Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Calculate Dish End Surface Area

The alternatives of PD after the 2010 regional elections .... what? Auto

What 'emerged from these elections:
  • the center-right keeps his consent. To limit the votes to move from PDL League, but do not go anywhere else. Apart from the guest room, you might comment that this part of the electorate and not 'at all sensitive to the issue of corruption, the double / triple posts, an appointed parliament, nepotism, attacks on the judiciary, etc ... ( Rome and 'thieving, but if the league does the same way, then okay ).
  • The PD (perhaps slight recovery on the policies), he loses votes in favor of the Five-Star List of cricket and to a lesser extent to Di Pietro, which remains stable. These new fishing agreement lists only nell'elettorato center-left.
  • Vendola wins in Apulia against the nomenclature of the Democratic Party who tried to get him out in favor of an agreement with the UDC. Vince with a recognizable political (which someone mistakenly classified as "extreme").
  • mobile
  • The electorate remains very limited in Italy. Ex Center Right voters in any case (even if it means going against their own interests) would not vote ever Centre Left.
  • In these conditions, the PD and 'destined to lose. So much more 'that has no recognizable political.

What are the alternatives for the PD?

  1. Trying to chase some small percentage of voters in the center, mimicking as much as possible and PDL League in the north, follow the UDC (Cuffaro, etc. ...), wink thus exposing the Vatican 'to constant misunderstandings and contradictions (see Binetti).
  2. Darsi a more 'recognizable, perhaps even marrying some of the themes of Grillo. Fighting corruption, reducing the costs of policy, investment, jobs, industrial strategy, energy strategy. To do this, but 'should truly renew most of his paintings and his heads. http://teleraccontano.blogspot.com/2010/01/una-domanda-chi-sa-dirmi-il-programma.html

The newness 'of these elections,' and between IDV and Lists 5 Stars Cricket, there is a country in the percentage of voters around the 10-15% that put Legality 'and Transparency in the first place and ask for a significant renewal of the political class. Unfortunately, this request are waterproof current center-right voters.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Que Es Candida Albican Cleanse

Point Press Archive A bag, a market or a casino?
When the economy is a bet of Francis Chyurlia
"Options, futures or swaps: les jeux sont fait. Rien ne va plus ". The world economy seems to have become a casino and those who should be the right investment advice to investors often disguise themselves from the dealer.

Senate rules by the Treasury immediately remand in Milan four banks and
13 people charged with aggravated fraud for each of the derivatives of the City Milan. According to the charges involve the operation Deutsche Bank, UBS, JP Morgan and Depfa Bank . These institutions would have gained illegally about 100 million euro. The process will begin next May 6. For the President of the Senate Finance Committee, Baldassarri, would a regulation to govern the Treasury, with the appropriate posts, derivative transactions of local authorities, not "demonize derivatives."

Consumers: Bankitalia what it does?
For consumer groups, the battle against risky investments started several years ago. Before it became public with scandals that involve banks and many local authorities.
For Adusbef "derivatives are a major risk for investors. It 's a loose cannon for the world's economies and supervisors must intervene." For the Bank of Italy Adusbef also oversaw a little about who brought the toxic assets.

Comment author of the blog:

(NDA), but who controls Bank of Italy?
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banca_d ' Italy:
The distribution of the shares remained virtually unchanged since 1948, and the only changes were due to acquisitions and bank mergers occurred in the meantime. On January 31, 2008 the list of major participants, listed on the site, is as follows:

(Comment of the blog): If the watchdog
eat up their dinner served
from mice of the village, they can not easily

barking when they gnaw the cheese.

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Italian UniCredito SpA
Assicurazioni Generali SpA
Bank Savings in Bologna SpA
Bank Carige SpA
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA
2.8% 21

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA
Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Vercelli SpA
Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza
SpA 2.0%
By Presidential Decree of 12 December 2006, published in the Official Gazette No. 291, Dec. 15, is changed to Article 3 of the Statute of the Institute, which stated: "In every case must be ensured the permanence of the majority shareholding in the Bank by public bodies or companies whose majority of shares voting rights is owned by public entities. " [6] . The decree signed by Prime Minister Romano Prodi , the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa Schioppa .
This change is no longer the latest standard which included the Bank of Italy in the state, although it was never enforced by any government.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Does That Affect Things

Blue: A lot, Expensive, strange. And 'The image of a political class that is worth less and less respect!

Years ago my cousin on a visit to our house witnessed the arrival of our family physician in home visit and came with his utilitarian a Fiat 600 (the economic model is still for sale). What he did not like. " For a doctor," he said, "is not respectable." In short, should turn a more prestigious car, which incutesse due respect. "What has to tell the people?"

But this doctor was highly respected by us. He did his work conscientiously, he was human, available, come to your home, there is for emergencies after hours and in holidays.

Now, look at our political class . You see, run for years with these big cars Germans (in Italian industry scarring), pompous, arrogant, convinced that they have law. Li claim (up to make calls for tenders to purchase one-way).

probably consider it in their ignorance and partly due to the same inalienable externalization of their prestige. Do not know about you, but I guess a lot of me in a fit of stupidity, perhaps consider using an offensive breath, a Lancia Alfa oo. What do you say?


If we consider that in Italy it seems that the blue car have to be nearly 650 thousand (a record number), they find they are 10 times more 'than in all of the USA (nation far more' large and populous). It is confirmed the decline in which we are with this political class!

course should be considered both private vehicles and those in leasing, operating lease and long term, to the State, Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Municipality, ASL, and mountain communities, public authorities, non-economic public companies mixed public-private joint-stock company and total public participation. Despite the 1991 law that restricts the use of the blue car only Ministers, Secretaries and Directors General with some cuts and real measures were never carried out. http://notizie.libero.it/primopiano/boom-auto-blu.phtml

When it comes to reducing the costs of politics, or even salaries, reimbursements, car blue parliamentary and political regional, provincial, etc. .. the classic objection is that this is any , that these figures are in total at the end modest when compared to government debt (and would not be enough to cover). What nonsense!

These figures will be even smaller than the Public Debt, but I am absolutely sisgnificative in relation to funds for research, for investment to create new jobs, for the improvement of public schools, etc ...

So few stories! Halve these costs and use the money for our future and not for the amusement of this indecent political class!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fix It Up Kates Adventure Reg

"The policy does not address the problems of the country." And the journalists? Help!

A question for the media and journalists:

Imagine you have the following information (some fictional), which should be in the first page, which you dedicate a bell 'deepening in installments and which to discard, or relegated to a blurb?

Here they are:

  1. Friday, March 5, 2010, show in Milan employees Italtel, Nokia Siemens, Alcatel. denounce the permanent closure of all research in Telecommunications in Italy, involving a few thousand workers highly specialized. An entire industry is likely to disappear permanently from the country. Video
  2. Crown accused of any fraud.
  3. Calderoli wearing jersey against Islam and shoots great.
  4. An act of violence (perhaps with Quach gruesome detail like "dragged for yards in a pool of blood ...").
  5. Survey: "Only one Italian out of four known to change a tire."
  6. The umpteenth declaration Brunetta.
  7. A ruling on the crucifix in public places.

I fear the answer is predictable, we know our newspapers and our media. I would be 'curious to understand their motivations!

fact to confirm this today (Saturday, February 6, 2010) have verified that both the Corriere (Milan 72-page newspaper, which should have an eye on the economy) and on the Sole 24 Ore (business newspaper for eccelleza) the news number 1 (one of Italtel, NSN, Alcatel) has not only found space for a discussion, not even a mention or a paragraph. And still really a paragraph would suffice?

This is now a truth universally recognized: "The policy does not address the problems of the country," but rather of his business. The newspapers also reported frequently.

And the journalists and the media instead?

're in the game. help! It follows the agenda! Rarely strongly suggest other topics. Sometimes ignore them altogether (either by design or blatant incompetence).

And if Italy is seriously ill, the disease is aggravated every day by lack of or incorrect diagnosis!

Gentlemen, we have no hope!

No serious illness care "taking care of another," or pretending nothing wrong diagnosis!

PS: A prayer: do not tell me that these things are "known". Not true, people do not know. There are other things much more obvious and well known but continue to fill pages in the newspapers. wants at least someone please advise our students to study more, not in telecommunication engineering? At least if they hope to work in Italy.

PS1: But are we really sure that Brunetta on the front page would sell more?