Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sample Of Reading Of The Faithful For Wedding

How many jobs have been created with the abolition of the ICI to the more 'rich?


How much of this money ended up in development, innovation? ZERO!

How much of this money ended up in consumption? FEW!
(ZERO in my case, if you're just running out of money, not 'the elimination of ICI changing your consumption)

Yet we are told that money is short (and it' s true). There are a few to make investments to give stimuli to the activities' of production, to push the research and investing in our children's future. Are few and will be less each year.

course, we will squander the money like that!

The agreement raised the elimination of ICI? BOTH (even among those who would not have paid anyway).

We are interested to have more 'job tomorrow (to invest in our children's future), or 100 dollars more' in your pocket today? THE SECOND THAT YOU SAID!


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