Monday, February 15, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie

Corruption, the real emergency!

We found that the Civil Protection is used on many occasions that are not emergencies. Sad.

Want to know what the real emergency instead?


I believe that as long as our government will not admit that corruption is a real emergency and will not put the fight against corruption and malfeasance ahead of all the priorities, we do not have a future.

short, a corrupt countries is a FREE COUNTRY DO NOT!
It 's a country where the rules do not apply.
E 'goes on a country where the company is not healthy, less competitive, winning races with the product worse.
It 's a country where even foreign pharmaceutical patents are sold at three times (at that point you need to do research in Italy?).
It is a country where merit and preparation do not emerge, efforts are castrated.

A corrupt countries and 'a country of 1 km of highway or Subway or optical fiber is 5 times that elsewhere. How can we develop?

If we extend the concept of corruption include the bad and administrative staff, administrative abuse, to the clienteles and wastage, we realize how much money is diverted from potential investments virtuous (for which every year is always less).
The Corruption undermines any serious chance of growth.

is not a matter for the pure of heart, a matter of ethics or aesthetics. E 'and above all a matter ECOMOMICA.

So the fight against corruption (and the certainty of the law) should be given highest priority as' also, and especially those who plays the role of economist and economic journalist.

But a corrupt country 'where the journalists do not emerge for capacity and we are surrounded by bad teachers, those who have filled his head with false theories, which deny us the future.


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