Friday, December 31, 2010

Super Advanced Creatine

Case Baptists. TODAY THE COMIC. Berlusconi moves to Brazil war "must comply with the rulings of the judiciary!"

Here's another good argument that can 'fill the front pages (and evenings) for the coming months to distract us from more serious problems.
Here's another good argument by which we can harm us (Brazil is one of the few big emerging nations in which Italy have major economic interests) and lose more face in the world.
Here's another easy topic with which some politicians can 'consent to collect and easy to deploy the Italians (without nothing concrete, then so much the cost will pay for the country).

not to say that history is not serious. They are not actors and can not indeed no 'that end up in or tragicomic COMEDY FARCE.

"Brazil", say by the Berlusconi government, "now has to explain to the Italians because of OUR JUDGMENTS judging must be respected!".
Bravo! So 'you! Great Guy!

but I 'is a doubt can not' be that the Brazilian Attorney General has taken seriously the many statements of our ongoing Premier on OUR COURTS "politicized", "EVERS", "criminals", "Genetics AMENDED "?

short, SILVIO, can 'be that you have heard and taken seriously!
should explain that not be done!
should explain exactly what you mean! Please, explain to him that the judiciary politicized 'ONLY ONE THAT TAKES CARE OF YOURSELF OR BUSINESS Mediaset and PDL. Not when other sentence!

As I said, we are on the comic. How do you ask now than the justice of our country?

now are two options:

  1. If a prime minister Berlusconi is perhaps unfair, but still with any sense of the state, in secret calls Lula and says, "... now I feel I do a bit of mayhem internal consensus and to distract people, etc ... In the end friends like before!
  2. If inisistono on what to pick up two more votes, we are total madness and self-destructive (from the economic point of view, credibility, etc. ..). I mean for the country! In what can the government ', however, and helps bring consensus to change the subject!
PS: For the avoidance of doubt, I'd like to clarify that the sentence was being maintained on Baptists, like all other judgments and would forssero punished those guilty of corruption and other abuses, financial and administrative rarely end up in prison in our country!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Make Yudec Work

Qubbat Al-Khadra al-': Welcome to the Green Dome

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Green Dome, view from inside the Mosque of the Prophet

The Green Dome ( Qubbat al-al-Khadra ') of the Prophet's Mosque is located at the tomb of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ), buried together with the first two rightly guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and 'Umar ibn al-Khattab ( رضى ٱلله عنهم ا ) in what was the room of his wife 'Aisha ( رضى ٱلله عن ها ) , immediately adjacent to the area where the Prophet he used to pray pe rsonalmente, and now fully integrated in the building of the sacred complex.

writes Dr. 'Ali Hafez, in his "Fusūl min Tarikh al-Madinah al-Munawwarah" :
"Originally, there was no dome over the sacred chamber [ where the Prophet was buried , ed.] On the roof of the mosque, was erected a fence of brick, with the height of life, which distinguished the position of this section from the rest of the mosque.
The first dome was built in 678 H. (1280) by the sultan as-Salih Qalawun [ and then subjected to various renovations and reconstructions ]. In 1253 H. (1837) The dome was painted green for the first time on the order of Ottoman Sultan 'Abdul Hamid, and has since been renewed on green, where necessary, to date, taking the nickname "Green Dome ". Previously, essa fu conosciuta anche come " Cupola Bianca ", " Cupola Blu " o " Cupola Profumata ". »

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Ip 109 Stronger Than Vicodin 500

35 members of the Dover PD absent during the vote of no confidence in Calderoli ?

I think they need to justify their absence. If you do not have time to go to Parliament if they stay home and give way to those who want to work and do really

Cancer Quotes On Death

RECIPE FOR GROWTH: less Gasparri, less Cogne, more 'Future!

What do they talk in Italy and our news media (and as a result of which people talk about and what topics will guide the vote)? It

from an idea that you can find a search Observatory of Pavia (below the time spent by the Italian media to various topics).

On television, therefore, the crime and 'by far predominant in Italy and in general Crime and politics are the lion's share.

will be the same abroad? We see a comparison between the TG of the first networks:

The comparison with Germany and pitiless! The TG of the ARD themes' covered:
  2. INTERNAL POLICY (13.6%)
  3. ECONOMY (11.3%)

NOTE: crime news and the 13th place (1.8%), even after news of costume.

In Italy on TG1:

  1. INTERNAL POLICY (16.7%)
  2. COSTUME (12.8%)
  3. crime (10.8%)

NOTE: the economy is only a 5th place (6.1% ex-aequo with the sport), while the FOREIGN POLICY is preceded by 10 other subjects (the remains only 3.4%).

Question: you wonder that Germany is the country with the economy more 'solid growth in Europe and worldwide (more than one car in Shanghai on 3 and' German), while Italy and ' the second lowest in the world for growth in the Ulimate 10 years (before only Haiti), and continues to lose ground and 'increasingly provincial and device in the world?

Note that here the problem is not only the TG1 (though much worse), but all of our media for which "a fine in the Crown" is more newsworthy than a factory with 1000 employees that close ( or open). Then in the internal politics that we rarely question the merit of the measures, but rather a chronicle of the daily bickering. The discussion focuses on the daily dichiarificio (where the amount Gasparri seems to drive the rankings), but that absolutely does not deserve so much space (wasted).

Here we add up all the space devoted to the various cases of crime (see Cogne, Avetrana, etc ...). What the heck is informed in real time of the "feelings" of how investigations evolve (today it seems that the culprit is the uncle, then his cousin, the daughter yesterday, maybe not the grandmother)? Details of the murder (with a plastic case)? The interviews with passers-by? Cititofoni shots to the victims (see the case all c'han an intercom system, there is a relationship ...?). To note, I change the channel, these things I appallano tremendously, but then I was angry when I hear people say around "that time ... a time these things did not happen." Eh, no. These things happened and how, but details have remained the same over the sconociuti Avetrana ( Police officers outside the court, etc. ..) and let alone nationally .

Returning to the theme, in short:

If the media dealing with others, if they lead people to become interested in other things, they do not seek information also does not read press of Economics and recipes for growth the people will direct their vote to another, and the policies of the governments will deal with the other!

Obviously many of the commentators of today (those Paraculo that those are all the rage, in short) will be objected that the TG TG is a German by bigots, that the TV does not have to educate the public to choose ... etc. .. In short we better the Germans! The numbers say otherwise, but '!

PS: A plea to any party that understands: you try to change the agenda, to propose other themes and consistently. I would never want another campaign voter on abortion, euthanasia, the Communists, the judges .... please!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Common Household Items Used For Masterbation

How wonderful photos!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vip Invitation Card Sample

the name of Allah the Merciful
Nel Nome d'Iddio, il Misericordioso, il Clementissimo

Peace be upon you and Allah and his blessing Rahmۃ
Peace and Mercy of God and His blessings be upon you!

This blog was born on the day of 'Ashurah the month of Muharram 1432 H. [December 16, 2010], mainly to help those Muslims - especially those from Italy, or Italians living abroad, between 15 and 25 - wishing to undertake a course of religious studies at the Islamic University of Madinah al-Munawwarah, in Saudi Arabia.

well as useful information to properly forward the application for enrollment at the University, this site will collect gradually teaching materials, useful for the study of Arabic language and the foundations of the Islamic sciences, as well as notes and news information relating to the City of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ).

Looking ahead, we hope to steadily expand this service to all major centers of Islamic studies in Muslim countries present, in close collaboration with those brothers with whom they associate and / or are interested to attend.
We hope thereby to facilitate the establishment of a network students of Islamic sciences, which can significantly promote this type of study, represent a constructive basis for comparison between different teaching about Islam, and be supportive useful to the Muslim community as a whole, and to the Italian in particular.

We would be grateful for any suggestion, request, warning or advice please give. However
your direction, on the improvement of this site, its services or its contents, we will try to match the best of our ability, God willing.

We are at your disposal addition, and open to any form of collaboration , both as regards these issues are closely related to the location of university, and for all that can be met, physically or culturally, living in the holy city of Madinah.

We ask you, finally, to recall frequently and support all the students on the path of God, in your prayers to the Almighty. May He protect their hearts, and bestow them with a useful science, a sustenance lawful and works that I meet. Amin

و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على أله و صحبه و سلم
Ed God bless and pour out peace upon His Messenger, his family and his companions

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Are In Tank Toilet Bowl Cleaner Bad

The National Health System public still exist?

During 2009, total pharmaceutical spending, public and private, through contracted pharmacies Veneto Region was € 1,406 million (as at retail price), 70.0% of them for drugs group A, 17.2% for class C drugs, prescription, 9.3 % for the-counter drugs and 3.5% for other drugs. Spending on drugs of group A was € 985 million, of which 92.9% NHS and the remaining 7.1% as private purchase. The gross expenditure for drugs of group A SSN (915 million €), the net expenditure accounts for 84, 5%, the contribution of the city was 9.3% (6.2% and 3.1% as a fixed amount as difference from the reference price for generic drugs) and the rebate paid by pharmacies or 6.2%. Overall, total expenditure on pharmaceuticals through the pharmacies affiliated Region of Veneto (1,406 million €), the Regional Health Service is in charge of 773 million € (55%) and citizens of € 577 million (41%). The remaining € 56 million representing the discount applied by pharmacies (4%).
Compared to 2008 the total pharmaceutical expenditure increased by 1, 9% between its components, increases the gross expenditure for drugs to end NHS (+2.9%) and class C drugs with prescription (+3.0%) (+2, 2%), while decreases in an important way the private purchase of drugs of group A (-12.0%). Local Health Units in which the only increases the private purchase of drugs of group A are Thiene and Pieve di Soligo.
The official document from which they were derived data is the report drawn up by ULSS 20 on behalf of the Veneto Region in accordance with the requirements of general practitioners.

A range of medications are the class of drugs considered "Essential." Reading these figures released by the Veneto Region and other data published by ISTAT, has strengthened my conviction that we are probably far when I say (along with many others) that the NHS and universal solidarity that we have known and defended has been dismantled and now close to death. Fact:
1. over 40% of pharmaceutical expenditure is supported by the citizens Veneto, in practice, each 10 € spent on drugs in Veneto 4 come directly from the pockets of citizens. What is this but put your hands in the pockets of the Venetians?
2. From year to year, private spending for drugs to end ("essentials") decreased by 12%, with only two exceptions Thiene and Pieve di Soligo. Mica
not enter it a crisis that forces families to reduce spending for essential drugs? It follows that, even in Veneto, who is better able to continue to pay for essential drugs that ULSS not spend more.
's probably not a coincidence that the two Health Units in which private spending for drugs has not diminished, are also, historically, among those considered most virtuous, at least from a purely economistic point of view, because they are among those who spend less for deliver the drugs to their citizens.