Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are In Tank Toilet Bowl Cleaner Bad

The National Health System public still exist?

During 2009, total pharmaceutical spending, public and private, through contracted pharmacies Veneto Region was € 1,406 million (as at retail price), 70.0% of them for drugs group A, 17.2% for class C drugs, prescription, 9.3 % for the-counter drugs and 3.5% for other drugs. Spending on drugs of group A was € 985 million, of which 92.9% NHS and the remaining 7.1% as private purchase. The gross expenditure for drugs of group A SSN (915 million €), the net expenditure accounts for 84, 5%, the contribution of the city was 9.3% (6.2% and 3.1% as a fixed amount as difference from the reference price for generic drugs) and the rebate paid by pharmacies or 6.2%. Overall, total expenditure on pharmaceuticals through the pharmacies affiliated Region of Veneto (1,406 million €), the Regional Health Service is in charge of 773 million € (55%) and citizens of € 577 million (41%). The remaining € 56 million representing the discount applied by pharmacies (4%).
Compared to 2008 the total pharmaceutical expenditure increased by 1, 9% between its components, increases the gross expenditure for drugs to end NHS (+2.9%) and class C drugs with prescription (+3.0%) (+2, 2%), while decreases in an important way the private purchase of drugs of group A (-12.0%). Local Health Units in which the only increases the private purchase of drugs of group A are Thiene and Pieve di Soligo.
The official document from which they were derived data is the report drawn up by ULSS 20 on behalf of the Veneto Region in accordance with the requirements of general practitioners.

A range of medications are the class of drugs considered "Essential." Reading these figures released by the Veneto Region and other data published by ISTAT, has strengthened my conviction that we are probably far when I say (along with many others) that the NHS and universal solidarity that we have known and defended has been dismantled and now close to death. Fact:
1. over 40% of pharmaceutical expenditure is supported by the citizens Veneto, in practice, each 10 € spent on drugs in Veneto 4 come directly from the pockets of citizens. What is this but put your hands in the pockets of the Venetians?
2. From year to year, private spending for drugs to end ("essentials") decreased by 12%, with only two exceptions Thiene and Pieve di Soligo. Mica
not enter it a crisis that forces families to reduce spending for essential drugs? It follows that, even in Veneto, who is better able to continue to pay for essential drugs that ULSS not spend more.
's probably not a coincidence that the two Health Units in which private spending for drugs has not diminished, are also, historically, among those considered most virtuous, at least from a purely economistic point of view, because they are among those who spend less for deliver the drugs to their citizens.


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