Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Calculate Dish End Surface Area

The alternatives of PD after the 2010 regional elections .... what? Auto

What 'emerged from these elections:
  • the center-right keeps his consent. To limit the votes to move from PDL League, but do not go anywhere else. Apart from the guest room, you might comment that this part of the electorate and not 'at all sensitive to the issue of corruption, the double / triple posts, an appointed parliament, nepotism, attacks on the judiciary, etc ... ( Rome and 'thieving, but if the league does the same way, then okay ).
  • The PD (perhaps slight recovery on the policies), he loses votes in favor of the Five-Star List of cricket and to a lesser extent to Di Pietro, which remains stable. These new fishing agreement lists only nell'elettorato center-left.
  • Vendola wins in Apulia against the nomenclature of the Democratic Party who tried to get him out in favor of an agreement with the UDC. Vince with a recognizable political (which someone mistakenly classified as "extreme").
  • mobile
  • The electorate remains very limited in Italy. Ex Center Right voters in any case (even if it means going against their own interests) would not vote ever Centre Left.
  • In these conditions, the PD and 'destined to lose. So much more 'that has no recognizable political.

What are the alternatives for the PD?

  1. Trying to chase some small percentage of voters in the center, mimicking as much as possible and PDL League in the north, follow the UDC (Cuffaro, etc. ...), wink thus exposing the Vatican 'to constant misunderstandings and contradictions (see Binetti).
  2. Darsi a more 'recognizable, perhaps even marrying some of the themes of Grillo. Fighting corruption, reducing the costs of policy, investment, jobs, industrial strategy, energy strategy. To do this, but 'should truly renew most of his paintings and his heads. http://teleraccontano.blogspot.com/2010/01/una-domanda-chi-sa-dirmi-il-programma.html

The newness 'of these elections,' and between IDV and Lists 5 Stars Cricket, there is a country in the percentage of voters around the 10-15% that put Legality 'and Transparency in the first place and ask for a significant renewal of the political class. Unfortunately, this request are waterproof current center-right voters.


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