest when compared to government debt (and would not be enough to cover). What nonsense!

These figures will be even smaller than the Public Debt, but I am absolutely sisgnificative in relation to funds for research, for investment to create new jobs, for the improvement of public schools, etc ...

So few stories! Halve these costs and use the money for our future and not for the amusement of this indecent political class!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fix It Up Kates Adventure Reg

"The policy does not address the problems of the country." And the journalists? Help!

A question for the media and journalists:

Imagine you have the following information (some fictional), which should be in the first page, which you dedicate a bell 'deepening in installments and which to discard, or relegated to a blurb?

Here they are:

  1. Friday, March 5, 2010, show in Milan employees Italtel, Nokia Siemens, Alcatel. denounce the permanent closure of all research in Telecommunications in Italy, involving a few thousand workers highly specialized. An entire industry is likely to disappear permanently from the country. Video
  2. Crown accused of any fraud.
  3. Calderoli wearing jersey against Islam and shoots great.
  4. An act of violence (perhaps with Quach gruesome detail like "dragged for yards in a pool of blood ...").
  5. Survey: "Only one Italian out of four known to change a tire."
  6. The umpteenth declaration Brunetta.
  7. A ruling on the crucifix in public places.

I fear the answer is predictable, we know our newspapers and our media. I would be 'curious to understand their motivations!

fact to confirm this today (Saturday, February 6, 2010) have verified that both the Corriere (Milan 72-page newspaper, which should have an eye on the economy) and on the Sole 24 Ore (business newspaper for eccelleza) the news number 1 (one of Italtel, NSN, Alcatel) has not only found space for a discussion, not even a mention or a paragraph. And still really a paragraph would suffice?

This is now a truth universally recognized: "The policy does not address the problems of the country," but rather of his business. The newspapers also reported frequently.

And the journalists and the media instead?

're in the game. help! It follows the agenda! Rarely strongly suggest other topics. Sometimes ignore them altogether (either by design or blatant incompetence).

And if Italy is seriously ill, the disease is aggravated every day by lack of or incorrect diagnosis!

Gentlemen, we have no hope!

No serious illness care "taking care of another," or pretending nothing wrong diagnosis!

PS: A prayer: do not tell me that these things are "known". Not true, people do not know. There are other things much more obvious and well known but continue to fill pages in the newspapers. wants at least someone please advise our students to study more, not in telecommunication engineering? At least if they hope to work in Italy.

PS1: But are we really sure that Brunetta on the front page would sell more?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

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Galli Della Loggia & C. .. The editors of the Courier: The emergency continues.

After the incredible editorial I commented in my previous post, today Galli Della Loggia back on the argument (it is clear that they told him all colors). Here

Meanwhile they wrote Massimo Franco and Sergio Romano. The first game he was right to Berlusconi on corruption, the second confirmed today that the Government may Corriere 'be criticized only softly, and with all due caution, perhaps in the form of "suggestions". Tips often surreal (as the character). This time

Galli Della Loggia responds to the barrage of criticism that have turned many "hypocrites Italian" with a thought a bit 'more elaborate final time you can 'be summarized as follows:

  • The Italians are a people corrupted (not just politicians or the government).

  • If governments in recent years (all) did not fight against corruption seriously and effectively and escape is because with such a policy consensus and lost in a corrupt country, we become the minority.

Bravo. It 's right. Put simply: "In the Land of Thieves, thieves Government." Obvious.

As I said, thinking a bit 'more elaborate, but still nothing new (for the fight against tax evasion and Visco Prodi has been made out). And this time, check out

to propose something. proposes commenced drawing tell us loudly and continuously that we are all corrupt. Hmm, that's all?

And then? We are still a small step? When we have covinti that it is not just the fault of the Government, We also want to say that the fight against corruption must also be a priority (otherwise inevitable decline)? We also want to begin to distinguish the virtuous behavior and actions from those "pro-corruption"? We want to do just loud?

I will always say and very difficult times (but only a pathetic blog I write). What about them? They can write to the Corriere della Sera? They've only now realized? Where were

When you delete the tracking of payments or the accounting fraud (corruption flourishes where there are no funds blacks)? Where were they when one reduces the requirements of financial crimes (or include them nell'indulto)? Where were you when you voted amnesties and tax shields?

see, my dear Galli della Loggia, will also be true that the majority is corrupt and vote accordingly. But it is also true that there are many honest Italians (by virtue or by force), they pay all taxes and steal a penny. Many of these, however, 'struggle to distinguish the virtuous policies and perceive the seriousness of the corruption that surrounds them. To understand, are those who have been persuaded to vote for who takes the inheritance tax (only in the West) does not possess a fortune.

And this is YOUR GREAT RESPONSIBILITY 'TO YOU journalists writing in newspapers or COMMENT ON TELEVISION.

But I want to be hopelessly optimistic ... who knows the good from today Galli Della Loggia, as proposed, would not begin to "cry aloud against corruption whenever it sees the track, in a timely, effective not by generic names.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Minulet And Depression

Ostellino, Galli Della Loggia ... the editors of Corriere: the other emergency in the country!

I refer to previous post: "Corruption: The True Emergency" ...

In this issue the editors of Corriere Della Sera confirm all their efforts in trying absurd rhetorical devices, convoluted absurd theories to avoid some obvious mistakes to criticize the current government and the political class.

hard work! Here's an example.

Today February 17, 2010 I had to listen to Radio Ostellino tell us that the claim by the honesty of a politician is all-Italian eform. not even comment (resigned to things that we feel trifles in the U.S. or UK evidence to the contrary in my opinion).

Galli Della Loggia but with an incredible editorial informs us that corruption is widespread in Italy and deep and does not only politics, but our audience as our private.
( )
All this to come to the conclusion (his intention) that does not just change the Government to defeat it. For the rest does not propose anything!

Bravo, nice discovery. A Genius! Dear

Galli Della Loggia, we know already! The Italians know it!

And what do you propose?

of any future and give only final DEVELOPING (that corruption undermines)? Or
to specialize in "things of corruption" and export in the world, ensuring new development work for our children?

Since she is not proposing anything, I'll try!

1) Let us first choose who (a few of the Police) shows that corruption as an emergency in the country! The disease care from a correct diagnosis!

2) tells us that those who do not vote the way "and 'minor" reduces the requirement, eliminates intecettazioni, etc.. Someone knows? It needs examples? ( )

3) Do not vote for those pushing for discretion (as is fashionable for some time), but let's get back to competitions . We encourage you to be there controls (and penalties).

might not be 'the solution, but offer something or the other makes the difference!

difference that Mr. Galli Della Loggia strangely hard to see. Strangely ...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie

Corruption, the real emergency!

We found that the Civil Protection is used on many occasions that are not emergencies. Sad.

Want to know what the real emergency instead?


I believe that as long as our government will not admit that corruption is a real emergency and will not put the fight against corruption and malfeasance ahead of all the priorities, we do not have a future.

short, a corrupt countries is a FREE COUNTRY DO NOT!
It 's a country where the rules do not apply.
E 'goes on a country where the company is not healthy, less competitive, winning races with the product worse.
It 's a country where even foreign pharmaceutical patents are sold at three times (at that point you need to do research in Italy?).
It is a country where merit and preparation do not emerge, efforts are castrated.

A corrupt countries and 'a country of 1 km of highway or Subway or optical fiber is 5 times that elsewhere. How can we develop?

If we extend the concept of corruption include the bad and administrative staff, administrative abuse, to the clienteles and wastage, we realize how much money is diverted from potential investments virtuous (for which every year is always less).
The Corruption undermines any serious chance of growth.

is not a matter for the pure of heart, a matter of ethics or aesthetics. E 'and above all a matter ECOMOMICA.

So the fight against corruption (and the certainty of the law) should be given highest priority as' also, and especially those who plays the role of economist and economic journalist.

But a corrupt country 'where the journalists do not emerge for capacity and we are surrounded by bad teachers, those who have filled his head with false theories, which deny us the future.