What do they talk in Italy and our news media (and as a result of which people talk about and what topics will guide the vote)? It
from an idea that you can find a search Observatory of Pavia (below the time spent by the Italian media to various topics).
On television, therefore, the crime and 'by far predominant in Italy and in general Crime and politics are the lion's share.
will be the same abroad? We see a comparison between the TG of the first networks:

The comparison with Germany and pitiless! The TG of the ARD themes' covered:
- ECONOMY (11.3%)
NOTE: crime news and the 13th place (1.8%), even after news of costume.
In Italy on TG1:
- COSTUME (12.8%)
- crime (10.8%)
NOTE: the economy is only a 5th place (6.1% ex-aequo with the sport), while the FOREIGN POLICY is preceded by 10 other subjects (the remains only 3.4%).
Question: you wonder that Germany is the country with the economy more 'solid growth in Europe and worldwide (more than one car in Shanghai on 3 and' German), while Italy and ' the second lowest in the world for growth in the Ulimate 10 years (before only Haiti), and continues to lose ground and 'increasingly provincial and device in the world?
Note that here the problem is not only the TG1 (though much worse), but all of our media for which "a fine in the Crown" is more newsworthy than a factory with 1000 employees that close ( or open). Then in the internal politics that we rarely question the merit of the measures, but rather a chronicle of the daily bickering. The discussion focuses on the daily dichiarificio (where the amount Gasparri seems to drive the rankings), but that absolutely does not deserve so much space (wasted).
Here we add up all the space devoted to the various cases of crime (see Cogne, Avetrana, etc ...). What the heck is informed in real time of the "feelings" of how investigations evolve (today it seems that the culprit is the uncle, then his cousin, the daughter yesterday, maybe not the grandmother)? Details of the murder (with a plastic case)? The interviews with passers-by? Cititofoni shots to the victims (see the case all c'han an intercom system, there is a relationship ...?). To note, I change the channel, these things I appallano tremendously, but then I was angry when I hear people say around "that time ... a time these things did not happen." Eh, no. These things happened and how, but details have remained the same over the sconociuti Avetrana ( Police officers outside the court, etc. ..) and let alone nationally .
Returning to the theme, in short:
If the media dealing with others, if they lead people to become interested in other things, they do not seek information also does not read press of Economics and recipes for growth the people will direct their vote to another, and the policies of the governments will deal with the other!
Obviously many of the commentators of today (those Paraculo that those are all the rage, in short) will be objected that the TG TG is a German by bigots, that the TV does not have to educate the public to choose ... etc. .. In short we better the Germans! The numbers say otherwise, but '!
PS: A plea to any party that understands: you try to change the agenda, to propose other themes and consistently. I would never want another campaign voter on abortion, euthanasia, the Communists, the judges .... please!
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