But this doctor was highly respected by us. He did his work conscientiously, he was human, available, come to your home, there is for emergencies after hours and in holidays.
Now, look at our political class . You see, run for years with these big cars Germans (in Italian industry scarring), pompous, arrogant, convinced that they have law. Li claim (up to make calls for tenders to purchase one-way).
probably consider it in their ignorance and partly due to the same inalienable externalization of their prestige. Do not know about you, but I guess a lot of me in a fit of stupidity, perhaps consider using an offensive breath, a Lancia Alfa oo. What do you say?
If we consider that in Italy it seems that the blue car have to be nearly 650 thousand (a record number), they find they are 10 times more 'than in all of the USA (nation far more' large and populous). It is confirmed the decline in which we are with this political class!
course should be considered both private vehicles and those in leasing, operating lease and long term, to the State, Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Municipality, ASL, and mountain communities, public authorities, non-economic public companies mixed public-private joint-stock company and total public participation. Despite the 1991 law that restricts the use of the blue car only Ministers, Secretaries and Directors General with some cuts and real measures were never carried out. http://notizie.libero.it/primopiano/boom-auto-blu.phtml
When it comes to reducing the costs of politics, or even salaries, reimbursements, car blue parliamentary and political regional, provincial, etc. .. the classic objection is that this is any , that these figures are in total at the end modest when compared to government debt (and would not be enough to cover). What nonsense!
These figures will be even smaller than the Public Debt, but I am absolutely sisgnificative in relation to funds for research, for investment to create new jobs, for the improvement of public schools, etc ...
So few stories! Halve these costs and use the money for our future and not for the amusement of this indecent political class!
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