Monday, May 11, 2009

Sps To Cure Receding Gums


Question: What is the history of influenza viruses?
Answer: The' flu originated from animals birds, generally water, then go to 'man through the "jump" in pigs. The promiscuity of the herds, as it is in use in Asia, then this step determines the spread. They had thus originated the 'English Flu (1918, H1N1), the' Asian (1957, H2N2), one of Hong Kong (1968, H3N2) and so on.

Question: Who is more secure?
Answer: The older people have antibodies to the virus with which they came into contact with the progress of 'age. Any subsequent contact with an influenza virus type A includes not only the production of specific antibodies, but also an increase in direct employment to the viral infection responsible for the first flu of the subject (the phenomenon of "original antigenic sin").

Question: How is it spread a new virus' influence?
Answer: The 'immunity to a particular virus, spread at a given time, involves progressively increasing difficulty in its further spread and create the selective advantage for some variant of the virus to multiply and spread. As a result, shortly after the 'appearance of a new type, the old forms disappear and the new family will become dominant for a period that generally covers 10-20 years, in which we witness, for the appearance of mutations the division into different viral subtypes.

Question: How to escape the virus by antibodies, including vaccine?
Answer: In order for a type of influenza virus has a 'wide distribution, its characteristics must be such that it should escape neutralization by antibodies of' host and the surrounding population. Thus the epidemic manifestations can be verified with those viruses that adapt to the absence of the antibody population.
Therefore changes in influenza A viruses can be designed in sense of unity, in the 'scope of a principle and an evolutionary one course, called "immunological drift or immunological steering.

Question: What we can say in conclusion?
Answer: The influenza A virus shows an ability and a 'fitness for survival which is divided on the emergence of new viral forms that allow the virus to spread easily by people not yet immune to the new virus types.

Question: What can one say about the 'fever epidemic last?
Answer: the 'emergency created by the' epidemic of "swine flu" in Mexico is just not to alarm being victims of misinformation. The possibility that the virus hits in other parts of the world is just like for all types of influenza viruses.

Question: What is the real danger?
Answer: There is a potential risk of recombination with human influenza viruses already in circulation that could result in a variant virus capable of human to human transmission of aggressive and more harmful.

Question: How is it transmitted?
Answer: This flu is spread through the 'air with so-called Pflugge droplets or direct contact through contaminated hands of secretions.

Question: What should we be afraid?
Answer: We do not warrant a panic syndrome that often occurs through a misinformation or a lack of knowledge of the phenomenon. So no alarm because the number of victims is far inferior to other forms influenza.

Question: How do I prevent or cure?
Answer: Vaccination against the 'flu is the most effective way to prevent disease. Since we are in front of 'isolation of a new influenza virus, we have to wait to prepare a new vaccine that will be specifically prepared for next flu season in the fall.
antiviral drugs (neuraminidase inhibitors, surface receptor the virus) should be taken within 48 hours after the onset of flu symptoms and in subjects exposed to a close contact with people infected with the influenza virus.