Here's another good argument that can 'fill the front pages (and evenings) for the coming months to distract us from more serious problems.
Here's another good argument by which we can harm us (Brazil is one of the few big emerging nations in which Italy have major economic interests) and lose more face in the world.
Here's another easy topic with which some politicians can 'consent to collect and easy to deploy the Italians (without nothing concrete, then so much the cost will pay for the country).
not to say that history is not serious. They are not actors and can not indeed no 'that end up in or tragicomic COMEDY FARCE.
"Brazil", say by the Berlusconi government, "now has to explain to the Italians because of OUR JUDGMENTS judging must be respected!".
Bravo! So 'you! Great Guy!
but I 'is a doubt can not' be that the Brazilian Attorney General has taken seriously the many statements of our ongoing Premier on OUR COURTS "politicized", "EVERS", "criminals", "Genetics AMENDED "?
short, SILVIO, can 'be that you have heard and taken seriously!
should explain that not be done!
should explain exactly what you mean! Please, explain to him that the judiciary politicized 'ONLY ONE THAT TAKES CARE OF YOURSELF OR BUSINESS Mediaset and PDL. Not when other sentence!
As I said, we are on the comic. How do you ask now than the justice of our country?
now are two options:
- If a prime minister Berlusconi is perhaps unfair, but still with any sense of the state, in secret calls Lula and says, "... now I feel I do a bit of mayhem internal consensus and to distract people, etc ... In the end friends like before!
- If inisistono on what to pick up two more votes, we are total madness and self-destructive (from the economic point of view, credibility, etc. ..). I mean for the country! In what can the government ', however, and helps bring consensus to change the subject!