Alarm rivers used as landfills, only 4 out 30 are in good health
Note that two of the first four are in Calabria, demonstrating that there is good in my native land
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Bowel Blockage Castor Oil
How many of you consider "natural" to be fed in this way?
Many believe that to be fed by PEG, which is the English abbreviation for the type of intervention described in video that percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, is a natural thing.
Qaalora didst shed in terms of unconscious and there were no hopes of recovery in relation to your life and you could not feed yourself by mouth, would you accept to let you "feed" in this way for the rest of the time you left?
Many believe that to be fed by PEG, which is the English abbreviation for the type of intervention described in video that percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, is a natural thing.
Qaalora didst shed in terms of unconscious and there were no hopes of recovery in relation to your life and you could not feed yourself by mouth, would you accept to let you "feed" in this way for the rest of the time you left?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Difference Between Cubefield
The Beginning of the line guide
Introduzione al libro "Bidāyah al-Hidāyah" [L'Inizio della retta Guida] di Shaykh Abu Hāmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazālī (Translated by G. Celentano):
"You care that you are targeting the acquisition of Science, expressing a sincere desire and intense thirst for it, know that if mirerai with his study to the emulation to vainglory, to colleagues earlier on, to attract people's attention towards you and collect the vanities of this world, you operate the destruction of your religion, to the destruction of your soul, the sale of your future life in change of the earth.
So bad is your business, your business will fail and your teacher will help you in sin, he looking like a partner in the ruins one who sells his sword to a robber, as said the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ):
" Who helps another to commit a sin, even with a word, it is the socio "
However, if your intention and your purpose in studying between you and God Science is the right guide ( al-Hidayah) and not simply learning, then rejoices that the angels will spread for you their wings when you walk and the fish of the sea, begging for forgiveness when you make haste.
E 'must, however, you know, first, that the right guidance, the fruit of Science, includes a beginning and an end, the external appearance and an inner that you can not get to the end until you have completed the beginning, nor can we discover the inner aspect until you have known the outer.
I will show you the beginning of the line guide, because you can experience your soul and challenge your heart. If you find the heart and soul inclined docile and willing, you can certainly aspire to the parties and final dive in the sea of \u200b\u200bScience.
But if in your heart that you will consider it tends to postpone, delay to act in accordance with his, know that your soul, prone to the study of Science, is " passion that drives the soul to evil " (an-nafs al- ammārah bi-s-on ' ). It is put into action in obedience to Satan, the accursed, to lead them into error by the rope of his deception, luring them with his cunning gradually towards the abyss of ruin.
He aims to introduce evil under the guise of good to share with those who have sadly lost most of their works: they are the ones whose efforts in the mortality was misled when I was thinking of the perfect job [XVIII: 103-4]. Satan then you about the decanter of Science, the high degree of the learned traditions of the Prophet on this and other characters, distracting from the words of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ): "Who grows in Science and in right guidance, only increases his distance from God , "and again:" The man tormented on the Day of Resurrection will be a product which God has granted to profit from his knowledge .
I will show you the beginning of the line guide, because you can experience your soul and challenge your heart. If you find the heart and soul inclined docile and willing, you can certainly aspire to the parties and final dive in the sea of \u200b\u200bScience.
But if in your heart that you will consider it tends to postpone, delay to act in accordance with his, know that your soul, prone to the study of Science, is " passion that drives the soul to evil " (an-nafs al- ammārah bi-s-on ' ). It is put into action in obedience to Satan, the accursed, to lead them into error by the rope of his deception, luring them with his cunning gradually towards the abyss of ruin.
He aims to introduce evil under the guise of good to share with those who have sadly lost most of their works: they are the ones whose efforts in the mortality was misled when I was thinking of the perfect job [XVIII: 103-4]. Satan then you about the decanter of Science, the high degree of the learned traditions of the Prophet on this and other characters, distracting from the words of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ): "Who grows in Science and in right guidance, only increases his distance from God , "and again:" The man tormented on the Day of Resurrection will be a product which God has granted to profit from his knowledge .
He also said the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ): "Oh God ! Seek refuge with You from a science that does not help, a heart that humbles itself, a work that is not raised (to you), a prayer is not answered " and also: "During my Night Journey, having met people whose lips were cut with scissors of fire, I asked them:" Who are you? ". They said:" We command what is good and we did not, and forbids evil we did. "
See why, oh wretched, seduced by the devil so that he may drag you into error by the rope of his deception. Woe to the ignorant who have not learned even once, and woe to the learned that he did not put into practice what they have learned a thousand times!
Know, then, that men, in front of the pursuit of science are found in three conditions:
a) That of a man who sought to have her as viaticum Science until the Day of Return and is not targeted by it unless the Face of God and the tabernacle of the afterlife: he is among those who will be saved.
b) That of a man who has researched the science to serve in this transitory life and to get power, honors, riches and, conscious that, in the heart feels the squalor of his condition and the cowardice of his goal: he is among those who are in danger.
If, in fact, be surprised by death before you repent, you will have to fear for his Hour of extreme evil, and his fate remains dangerously at the mercy of the Divine Will, and if, instead, was able to repent before the completion of the falls life and added to the science works, that man, then, will the ranks of those who will be saved: , for whoever repents of sin is like one who is without fault.
If, in fact, be surprised by death before you repent, you will have to fear for his Hour of extreme evil, and his fate remains dangerously at the mercy of the Divine Will, and if, instead, was able to repent before the completion of the falls life and added to the science works, that man, then, will the ranks of those who will be saved: , for whoever repents of sin is like one who is without fault.
c) The third and final condition, then, is that man that, being enslaved by Satan, has considered the science half to multiply the wealth, boasting of its prestige, to become potent with many followers, creeping with it everywhere, hoping to get what he desires of worldly goods, and yet has a secret ; idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a position at fregiatosi God because of the sign and impressions of products in dress and speech, despite its obvious and intimate frenzy for this world: he is among those who are lost and among those who foolishly s 'illusion. There is no hope that he repents because he believes to be among those who do good, but does not take into account the words of the Most High:
" Oh ye who believe! Why do you say what you do not do? [LXI: 2]
This man belongs, indeed, to the ranks of those about which the said 'Messenger of God ( صلى الله عليه و سلم ): "Most of the Antichrist fear for you one that is not the Antichrist" , and when he was asked: "Who is this , oh Messenger of God? ", he replied:" products are bad. " This is because as the Antichrist is to mislead, so too does the product ( astray ): if the language and words distracts men from worldly things, he reminds them of them with actions and conduct, actions and language is more eloquent than words; the rest of the Human nature is more inclined to join in the works that do not follow the words.
corruption that causes this illusion with his works is greater than the good he does with the words , as the ignorant man does not venture to desire worldly things, if not the example of the learned and, thus, the science of the product becomes for the creatures in the ground for daring to disobey God his soul is ignorant presumptuous: by inducing them to have desires and hopes, God asked him to remind his knowledge and feel that it is better than many other servants of God
You're looking for (Science), therefore, be Watched the first group and from belonging to the second. How many procrastinators, in fact, having been surprised by the end of his life before he could repent, have lost! Careful, careful, and still later to be the third group, so as to perish without it we can hope for your salvation, or wait for your own good.
If you ask: "What is the beginning of the line guide, to enable it to test it with my soul? " know that its beginning is mercy outward (zahir at-taqwah ) and its end is pity inner (batin at-taqwah ) and that there is no victory except through the fear of God ( taqwah ), nor is there a straight guide if not for the pious. And the fear of God is to perform what God Almighty has commanded and avoiding what He has forbidden. "
Taken from "The Beginning of the line guide," Fabbri Editori
Sunday, January 23, 2011
How To Congratulate Someone For Marriage
signatures (im) possible against Berlusconi Bersani: the daily bicotta before you start
I strongly disagree with what is written by Flores D'Arcais on the fact yesterday. Noto forming immediately and law in the list of benaltristi. I'm sick of intellectuals like him who have probably never set foot in a circle of the a priori PD of people who will retain the right to criticize any action of the Democratic Party because it has the power to have a pen and some paper that host. Maybe there are not ten million signatures, but instead of supporting the initiative, after all five or ten million signatures, what's the difference, here he is the director Padellaro waste no time even to denigrate and mock before the initiative begins. Move your ass from the comfortable chair on which is tacked on and started collecting signatures Ste.
After all its initiatives and many other critics who have not brought much in the last two decades. So if it is true that many leaders of the PD is time to retire, the same should apply to many people like him who, when speaking of PD, often open their mouths just to give breath to the teeth
After all its initiatives and many other critics who have not brought much in the last two decades. So if it is true that many leaders of the PD is time to retire, the same should apply to many people like him who, when speaking of PD, often open their mouths just to give breath to the teeth
Monday, January 17, 2011
How To Make Rc Model Depth Charges?
Mosque of the Prophet: the dawn call to prayer from the Koran
بسم الله الرحمن Rahim
Sunday, January 16, 2011
What Fondant Recipe Does Cake Boss Use
The binding
Il primo passo nella trascrizione del Testo del Sublime Corano ( al-Qur'ān al-Karīm ) avvenne durante la vita del Profeta Muhammad ( may Allah bless him and grant him peace ), who commissioned a group of his companions to write from time to time disclose that to him. They were called "scribes of the Revelation .
the name of Allah the Merciful

According to authentic sources "of Revelation scribes" were twenty-five, the most famous among them being the four rightly guided caliphs: Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab,' Uthman ibn 'Affan,' Ali ibn Abi Talib, [and also] Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan ibn Zayd Tabitha and others - that God be pleased with them all .
At the time of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, the battle took place in Al-Yamamah, which fell killed many of those who knew the whole Quran by heart. In fear of losing others like them during the war campaigns for the defense of Islam, on the advice of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab was collected throughout the text and officially bound under the administration of the Caliphate, which had indicated that the methodology to be followed and assigned the task to the most competent.
For this particular task was chosen Zayd ibn Tabitha, the best known of "the scribes of the Revelation "Who also excelled in calligraphy. The methodical plan of Zayd ibn Tabitha was based on two sources: first of all that he had transcribed him personally and in the presence of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ), and secondly what was memorized by other people. This was not, however, received only by the testimony of two other well-known people, who were reported identically the same part of revelation. The fruit of this painstaking effort, accurate and above all occurred even in the smallest details, was the first copy officially certified the Koran, recognized for each verse and circumstance highly reliable by several witnesses.
This copy remained in the possession of Abu Bakr until his death, then went to 'Umar until his martyrdom, and was finally delivered to the Mother of the Believers Hafsa (one of the wives of the Prophet), may God be pleased with them.
The hardcover publication of the text of the Qur'an during the caliphate of 'Uthman
time Third Caliphate, that of 'Uthman, he introduced himself to him Hudhaifa ibn Al-Yaman with a group of people of Iraq, after the conquest of Armenia. They expressed strong concern because of reading errors that were spreading among the people and the changes in correct pronunciation, which could hinder a proper understanding of the Qur'anic text. That is said to 'Uthman, "O Prince of the believers ! Succor this community, before it falls into contradictions as to the authenticity of the Book, such as those that tear Jews and Christians! .
The rightly guided caliphs immediately welcomed this invitation, sending a request to Hafsa to send him a copy of the written by her to write more secure copies, collate, and disseminate it. So 'Uthman ordered Zayd ibn at Tabitha,' Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr, Zayd ibn Al-'As and 'Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Harith ibn Isham to produce certified copies to the original text. Finally, copies were sent in different regions of the Caliphate, while the other writings collected in rolls or scrolls were burned.
Among the benefits achieved with the binding of the Caliph 'Uthman, we noted that the transcript was based sull'idioma Quraysh , because the revelation came through their language, also were separated from the text all interpretative notes or explanatory the companions of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) added to their personal copies, to keep clear the plain text of the Koran, and finally, these bound copies of the Qur'anic text was transcribed without diacritics or vocalizations, thus leaving room for the recitation of the Quran according to the seven reading methods dating back to the prophetic tradition, and the while keeping intact the original text of the Koran.
In fulfillment of the work, 'Uthman sent a copy to every major region in the capital territory during his Islamic Caliphate. These bound copies of the Qur'an are known as "al-Imam Mushaf .
Adapted from a note by Mustafa A. Rifa'i
Islamic Cultural Institute in Milan
Friday, January 14, 2011
Obesity Percentage In Singapore
certificates online disease according Brunetta: yet another failure of government
I online certificates of illness do not work, particularly at the Monday morning. Hours and hours lost, for doctors and patients. Brunetta should go into hiding
I online certificates of illness do not work, particularly at the Monday morning. Hours and hours lost, for doctors and patients. Brunetta should go into hiding
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Milena Velba Bra Shopping
A real-Tālibul'Ilm
So I said, " Where is your home? . "I said," In the far West . "Churches" In Africa? . "I said," further. I would have to cross the sea to reach from my home to Africa. E 'Andalusia .
said: " Your house is really a great distance from here. And there is nothing dearer to me than helping someone like you to achieve what they are looking for, but at this point I am confronted by this difficulty, which may already be aware .. .
So I began by picking up a stick to support me, to wrap his head in an old rag, and hiding a pen and paper sleeve, going to her door shouting: " [Make love ] to the reward of God, may God have mercy on you! ", as used to make the other beggars. Every time he went out, closing the door behind him, told me two or three hadith, or sometimes more, until about three hundred collezionai ahadith in this way.
Imam entered my room and sat down next to my bed and the house was filled with his students. It was not big enough to house them all, and a group of them had to remain standing, all with pens in hand. Imam Ahmad said: "Oh Abu Abd ar-Rahman, have the good news of the reward of God in the days of health, often fail to reflect on the disease, and sick days do not we remember our health. May God return you good health and wellbeing, and may He touch you with His right hand in the healing . "And I saw the room around each pen, to write his words.
A story from the book "Sabri Al-Safat min'Ulamā '" [Anecdotes on the perseverance of the Sages] of Shaykh' Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (Translated by Shazia Ahmad):
here ... And [mention] another story, one of the most extraordinary that we can tell, that came when a wise Andalusia Andalusian journeyed to the East. He traveled this great distance walking on his legs alone [without the aid of a horse or a camel ride] with the objective to meet with an Imam of [larger] imam, and acquire knowledge from him. Upon his arrival, he learned that the imam had been put under house arrest and banned from public education. However, through some devices, the Andalusian scholar was finally able to learn from him .. And this story is full of such tricks, unusual and interesting ..
His name was Abu Abd ar-Rahman bin Baqīyy Makhlad Al-Andalus al-Hafidh. He was born in 201 H. [816 AD ndt] and died in 276, may God have mercy . He went on foot to Baghdad when he was about twenty, and its deepest and heartfelt desire was to meet the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and study with him.
"When I got near Baghdad, had news of the difficulties that had surrounded Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and had been forbidden to meet and communicate with him. I was very saddened by this news. I stopped where I was, and the first thing I did after renting a room for me, was to go to the grand mosque [in Baghdad]. I wanted to sit in class [which were held there] and hear what you were taught.
I saw that it was released at a place [in circle] close to the teacher, so I moved to occupy it and said, "Oh Abu Zakariyya, may God have mercy on you! [Are] foreign [among you], whose home is in a place far away. I have some questions, so do not disdegnatemi . He said, "Speak . So I asked him about some of the narrators ahadith I had met, and he praised some of them for their excellence, and warned of the weakness of others. I asked him a question about Hisham ibn 'Ammar, and demanded and obtained a large amount of knowledge he [..] when the people of the club said: " This is sufficient for you, may God use you mercy! Others have questions! .
Finally, getting up [to leave the meeting] I said: "I inform you about another person again, say that Ahmad ibn Hanbal? .
Yahya ibn Ma'in looked at me astonished and said, " How can we judge a person like Ahmad ibn Hanbal? He is the guide of the Muslims, the best and most honorable among them .
left the mosque and asked who I was shown the house of Imam Ahmad. I knocked on his door, and he replied. I said: "Abu Abdallah Oh, I'm a stranger, [coming] from a place far away, and this is the first time I go in this land. I am a student of Hadith , and one that is linked to Sunnah. I made this trip just to meet you .
said: " Enter from the alley side of the house, and is' so that no one sees you .
So I said, " Where is your home? . "I said," In the far West . "Churches" In Africa? . "I said," further. I would have to cross the sea to reach from my home to Africa. E 'Andalusia .
said: " Your house is really a great distance from here. And there is nothing dearer to me than helping someone like you to achieve what they are looking for, but at this point I am confronted by this difficulty, which may already be aware .. .
replied: " In fact, the news reached me while I was approaching the city to visit you .. O Abu Abdallah, this is my first time on this earth, and I am unknown to its people. If I may, I will come to you every day as a beggar, and speak in the way they speak, and you can come to the door. If you told me every day just one hadith [so] that I just ".
He accepted, provided that no share in the circles of knowledge and met with the scholars of Hadith [of the city, so I stayed unknown among the people].
So I began by picking up a stick to support me, to wrap his head in an old rag, and hiding a pen and paper sleeve, going to her door shouting: " [Make love ] to the reward of God, may God have mercy on you! ", as used to make the other beggars. Every time he went out, closing the door behind him, told me two or three hadith, or sometimes more, until about three hundred collezionai ahadith in this way.
I continued doing this until the ruler who was persecuting the Imam Ahmad died, and his place was someone who adhered to the madhhab Sunnah. Imam Ahmad then resumed teaching, his name became famous, and he was honored and loved by the people. His rank was high, and many people flocked to him to study.
He would always remember my perseverance in trying to learn from him. When I attended his lectures, he was always a little 'space next to him, because I could sit next to him, and said other students: " He is someone who has earned the title of Tālibul-'Ilm ", and told them my story. I then narrated a hadith and I recited it to him.
One day I got sick, and was absent from his classes for some time . He asked me [other students] knew that I was sick and when he got up immediately to come and visit me, and the students followed him. I was lying in the room I had rented, a poor wool blanket under me and thin dress that covers me, with my books near the top [so I could study lying].
The house was literally shaken by the noise many people [who were entering]. The caretaker ran to me, saying, "Oh Abu Abd ar-Rahman, Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam of the Muslims, came to visit you! .
Imam entered my room and sat down next to my bed and the house was filled with his students. It was not big enough to house them all, and a group of them had to remain standing, all with pens in hand. Imam Ahmad said: "Oh Abu Abd ar-Rahman, have the good news of the reward of God in the days of health, often fail to reflect on the disease, and sick days do not we remember our health. May God return you good health and wellbeing, and may He touch you with His right hand in the healing . "And I saw the room around each pen, to write his words.
He left. After that day, the employees of my home were extremely kind to me, and they were constantly in my service, one of them carried a mat to lean on, another bringing a good pool and good food to eat . They treated me better than a family, as a man of such rectitude had come to visit me .. "
He died in 276 H. (890 AD ndt), Andalusia. May God have mercy on him .
[..] His student Abu Abdul Malik Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Qurtubi said of him:
" Baqīyy ibn Makhlad was tall, strong and had great endurance in walking. I never saw him never on a horse, ever. He was humble and unpretentious, and always attended funeral prayers .
" Baqīyy ibn Makhlad was tall, strong and had great endurance in walking. I never saw him never on a horse, ever. He was humble and unpretentious, and always attended funeral prayers .
As has been excellent, his perseverance and his passion for sacred knowledge, and what has been his great effort to get it and collect!
Monday, January 10, 2011
N Scale Track Layouts
Why Liberals' Marchionne not play in the German! And Italy has to be careful! The FIAT
it hard to figure out which model makes reference to return Marchionne competitiveness' Italian productions.
Thinking for a moment .... (I admit to not being an expert and I certainly did not have all the numbers to judge, correct me if I'm wrong). So ... I guess
the gap in terms Cost of work with the emerging / low cost is important, however and not the 10 minutes break in more 'or less that address it.
Then although a worker produces in Poland as 5 of our we must conclude that in Italy are not the facilities or infrastructure (and will not be enough 'recovery of a sacred somewhere% of absenteeism to be competitive).
E 'then you can expect to be competitive in Italy with cars with very low value (while the high value would be produced in the U.S., they say)?
A well want to see the model should be to look to the German one, which based on partnership also say the union and employees to the objectives (and the profits or sacrifices) of the company.
But Fiat does not seem willing to concessions in that direction, even when we ask for details on the investment response and 'angry,' we can go elsewhere to invest where they ask for details ...". Why '?
The German model of the partnership ends to tie to a country much a company and its workers. The VW, Mercedes, BMW and feel German companies (or even Bavaria) and as such are supported by their country, employees and citizens. Among other things, this model brings with it a greater motivation and loyalty 'of employees, an important requirement for productivity' that you get sore only with authoritarian management. And the policy of the country supports them with appropriate industrial policies (and 'a debit / credit). On the other hand, in Germany a possible shift of production or reduction of personnel shall be discussed and justified with the country and the unions, they should discuss the strategies and "what can be done otherwise." In that country does not agree to meet after years with factories obsolete and unproductive, which calls for investment accounts. Penalty waiver grants and collaboration in the country (I guess that assumption is not even considered).
Question: why 'to Fiat not like this model?
and Well 'was more' or less said The FIAT wants a free hand. Do not want to "feel" Italian, I think it's convenience! Not for nothing has even refused to insist on other incentives for scrapping.
It 's a shame that Marchionne not tell you why' (It would probably be 'instructive and useful for the country, far more than the debate on the national contract), but you can make a hypothesis: The FIAT

Thinking for a moment .... (I admit to not being an expert and I certainly did not have all the numbers to judge, correct me if I'm wrong). So ... I guess
the gap in terms Cost of work with the emerging / low cost is important, however and not the 10 minutes break in more 'or less that address it.
Then although a worker produces in Poland as 5 of our we must conclude that in Italy are not the facilities or infrastructure (and will not be enough 'recovery of a sacred somewhere% of absenteeism to be competitive).
E 'then you can expect to be competitive in Italy with cars with very low value (while the high value would be produced in the U.S., they say)?
A well want to see the model should be to look to the German one, which based on partnership also say the union and employees to the objectives (and the profits or sacrifices) of the company.
But Fiat does not seem willing to concessions in that direction, even when we ask for details on the investment response and 'angry,' we can go elsewhere to invest where they ask for details ...". Why '?
The German model of the partnership ends to tie to a country much a company and its workers. The VW, Mercedes, BMW and feel German companies (or even Bavaria) and as such are supported by their country, employees and citizens. Among other things, this model brings with it a greater motivation and loyalty 'of employees, an important requirement for productivity' that you get sore only with authoritarian management. And the policy of the country supports them with appropriate industrial policies (and 'a debit / credit). On the other hand, in Germany a possible shift of production or reduction of personnel shall be discussed and justified with the country and the unions, they should discuss the strategies and "what can be done otherwise." In that country does not agree to meet after years with factories obsolete and unproductive, which calls for investment accounts. Penalty waiver grants and collaboration in the country (I guess that assumption is not even considered).
Question: why 'to Fiat not like this model?
and Well 'was more' or less said The FIAT wants a free hand. Do not want to "feel" Italian, I think it's convenience! Not for nothing has even refused to insist on other incentives for scrapping.
It 's a shame that Marchionne not tell you why' (It would probably be 'instructive and useful for the country, far more than the debate on the national contract), but you can make a hypothesis: The FIAT
- does not believe in the country , its unions that are ideological, non-cooperative (although I do not think that FIAT has been open to sharing concessions anyway).
- The FIAT does not believe in the country, because there are valid and reliable political partners, there is no industrial policy (we can blame him?)
- Obama has promised that the U.S. and Chrysler would not be a company "ITALIAN". (Very likely).
I believe a lot in the last two and especially the third. Please note:
- agreements provide for Chrysler happens to strategic points such as "the production of engines," "modernization of plants" and "technology transfer" in the U.S.. (Obviously in the U.S. to discuss strategies Fiat ...) FIAT
- while Chrysler rose to 25%, the remaining 63.5% are held by American unions, the U.S. Treasury 9.2% and 2.3% by the Canadian government. All stakeholders well then titrated to discuss strategies, much of the Italian State and of our union!
- NOTE: As usual, we fall from the clouds to find that others are increasingly dirigiste, while we discourse of absolute liberalism.
Whatever the truth, because they do not want to reveal his game, it's up to us Italians, to the Government (which latita), journalists, trade unions get to the bottom and get answers. Otherwise we can provide everything we want, but if we are not competitive (financially) and strong politically, we will discover that a few years Mirafiori and Pomigliano will be closed anyway! And will always be less than a COMPANY ITALIAN FIAT (perhaps more and more Americans).
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Funny Names For Birthday
Advice to a young student
Question: What is your advice to the young man who took his first steps on a straight path ?
Answer: What advice to this young man, who begins to walk the straight path, is:
- to constantly invoke God, so that the support (up Via this )
- often to read the Qur'ān and reflect on its meaning and His teachings, as the Qur'ān has a great effect on the heart, if you read it carefully and you meditate;
- which strives to stay in the rut of ' obedience, which departed not and is not-nothing, because the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) sought refuge in God against the incompetence and laziness;
- with a commitment to attend good companies, and to avoid bad company;
- which remedies his soul, when it suggests: "You time, the journey is long " to advise and strengthen his soul, because Paradise is surrounded by unpleasant things to nafs, while Hell is surrounded by what that stimulates the passions;
- that is far from bad company, even if they previously had been his friends, because the fact of them will stay with the effects on him, as said the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه و سلم ): "Bad company are like the local one forge, in which you burn your clothes, and leaves you with a bad smell . "[Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Source: Liqa 'to t al-b ā b al-Maftuh (1571)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Phlegm In My Baby's Lungs
The Taliban: the meaning of a word
In Arabic, the word talib (pl. tullāb more generally known in the dual Taliban ) literally means one who "asks " or who " research, and is specifically applied to the student of religious sciences , defined tālibul-'ilm , Meaning "seeker of knowledge .
To this end, with the appropriate financial support from the institutions of the Islamic state, as well as several private philanthropists of all time, was born and quickly developed the system of Madaris (sing. madrasah, read. " place of study") and jāmi'āt (sing. jāmi'ah bed. " universities, from which the universitas studiorum the European Middle Ages): special study centers wisdom, formed on the model of the first " circles of knowledge" (al- halaqāt'ilm ) era of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ), able to attract and bring together a continuously increasing number of teachers and students in a single educational complex, providing infrastructure and support necessary for the efficient conduct of their intellectual activity, and while promoting the widespread dissemination, within the Islamic society, principles, values and the teachings of their traditional disciplines Islam and science relating to them.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Traditionally, this is dedicated to "look " of religious knowledge by going personally visiting scholars ( 'ulama' ) qualified in the various disciplines of Islamic sciences, attending to their regular public lectures, participating in their private study circles, and sometimes even living near their residences and to serve them for a certain period of time, depending on the nature and duration of their studies.
From generation to generation, only those who - in response to this period of intensive training, which can last up to several tens of years - received a specific authorization ( Ijaz ) by a qualified expert may in turn engage legitimately authentic teaching of a particular ; discipline - and indeed, from a certain point of view, it becomes a duty for them against other Muslims.
From generation to generation, only those who - in response to this period of intensive training, which can last up to several tens of years - received a specific authorization ( Ijaz ) by a qualified expert may in turn engage legitimately authentic teaching of a particular ; discipline - and indeed, from a certain point of view, it becomes a duty for them against other Muslims.
Although, therefore, the narrative of the Western media has wrongfully and forcibly compelled monopolized the term "Taliban " only in the cultural context of recent history of modern Afghanistan, the fact remains that term has to all intents and purposes, within the Islamic civilization, centrality and importance rarely equaled by other words, concepts or principles. Before the general and very serious misunderstanding of which he was the object, even among Muslims themselves, is therefore particularly important to clearly reaffirm the profound dignity and the true value.
And 'in fact this " seeks" Wisdom - characterized by the relationship established between the staff student and scholar, in an unbroken chain of transmission that, for every religious science, goes back directly to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) - to properly represent the intellectual foundation and the development model of the entire Islamic society traditional.
The work of conservation, transmission and evidence of knowledge constitutes a major collective obligations (fard kifāyah ) and a top priority - if not the top priority - the community of believers (ummah ) . God Almighty says:
The work of conservation, transmission and evidence of knowledge constitutes a major collective obligations (fard kifāyah ) and a top priority - if not the top priority - the community of believers (ummah ) . God Almighty says:
۞ and was faithful to alienate all Without a group of all of them, a task force Itvgahoa In religion and warn their people when they come back to them so that they may warn ۞
" Ed i credenti non escano in missione tutti insieme.
Perchè un gruppo da ciascun clan non si reca ad istruirsi nella religione, per informarne il loro popolo quando saranno rientrati, to be on their guard? "[At-Tawbah (9): 122 ]
" Ed i credenti non escano in missione tutti insieme.
Perchè un gruppo da ciascun clan non si reca ad istruirsi nella religione, per informarne il loro popolo quando saranno rientrati, to be on their guard? "[At-Tawbah (9): 122 ]
Where, then, every Muslim believer is required to personally know at least the basic principles of Islamic doctrine and the essential foundations of his ritual practices, this "group ( tā'ifah ) - format primarily from scholars themselves, and therefore all those who undertake a course of study with them - is required to keep full, to faithfully transmit and to provide truthful interpretation of Islamic religious sciences in their entirety.
E 'therefore through this mediation qualified, that the patrimony of wisdom of the Islamic tradition has been - and still is - providentially made available to the entire community of Muslims in the succession of eras and generations and, ultimately, at the disposal of all humanity, which in effect is universally addressed the message of Islam, until the completion of the Last Day.
E 'therefore through this mediation qualified, that the patrimony of wisdom of the Islamic tradition has been - and still is - providentially made available to the entire community of Muslims in the succession of eras and generations and, ultimately, at the disposal of all humanity, which in effect is universally addressed the message of Islam, until the completion of the Last Day.
The importance and scope of this work, and functions connected with it, will never sufficiently remarked. He said the Messenger of God (صلى الله عليه و سلم ), about the " seekers " of Knowledge and those - the wise men - who are the custodians titled:
" Who proceeds in a way seeking knowledge, God opens a path to Paradise, and the angels stretch their wings in front of one who seeks the science, welcomed what he does. For the scholar, asks for forgiveness who sits in the heavens and those who dwell in the land , to the fish in water, and the superiority of the wise is faithful to the superiority of the moon on the other stars, and the scholars are heirs of the prophets and the prophets is not left or dinars nor dirhams , but leave a legacy of science alone, but whoever takes, takes an abundant harvest. "
[ hadith collected by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi]
From these data the traditional and orthodox ranks as the ultimate form of relationship between the Divine and made the society human, Islamic civilization has focused all of its model of development around the needs of the transmission of sacred knowledge, the correct application of its guidelines and ritual practices, and the consistent witness of his principles before the rest of humanity.

the light of what has been observed, it is clear, now more than ever, in an era of general intellectual and spiritual dissolution, and with the providential approach of recent times, the role and function of tālibul-'ilm absolutely central importance and a priority - if possible, even more than in the classical era.
In this regard, it said the Messenger of God ( صلى الله عليه و سلم ):
In this regard, it said the Messenger of God ( صلى الله عليه و سلم ):
" God does not rinserrerà science with an act that subtract to men, but rinserrerà science by restricting the number of scholars, until it will be some, and people will choose leaders ignorant: they will be questioned and give answers without science and will deflect and deviate. [ hadith collected by Bukhari and Muslim]
Although, ultimately, God Himself is the one and only guarantor of the integrity and the preservation of his knowledge on this earth, so great is the responsibility of believers, called to commit themselves to the limit and the maximum of its ability, to contribute actively to this real Opus Dei - that is, after all, the caliph function in the human race was providentially invested in the loins of Adam ( عليه السلام).
Well, they are to perform this function and this responsibility, we can not not start with the first take back with pride and determination, those words of the Tradition that modernity has long misunderstood, caricatured and vilified. If anyone has it rightly said that " Everything has been said, but is far from being understood " is precisely from the deep meanings of words and they bring that we are called to move our feet, without undue reticence, embarrassment ; foolish or complaints more or less specious, deceptively imposed on us by the many opponents of the Truth.
Although, ultimately, God Himself is the one and only guarantor of the integrity and the preservation of his knowledge on this earth, so great is the responsibility of believers, called to commit themselves to the limit and the maximum of its ability, to contribute actively to this real Opus Dei - that is, after all, the caliph function in the human race was providentially invested in the loins of Adam ( عليه السلام).
Well, they are to perform this function and this responsibility, we can not not start with the first take back with pride and determination, those words of the Tradition that modernity has long misunderstood, caricatured and vilified. If anyone has it rightly said that " Everything has been said, but is far from being understood " is precisely from the deep meanings of words and they bring that we are called to move our feet, without undue reticence, embarrassment ; foolish or complaints more or less specious, deceptively imposed on us by the many opponents of the Truth.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Hanging A Screech Owl House
and what he should do a serious government ...
About the story and the Fiat Mirafiori and Pomigliano contract, our media have proved supeficiali as usual.
And we Italians as usual ability to deploy immediately without rival fans ask for more information or details (pro-versus Marchionne).
The usual short.
What was the subject of the dispute? Breaks (10 minutes less for more pay)? The national contact? The hiking excursions of FIOM?
Well, are important issues to discuss, but I also want to know: were shown data that say that a worker produces in Poland as 5 workers in Italy, and 'it? If so
'and' I'm not sure the 10-minute breaks that can solve the problem!
As we 'come to this? Perhaps management does not work? Perhaps
Italian plants are outdated and have not been renewed in recent years?
It means that in the face of incentives, layoffs, etc ... Fiat has invested in new plants abroad and left the old Italian factories?
OF THIS KIND OF THINGS A serious government should also look at.
And in the future:
About the story and the Fiat Mirafiori and Pomigliano contract, our media have proved supeficiali as usual.
And we Italians as usual ability to deploy immediately without rival fans ask for more information or details (pro-versus Marchionne).
The usual short.
What was the subject of the dispute? Breaks (10 minutes less for more pay)? The national contact? The hiking excursions of FIOM?
Well, are important issues to discuss, but I also want to know: were shown data that say that a worker produces in Poland as 5 workers in Italy, and 'it? If so
'and' I'm not sure the 10-minute breaks that can solve the problem!
As we 'come to this? Perhaps management does not work? Perhaps
Italian plants are outdated and have not been renewed in recent years?
It means that in the face of incentives, layoffs, etc ... Fiat has invested in new plants abroad and left the old Italian factories?
OF THIS KIND OF THINGS A serious government should also look at.
And in the future:
- We can shed light on future investment plans in Italy?
- How much future investment in Italy? There are 20 billion Fabbrica announced for Italy? Or was it a hoax?
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