Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Free Clubnintendo Points

noticed the difference, eh? By subject, level, future vision, preparation, seriously.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What The Best Program To Make Stick Fights In
It 'pretty clear that Felt attacks to target those who agree with him and his boss!
But the thing I find ridiculous, and 'the fact that he tries to defend his head from a charge (eg the very shameful to give the impression to appoint ministers to spare processes, see Brancher) trying to prove that the 'accuser misbehaves. And he writes clearly.
And even if it was that shit about defense and '?
All = all innocent guilty? But where?
Actually ' it works very well in Italy and by the way this technique 'most effective in changing the subject.
Cosi 'everybody talks about for weeks atro.
In practice, for example, if Tizio Caio accusation in detail to be pedophiles and they can 'meet accusing him of double parking (or at least to be a pedophile too). According to Felt that is enough to leave around the Pedophile, and maybe even the parking undisciplined (not both be punished)!
In short, more 'to refute the accusation on the merits, tends only to show that those who accuse "lacks the dignity' morale to do to close the matter, sending contenpo avveritimento to a mafia-like "an eye that the speaker dies!")
We know that every country has the Masters that you deserve!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Employment Anniversaries
years we have repeated false SLOGAN:
- "In Italy there are fewer graduates than in other countries."
- "We need high-profile graduates and preparation."
- "the uni 'does not prepare the figures that serve the industry."
- "Today, we compete on knowledge."
Reality 'and instead' that our industry small, backward and underdeveloped, no research, no investment, rarely planning and entire categories of professionals who still our Univerisita 'form is intended only for export or for now if you do not under-unemployment. Prepare
"shapes that serve our industry" would mean often close entire School '. Physics for example. But even many engineering departments: such as "electronic", "telecommunications". Where do they work? Until a few years ago ended sadly in the call center, but even these are now moving abroad.
with us in many areas there is no 'more' industry. Those few that remain are closing slowly and example, and 'as for engineers with experience in the design Fourth generation of cellular networks (LTE, etc ...) and the only prospect in Italy 'to open in Bar or newsstand.
A country where this happens, and 'a country deeply sick!
often "shapes that serve our industry" are figures for which are in fact largely underutilized and is offered a salary of slightly more than the worker (1500Euro maybe). Given the depressed market, we want young people (otherwise maybe gudagnano already 'too) and with specific experience in that field (you are not certain to lose maybe two months to update people with higher skills, but from other sectors).
I am writing these things 15 years (with my real name) and sometimes I even publish them. But the slogans were prevailing over those Confindustria and of course has always denied this apparent decline (except maybe in parentheses illuminated di Montezemolo).
Today I see that the site of Sole24Ore does not even 'pretend. In fact if you go up and you click the link Job24 Search Listings you are projected on Experteer and that 'a society' German Head Hunting which lets you access only to a limited number of ads for free and instead calls constantly candidates to pay subscribe to gain access to better opportunities' and comprehensive services. This site sends you almost daily emails in which you note that there are 'opportunities' available for your profile "largely accessible only on payment, but it seems not pass your contacts (which have) with companies' interested (which makes me a little 'doubt the actual motivation of the companies: I usually pay for those looking for serious candidates).
I would say, ironically, that the body of Confindustria, abdicates, in essence, the role of interfacing "the broad contours of the high demand for dynamic, brilliant, meritocratic Italian business" with the ;-) " poor supply of the country ";-), but in practice suggests the latter audience (unexpectedly wide), to pay un'abbonamento to a German company in the hope, vain hope, but not be verified, to find a job or a better position.
Another confirmation of the "great demand for qualified personnel" are always the work of the organ of Confindustria. To date (August 16, 2010) Job24 of the page you will find a space for Offers of the Week . Make no mistake, there are no offers updated weekly, but apparently refers to a Week special, " perhaps that of April 21, 2009, date of the offer more 'recently that there is ;-).
E 'a step forward, at least we do not do more' fake. I hope soon will also change the title and content of articles about it, let us face reality 'and urging young people not graduating more' in, for example in Electronics or Telecommunications Engineering.
And maybe you will return 'one day to talk about industrial policy.
PS: But we see instead of what are great (they) these Germans? They can also earn from our unemployed, our trash (see the history of Naples) and even to sell the mozzarella. In all honesty, 'I take my hat!