Sunday, November 22, 2009

Figure Out Lock Combination For Casehard

banks safe?


La Guardia di Finanza of Turin has discovered a millionaire fraud against the Deutsche Bank. The facts:
infidels Two officials of the bank in league with a director of the Division Prestitempo, (a division of Deutsche Bank (nda) the company charged by the bank for the recovery of debts, and two other partners, has initiated a complex engineering financial. The five have made a number of companies throughout Italy - So far, only seven have been discovered - in which the Prestitempo entrusted the task to collect the debts of insolvent customers. The companies had to obtain payment of, if not all, at least in part, but complained of the complacency of the official involved Prestitempo through within , had obtained only a small fraction, then pocketing the difference.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Silver Basketball Sayings

A - H1N1


I have carefully read the 'article by Prof. Mario Santangelo, Regional Minister of Health, Republic of 7 on the U.S. While I certainly share his appreciation to the staff of 'Ospedale Cotugno, are by no means in agreement with your observations regarding the flu virus originated from a new source swine. Prompted me to write what was said in the recent past by Prof. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Policy Research and Infectious Diseases' s University of Minnesota, at the 'outbreak of the virus' H5N1 bird flu "after that the pandemic occurs, many scientists will be held accountable for what they did or did not do to prevent it. " Prof. Mario Santangelo once again brings up the "reasons that are not scientifically documented" 's increase d' incidence (and mortality) in Naples and Campania as the cold, the concentration of population and even the youth of our population , incurring at this point in a big mistake because it is traced back to 'the absence of antibodies "because they do not come in contact with the' Asian or '58 's Hong Kong '68, both pandemic viruses that had certain similarities" (?) "with ' H1N1. " Allow me now to remember some basics about flu viruses.
's influence originates from animals birds, generally water, then go to' man through the "jump" in pigs. Promiscuity (not sure that erroneously attributed to the Neapolitans by the Deputy Minister Fazio) farms, as is the custom in Asia, then this step determines the spread. They had thus originated the 'English Flu (1918, H1N1), the' Asian (1957, H2N2), one of Hong Kong (1968, H3N2) and so on until the current one, the new influence of porcine origin (2009, H1N1 ). The older people have antibodies to the virus which have been in contact with the progress of 'age. Any subsequent contact with an influenza virus type A includes not only the production of specific antibodies, but also an increase in those directed toward the person who first viral influenza infection of the subject ("original antigenic sin").
For a type of influenza virus has a 'wide distribution, its characteristics must be such that it should escape neutralization by antibodies of' host and the surrounding population. Thus the epidemic manifestations can be verified with those viruses that adapt to the shortcomings of the antibody population. Therefore the changes in the influenza A virus be based around a sense of unity, in the 'scope of a principle and an evolutionary course, called "immunological drift or immunological steering.
L 'immunity to a particular virus, spread at a given time, involves progressively increasing difficulty in its further spread and create the selective advantage for some variant of the virus to multiply and spread. As a result, shortly after the 'appearance of a new type, the old forms disappear and the new family will become dominant for a period that generally covers 10-20 years, in which we witness, for the appearance of mutations, the in multiple viral subtypes.
Therefore, the influenza A virus shows an ability and a 'fitness for survival which is divided on the emergence of new viral forms that allow the virus to spread easily through peoples not yet immune to the new virus types. There is a potential risk of recombination with human influenza viruses (avian, not as stated by the "layman") already in circulation that could result in a variant virus capable of human to human transmission of aggressive and more harmful. Is unwarranted panic syndrome that often occurs through a misinformation or a lack of knowledge of the phenomenon. So no alarm because the number of victims is far inferior to other forms of influenza. In the latter finding is in full agreement with Professor Santangelo.
Republic From Naples edition of 10 November 2009.

........ read the unpublished
Finally, as regards the "Naples case" I can only reiterate what I said and your newspaper published in recent days (3, us) is in the national pages (page 4) that the Chronicle Naples (interview with Irene De Arcangelis): Since there has been an increase in mortality for the epidemic in Naples, has created some panic for this apparent oddity in Campania. First we need to know the laboratory of Virology of Cotugno is part of the surveillance on influenza virus as the only center recognized by the Ministry of Health for our region: this allows testing for the new influenza A/H1N1 and to correlate the diagnosis with the cases patients, as outpatients, and especially with all the serious cases that are brought, often terminally, at the same hospital. It is therefore reasonable to assume that for many deaths reported elsewhere in the meantime, and we refer of course to other regions, there is the same capacity and ability to correlate the virologic diagnosis for the cause of death, especially when the flu virus acts as a cofactor.
Unlike Mayor Rosa Russo Iervolino they can not explain "what is happening here," obviously is not his domain, the problem of 'over-diagnosis is resolved that the final label of the influenza A H1N1 is given to many patients diagnosed in the laboratory that would otherwise would not have shown it actually affects. Will Rogers said this phenomenon is widely known since it was designed for the IQ (intelligence quotient) of the inhabitants of 'Oklahoma migrated to California, and then reported in many other aspects that lead to false interpretations of statistical observations.
In conclusion, once again in such an important issue such as health, lack 's scientific authority at national, regional and local levels because, as is constant in our country does not pay the professionalism.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How To Fix Uneven Zipper

prospects in immunological therapy of cancer
immunogenic properties of a complex antigenic material extracted from neoplastic (TLP)
Journal: Journal Cellular Physiology, 221: 26-30, 2009

Search made
long fight against cancer is seeing beyond the traditional instruments chemotherapy, radiology and surgery, the use of 'iimunoterapia. In this sense, of particular interest are the new approaches of immune therapy, through the use of drugs that restaurino reductions immunity (caused by cancer and / or cytostatic treatment physical and pharmacological) and the use of interferon or killers cells activated in the presence of interleukin-2. Another field of cancer immunotherapy that is proving fruitful and that of cancer markers .. The work that the group of Prof. Giulio Tarro held with the center of prof. Peden of Mantua has had the goal of seeking a cancer antigen (TLP signed) sufficiently immunogenic to induce cancer in a specific stimulus encolitico effective, whilst exploring the possibility of creating a certain laxity in the patient with the antigenic stimulus. These investigations have led to important results such as the discovery of the TLP (a protein released from human tumors) (European Patent No. 88830058.9, / The Hague 1998) and 'European license application (M. RM 92A 000506/1992) for synthetic peptides of the antigen for lung cancer .

Summary of research
The current research has now demonstrated unequivocally the presence of a tumor-associated antigens (TAA) managers: the induction of specific antibodies, delayed hypersensitivity reactions; blastizzazione of the peripheral lymphocytes of patients negotiations with TAA autologous and homologous previously sensitized, the lack of blastizzazione lymphocytes of healthy individuals and cancer that were not pretreated with the same antigen. Based on the experiences and places may think that the TLP, as immunogenic and specific mitogen, and finally as part of the envelope antigen of the tumor cells, may be valid approaches for cancer immunotherapy.
substances originate from two different tumor tissues (lung cancer, colon cancer TLP1-and-TLP2-) distinction made to increase the chances of congruence in the subject with atypical protein with those in the preparation. Many years of work have been spent to identify the essential parameters TLP antigen and then to verify its effectiveness as an anticancer therapeutic substance via the stimulation of the immune system of an organism which is naturally gifted. The TLP consists lipoglicoproteine \u200b\u200bsolubles, measuring between -61 48.1 Angstrom, has an isoelectric point below 7.0 and has a molecular weight of 214,000 dalton polymer consisting of monomers of about 54,000 daltons that has been analyzed before the establishment amino acid sequence, and then obtained the TLP II or protein released by tumor-derived antigen is a tumor surgically removed biochemically extracted, isolated, purified. Recently, the epitopes or parts of the same prosthetic antigens were sequentially with respect to certain lung cancers. A similar study was done for colon cancer while other studies are working on genitourinary cancers. Subsequently, synthetic peptides were obtained using sequence data for proteins studied previously and were prepared antibodies policlonaili in regard to these antigens. In conclusion, structural analysis were obtained carcinona pulmonary antigen and an antibody was developed in regard to this' antigen with which one could envisage the development of a diagnostic method for an antigen associated with lung tumors using antisera existing with the goal of early diagnosis of lung cancer. In addition, the antigen is purified to synthetic that can be used with active specific immunotherapy protocols already set, as target substances obtained directly from immunogenic tumors or produced by genetic engineering. The identification of the amino acid sequence is a collaboration with prof. Giulio Tarro Sbarro Institute in Philadelphia (USA). The structural analysis of lung cancer antigen has been successfully conducted to obtain information on amino acid sequence. II rationale that led to the identification of the peptide fragment described as an epitope of the antigen for lung cancer, took the cue from a study conducted by prof. Tarro on the purification and characterization of lung cancer antigen (TLP), noting that it was possible to obtain monoclonal antibodies immunizing mice with intact proteins. We are built, then, synthetic peptides as antigens to prepare antibodies to specific sites based on information of the partial sequence obtained. Since the protein is expressed in lung cancer, the production of antibodies against this antigen leads to the use of a screening test in respect of crude extracts from lung, toward the antigen protein and examine the preparation of a "cDNA library" by tumor material.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cervical Fluid After Period

crocodile tears? DO NOT FORGET ABOUT

G7 / Draghi: a bit 'too early to worry about the rules of finance ... ... so reply to those who seek an opinion on the concerns
espressedall'amministratore executive of Deutsche Bank Josef Ackermann on
possibilieccessive regulations that would penalize the industry
credit. ... < > Web Diary < >

G7. Dragons: 'a little early to worry about finances too many rules "
The Governor of the Bank of Italy:" We'll have more robust system of
what caused the crisis "

dott.Draghi Caro and predictable, it certainly is a bit
'soon, and yet it is also a bit
' tardi.Quanto actually has been done in cases
Argentina , Cirio and Parmalat ?
How many families still cry? How many banks are crying crocodile tears after
destroyed investor confidence?
The current global crisis is not it resulted
greed of banks and their myopic foresight in downloading the risks

imperfectly informed about their customers? And is it not true that
their actions have put them under even , of not being able
more trust for each other (almost ta the wolves wolves
), virtually stopping the interbank lending (for
not talk about other things)?
As for the "system", if it has caused the crisis, with
evidence was not solid.
hope that in future, both solid and not "stronger" of the now obvious
castle of mud that is has been
begat a crisis that seems to have only punish the innocent.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Would You Ever Go To Agay Sauna

Not to forget the tears of 2 million Italians. And the joy of Argentina and not only them .... la mayor de los Italianos JOURNALIERE comentaron ayer el éxito de la deuda Canja of Argentina. "Tango bond, the Buenos Aires gana partida "... JOURNALIERE italianor hablan del Triunfo de la argentina.cerca" Argentine tango bond "on the complete graph on Googleil http://it. Whether it winning matches and triumph (and tones are used to stage) (anyone who does) in a story as serious and cruel, sometimes changed the destiny of entire families, it's really doloroso.Che after so many words or very little nothing has been done by our political class for an international solution to the problem, seems to put it than the will and ability to operate for the good of Nazione.Che our political class has done little on the domestic front also investigating seriously on the work of banks ( when we are talking largely to tort judgments, and banks and / or investigated on trial for similar story: Parmalat to see Milan (hearing Jan. 24)) is equally puzzling the doloroso.E that in a collective problem, nothing really serious has been done by those who hand in the legislature. (I remind all that Argentina has a law with armored payment of its foreign debt). After the declaration of default by part of Argentina, in December 2001 if I remember correctly, The Stock Exchange of Buenos Aires' fell about 200 points (towards the end of the following year), subsequently to six years in to the 2200/2400 eguadagnando points, with a trend always rose substantially, THE BEAUTY OF THE 1100 / 1200% I say, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND AND FOR CENTOPerche 'if their economy seems to be so good, you do not pay any debituccio? Certainly rise to the lips and swear words, but to insult, although 'understandable, can' be facile.Le all too real questions are: What did the lords' s Italy for which we have delegated voting with our sacred powers to defend our homes, our lives, our destiny and our children? our work and its fruits .....?( but this is not 'rhetoric: there are kids in college instead of being' accepted whatever work 'cause the money to send them to study the cows are gaining weight Argentina) Finally an appeal to the Judiciary, is it true that the law is equal for all, there does not seem equally matched by the judgments which, while in the right diversity 'due to the differences from case to case, they are often made to different results despite concepts apparently identici.Un example: A court in Milan has considered illegal sale of Cirio bonds to investors before these titles were materially to exist (I say then: sold before the issue). n.3575/2006 Judgement of 20/03/2006. Leggetevela 'cause it deserves for its completeness and chiarezza.Non I understand that this' was done (at least not in so far as visible) in other places and other circumstances and titles, including argentini.Vi'm saying that banks (and First to those that guided the placement, the so-called Responsible) before selling the securities to investors, Argentina and then issued them and what 'date even in extremely close to the so-called final collapse (December 2001). is like saying the Titanic and sank while the company was selling tickets .......... Maybe I'm wrong, but if this' is not, it really hurts me to think that justice may be (albeit legally) is not unique. That's why I invoke a consultations between the legislature and the judiciary so that 'Italians do not fall victim not only of foreign swords, but painfully and ironically, even those who have helped shape.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ford Escape Aux Input

Giulio Tarro
and Biotechnology Committee Chairman Virosfera
UNESCO Bioethics and Sport
Report to Congress "Youth Sport medical and social aspects" of
Marano Naples, May 29, 2009

"Moving is freedom" every day, in a thousand places on the planet, run, play, work, play a game, it also means to affirm the freedom and the fundamental right to movement, gesture or use the sport demand them. Feel free to move. In some cases it is as if the sporting gesture offered young people the chance to express themselves in a "different" to enable you to communicate with the world and realized. The sport is considered among the young people one of the wheels more important for the development of life, plays an important role in the formation, development and education, for many it is an opportunity to be taken in training the mind and body, for others a very important educational guide. The sport is tied to the passions, in no uncertain terms you choose who to support until the end, those who follow with bated breath, every sport has around a mass of fans who feel part of a special world where often the tone, language and the words are understood only by those who belong to you and it does not matter if "others do not understand." The important thing is knowing how to recognize, even among those who have never seen, and know, if only for a moment, to be part of a "small universe" where they consume common passions. Sport is an extraordinary plant continuous emotions, Sometimes we feel alone, sometimes in a small group: the sporting event, whether it be a big hit or a crushing defeat, is seen as a piece of individual and collective history, with all the emotions that follow.
But what does it mean for a young person succeed in sports?
It means setting goals, achieving them through our commitment and confidence in ourselves, it means enjoying a pleasant feeling of satisfaction, both during activity and when it ended.
A further point of explanation is the ability to live in a group, being part of a particular social context is one of the primary needs of each individual. In fact one of the main reasons dei giovani allo sport è legata al desiderio di vivere e di raggiungere obiettivi sentendosi parte di un gruppo.
L’evidenza formativa di questa abilità è fuori da ogni dubbio: saper rispettare le regole del gruppo e collaborare anche in un ambiente competitivo sono abilità interpersonali che ciascuno di noi deve avere.
L’attività sportiva rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile all’apertura dell’educazione all’ambiente locale, all’Europa e al resto del mondo; essa è particolarmente adatta agli obiettivi di lotta contro qualsiasi forma di discriminazione, di genere, persone portatrici di handicap e nella lotta contro il razzismo.
Lo sport è stato a lungo, in passato, vissuto as a prerogative of the elite: a charged were young men, people with available funding. Today sport is open to everyone, but the number of practitioners is steadily decreasing. According to Censis, the 39.6% of Italians who are 18 or over have a physical activity on an ongoing basis: up to 35 years this figure rises to 53%, between 56 and 70 can obtain a gratifying 23.1%. Women are much closer to the people as a percentage of practitioners in some disciplines are 47 sports in 100 men; 100 women 33. Countless would
angles to address a speech on sport. Since the speaker is a doctor who for decades has dealt on Bioethics, let me touch on some medical and bioethical aspects of the sport.

Sport is now a mass phenomenon that moves in our country tens of billions of euro per year. This gives rise to the spread of doping, a practice no longer confined to a few isolated athlete, but now he sees the active collaboration of pharmaceutical companies, and sports - it pains me to say especially - doctors, using the most innovative drug research, fuel a lucrative market.
The practice of doping is spreading to the rampant commercialization that is currently experiencing the sport, especially after the recent explosion of television rights associated with large sponsorship contracts. This market, with billions at stake derived therefrom, has led to a proliferation of sports competitions and reduced recovery time, which also causes the shortening of the life of professional sports. In this combined with the perverse effects of certain contracts between sports associations and their sponsors, who pay award in accordance with the results obtained.
The fight against the scourge of doping, as well as to require new legislation and drug investigation, led to important bioethical partly arising from the work of "the European Commission for Community support plan to combat doping in sport." Among the guidelines of the work of the Commission are: the right of all people, including athletes like all other categories of citizens, safety and health, the principle of integrity and transparency in the name of which must be ensured the regularity of sporting competitions, special attention must be paid to vulnerable people, particularly the young, particularly attracted by the professional sport today.
Based on these ethical principles, the Commission in its two documents of 2007 brought a number of actions including the establishment of a specialized medical aid, psychological and information for athletes, the adoption of new Tools legislation on the protection of young athletes, particularly those who aspire to become professionals, encouragement of epidemiological research on the health of athletes, the organization of conferences on the subject of doping and the health of athletes, the inclusion in contracts between sports terms regarding the use of drugs and its prohibition, the adoption of a joint declaration equivalent to a code of conduct in sport, at the end of a European conference on doping. A problem of considerable interest
famacologico and bioethics is still to be considered as doping substances "tout court" and which ones, can be considered mere "ergogenic". As is well known For the former, such as anabolic-androgenic steroids, there are detailed tables, compiled and periodically updated by the national and international sporting committees, which identify them beyond doubt. Is much more nuanced, however, namely the position of ergogenic substances (eg caffeine), used in an attempt to improve the physiological, psychological or biomechanical. There are indeed concentration thresholds that define the scope of the two categories but, beyond the extreme difficulty of identifying them or even impossible to identify the substances naturally secreted by the body as synthetic ones - such as erythropoietin ( that, given the obstinacy of the pharmaceutical companies that produce it will not add substances that allow the tracing, identification is almost impossible) - are serious responsibilities of sports medicine in defining what substances and in what doses should be taken by the athlete to improve its performance.

In that regard, allow me to bring the thoughts of one of the most respected Italian sports doctors, which I prefer not to mention here: "I've had different experiences with so-called ergogenic aids for sports at various levels. When I was a college athlete, I have taken ergogenic substances for sports nutritional type, such as protein supplements in an attempt to increase muscle mass for football (rugby). As a marathon runner and ultramaratoneta, I made use of caffeine, a legal ergogenic substance, in terms of sports, to try to improve the capacity of aerobic life. As a coach, both in school and at college, I used ergogenic aids psychological in nature to try to improve the physical performance of my athletes (although I must admit that at that time, did not know them under the term "ergogenic psychological sport "). As a sports scientist for over 30 years, my research has focused on the ergogenic sport, including in this ergogenic aid for the sport of physiological, pharmacological and psychologically. "rises to this idea begs the question about what should be the insurmountable limit in the" performance improvement "of the athlete. You can define this limit as the very soul of a certain understanding of the sport is precisely to overcome the barriers?
The use of chemicals to enhance sporting performance is not a new phenomenon. Today, however, the athlete is increasingly obsessed with the leadership and performance beyond human limits. This is particularly true for the professional athlete, always driven to outdo, as urged by the pressure of the media and sponsors. To meet the needs of this type, the preparation of athletes had to achieve a degree of professionalism and scientific unknown in the past. And in this context, the sport has come to demand more and more frequently, help with medicine, in an attempt to overcome barriers and break the record until yesterday was considered insurmountable. If we add that we live in a society "farmacocentrica", aimed at finding solutions to the problems in medicine that have nothing to do with medicine, it will be clear that the doping is not simply a particular aspect of this " farmacomania. But in sports, the "farmacomania" acquires special significance: it appealing to the athlete breaks a fundamental law Sports and loyalty. Look, in a sporting event, to obtain benefits not allowed by methods, means biasing the results, even when the desired outcome is achieved.
It is, therefore, to determine the extent to which medical intervention is lawful and when, in fact, it exceeds the limits set by ethics and professional sports. Medicine, by its very nature, should only take action in preventing and treating diseases. In sport, the use of medical practice should be limited to the prevention of injuries and any medical conditions, competitive activity accordingly, the control diet and nutrition, as well as state control psychological and physical health of the athlete.
But the ban of use of doping has also bioethical nature. The athlete performs an act that violates unfair, regardless of whether the benefit in terms of sporting performance is genuine, doubt, or even nonexistent. I believe that sport should still be subject to some general principles, both within the amateur in the professional field. As long as sport is sport and entertainment, the fairness of competition is one of the most important of these principles. When football, athletics, cycling and other sports, major and minor, will be treated as any other performance art, then everything is permitted, subject to the condition not to harm the health of the protagonist.
The sports doctor who drugged and implement practical, simply to increase the potential of the athlete, if they require a pathological situation, task, thus, an act certainly wrong from the point of view of bioethics. In fact, any choice in medicine should be evaluated in terms of the relationship between the individual and the benefits to the health risk involved for the same. Even if it knew the risk involved - and often is not fully - it is clear that the benefit of the maneuvers is zero doping, with regard to the health of the athlete. The athlete is a healthy individual, although at risk of developing acute or chronic, resulting in its activities. In this medicine, understood as practices which may affect the physiological responses of the individual, not to support the provision of care in other ways that optimizing nutrition and training methods. The issue of doping, and then goes beyond the bioethical aspects in order to become ethical. And in that regard it is interesting to observe the evolution of this issue known in the reformulation of the medical code of ethics that have followed in recent years. The Code of Medical Ethics
approved January 7, 1978 did not include any article specifically devoted to sports medicine. Significantly, the Code of Ethics adopted July 15, 1989, reserved no less than 6 items for Sports Medicine (Article 102 Article 107). Among these are the last three very interesting. In particular Article 105 stated: "The physician should not give its cooperation in sports activities which have as their goal the pursuit of serious physical injury of the contenders." It is a norm among the most specific and meaningful Code of 1989. If a high organization notes that medical practitioners are heavily involved in sporting activities, both for the implications inherent in the protection of health that are their own and for the continued provision of a medical opinion, ruling the recognition aptitude tests, there is, secondly, the unequivocal position taken by the Federation ordinistica before a phenomenon which limits tend, with growing evidence to fade in the unlawful practice, where the sport is mixed with the elation and agony of violence and aggression. Even without any explicit reference is raised, therefore, it is clear how the code of ethics intended to emphasize how the guarantee to promote the health and well-being, which is the end of every sport, is not satisfied with the activity properly boxing, having to your doctor so refrain from offering their cooperation in such eventualities.
Only in the Code adopted in October of 1998 expressly refers to the particular sport which "may lead to psychological and physical damage to the integrity of the athletes." "The doctor has an obligation, under any circumstances, to assess whether a person may undertake or continue athletic training and competitive performance. The physician must request that its assessment is accepted, especially in sports that may involve damage to ' athletes' physical and psychological integrity, denouncing the non-acceptance to the competent authorities and with professional bodies. " (Article 75)
It is however a different approach with the Code of Conduct 1989. Article 106 of the Code of 1989, in fact, states: "The physician should not use pharmaceutical or other treatments that can artificially influence the performance of an athlete, especially where such interventions act directly or indirectly by changing the natural balance of physical and psychological subject. Medication or other aimed at improving the performance of athletes can not be kept secret. The sports medicine physician is obliged to inform the doctor intends to submit the process by which the athlete. "
Article 107 concerning doping expressly states:" The doctor can not advise, prescribe and still make use of treatments Doping of "Interesting how the definitions of doping behind this articles is the difference between: doping a crime (fraud) in itself and as a doping offense for public health. In the same vein, the definition of doping on a committee set up specifically to study the problem in doping, there are two essential elements: a) "the use of pharmacological interventions in the athlete healthy (including hematology, endocrine, etc.) ... in the absence of a therapeutic necessity, b) the intent to commit fraud in order to improve competitive performance outside the bio-physiological adaptation of the training. "
E 'has been rightly pointed out that one should not forget as well as conflicting with the classics canons of ethics sports .. also the possibility (and in some cases probably even when certainty) that the use of these substances which are profiles of production situations of danger to personal health and legal significance of medico-legal ".
The Code of Ethics was approved in 1995 devotes three articles to the theme of Sports Medicine. Article 92 says: "The physician should not use medication or other nature that may artificially influence the performance of an athlete, especially where such interventions act directly or indirectly by changing the natural balance between mind -physical entity. The doctor can not prescribe or recommend treatments of "doping". The sports doctor is obliged to report any treatment to the doctor. The physician must report any prescription or with professional recruitment suggestion made by doctors or no doctors, drugs, "food supplements" or substances referred to in the first two paragraphs of this article.
Not only there was an amalgamation of articles from the previous code, but also asks the doctor to report to the Order any prescription or suggestion made by doctors or medical substances that would alter the psycho-physical treatment of the subject or doping. It is explicitly pointed out not only the prescription, but also the suggestion involves reporting to the Order, which is assigned an important role in the fight against doping. The articles of the Code in relation to the issue of doping are justified by the fact that "one must always consider that the risks to which the individual is exposed are never proportionate to the objectives. Any consent given by the person can never relieve the doctor from his responsibilities, given that the individual's health is in question, as is known, is not a disposable good. "
The Code of Conduct approved in October 1998 three articles devoted to sports medicine. In particular, one of them is specifically dedicated the doping issue (Article 76), while limiting the back to the first paragraph of Article No. 92 of the Code of 1995. Briefly we can say that from the standpoint of the ethical duty of the physician is to protect the health, mental and physical integrity and life of the subject, not to prescribe drugs without therapeutic necessity, obtain informed consent of the beneficiary, to remind himself to his clients that the assets are not available, including health and life. This second
the drafters of the Code justifies the prohibition of prescription drug treatments or otherwise altering the natural balance psco-being of the subject. From the ethical point of view we can certainly say that "Doping distorts the human and ethical bases of sport, whether it is entertainment whether it's racing. Debases the human being frustrating the benefits from practicing a sport. It transforms the person into an object of the athlete : he is used, manipulated and exploited for different purposes, for purposes which are not those of the sport. ... Aiming to artificially improve athletic performance, the use of stimulants attacks one of the basic principles of competitive activity, which is to encourage fair competition and fair, <> ".

On the issue of doping its conflict with the principles of medical ethics: autonomy and beneficence / nonmaleficence, the principle of justice and the moral integrity of the profession.
The first principle, that of autonomy, claims that the doctor complies with the requirements of the assisted formulated in a free and informed and that food and promote the decision-making autonomy of the patient. It could be interpreted as the legitimate desire of an athlete through pharmaceutical preparations to improve their performance, aware of health risks that this entails as informed about the doctor. This, then, leans in favor of the morality of the prescription and taking of drugs.
The principle of charity demands that physicians face the good of his patient, removing the evil that struck him and prevent future suffering. The principle of nonmaleficence claims that the doctor does no harm to his client. The doctor is then called to promote and safeguard the health, well understood as essential to his client. Under this principle, physicians should oppose the request of the sports administration of substances that may in a longer or shorter time to cause damage. The principle of justice demands that we evaluate the impacts, social consequences (ie positive or negative effects on third parties) of a clinical decision in the interests of a patient and shall share equally the disadvantages, benefits and overall costs ( current and future immediate and long-term) derived from an originally designed and built within the doctor-patient dyad. The disturbance of the regularity of sporting competitions, or the mere suspicion of race fixing cast a stigma on the whole sporting world, with devastating consequences on his credibility. You turn away from it not only the spectators and fans, but it is likely to promote a sports mentality willing to do anything to get the results. The social consequences of the use of performance-enhancing drugs show the moral unlawfulness of their prescription and recruitment.
The principle of integrity of the profession calls for the respect the autonomy of the physician. He should decide on their knowledge and belief. The doctor is therefore not a mere executor of his clients' requests, but is called to assume moral responsibility for his actions, also with regard to the possible effect of them against the medical profession. The doctor then must reject the use of substances that are beyond the purpose of their medicine-prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and preserves the proper sense of the profession.
in resolving the conflict between these principles, it should be noted that there are goods which we consider not available, although not absolute. Life is among them. It should also be remembered that the doctor does not configure its performance only as a technical act, but work full of ethical imperative.

As already mentioned the spread of doping goes beyond the boundaries of professional sports. The use of artificial aids to improve physical performance has spread so widespread among amateurs, amateurs in gyms, even in schools. E 'last summer's survey sponsored by the ASL of Milan, using the formula of the anonymous questionnaire, was able to highlight how young people between the city's schools is widespread use of doping substances; to play football or to make up in the pool or gym. As mentioned above, this grave situation has arisen in a conception of practice obsession with sport as a direct result, an idea prevalent among many sports instructors, always looking for new talent. A culture amplified by the media, newspapers and television stations, which continue to cover sports events on which to weigh heavy suspicion. A culture that spreads the idea of \u200b\u200bcompetitiveness to maximum thrust, which bans most reprehensible behavior: just follow any sports media to realize this. However, there is another conception of sport that I think should be of interest to the doctor. Sport as a game, as exquisitely playful moment, a reading which, inter alia, refers to the true roots of this activity (the word "sport" is derived from Boccaccio "Boaters for pleasure and entertainment from one place to another").
E 'common belief that sport was born in antiquity, in Greece, the land of the Olympic games. In reality the differences between the ancient and the modern racing games are such as to exclude any possible comparison: just think of the sacred character of the Greek games, which were conducted within the framework of festivals and religious ceremonies. In reality, the modern concept of sport, according to historian and a German sociologist Norbert Elias, was born in the shadow of the great political transformations of the eighteenth century England, when, with the advent of parliamentary dialectic in the twenties, the conflicts began to lose some of their ferocity. Then finally defeat policy did not coincide more with the personal destruction, indeed it gave a new impetus in view of revenge. It was then that the propertied classes gave rise to the "sportivisation" of their pastimes.
In 1751 was founded the first institution of sport, the Jockey Club, to regulate horse racing. The ancient and often cruel games of the nobility became within a century home and were subjected to specific and universal rules are inspired in the spirit of fair play. The term now much in vogue, of fair play simply did not show fair play. In view of the noble classes UK it was an indication of the recognition rules of the game, often guided by the hardness (the founding fathers of football discussed long before excluding the lawfulness of the kick in the shins), and at the same time the ability to conceal the sufferings for the defeats and the enthusiasm for victories. Moreover, the education of young gentlemen of the Victorian era and an ethic of self-imposed sacrifices necessary to face the ruthless economic conflicts and to fulfill the task of leadership of an empire cut off.
This is the concept of sport that our society has inherited and which still forge the unbridled competitive spirit behind unethical practices such as doping.
But there is another concept that sport is one of the game in which one experiences the comparison with each other and with their limitations, we learn respect for rules and the taste of the commitment. Sport as an activity that carries with it a fascinating and extraordinary charge of humanity, of generosity, of conquest, of courage, patience, making adventure filled with signs, targets, hope. Sport as an activity that carries with it a fascinating and extraordinary charge of humanity, of generosity, of conquest, of courage, patience, making adventure filled with signs, targets, hope.
Allow me at this point to end this report with a quote: "All the body parts that have a function, if used in moderation and exercised in the activity to which they are assigned, they become more healthy, well-developed and age more slowly, but if they are not used and left idle, they become easy to get sick, defective in growth and premature aging "The importance of these words is that they were uttered by Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine" who lived about 2500 years ago in ancient Greece were known to these concepts, not for nothing that the Greeks invented the Olympic Games.

Prof. Giulio Tarro

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sps To Cure Receding Gums


Question: What is the history of influenza viruses?
Answer: The' flu originated from animals birds, generally water, then go to 'man through the "jump" in pigs. The promiscuity of the herds, as it is in use in Asia, then this step determines the spread. They had thus originated the 'English Flu (1918, H1N1), the' Asian (1957, H2N2), one of Hong Kong (1968, H3N2) and so on.

Question: Who is more secure?
Answer: The older people have antibodies to the virus with which they came into contact with the progress of 'age. Any subsequent contact with an influenza virus type A includes not only the production of specific antibodies, but also an increase in direct employment to the viral infection responsible for the first flu of the subject (the phenomenon of "original antigenic sin").

Question: How is it spread a new virus' influence?
Answer: The 'immunity to a particular virus, spread at a given time, involves progressively increasing difficulty in its further spread and create the selective advantage for some variant of the virus to multiply and spread. As a result, shortly after the 'appearance of a new type, the old forms disappear and the new family will become dominant for a period that generally covers 10-20 years, in which we witness, for the appearance of mutations the division into different viral subtypes.

Question: How to escape the virus by antibodies, including vaccine?
Answer: In order for a type of influenza virus has a 'wide distribution, its characteristics must be such that it should escape neutralization by antibodies of' host and the surrounding population. Thus the epidemic manifestations can be verified with those viruses that adapt to the absence of the antibody population.
Therefore changes in influenza A viruses can be designed in sense of unity, in the 'scope of a principle and an evolutionary one course, called "immunological drift or immunological steering.

Question: What we can say in conclusion?
Answer: The influenza A virus shows an ability and a 'fitness for survival which is divided on the emergence of new viral forms that allow the virus to spread easily by people not yet immune to the new virus types.

Question: What can one say about the 'fever epidemic last?
Answer: the 'emergency created by the' epidemic of "swine flu" in Mexico is just not to alarm being victims of misinformation. The possibility that the virus hits in other parts of the world is just like for all types of influenza viruses.

Question: What is the real danger?
Answer: There is a potential risk of recombination with human influenza viruses already in circulation that could result in a variant virus capable of human to human transmission of aggressive and more harmful.

Question: How is it transmitted?
Answer: This flu is spread through the 'air with so-called Pflugge droplets or direct contact through contaminated hands of secretions.

Question: What should we be afraid?
Answer: We do not warrant a panic syndrome that often occurs through a misinformation or a lack of knowledge of the phenomenon. So no alarm because the number of victims is far inferior to other forms influenza.

Question: How do I prevent or cure?
Answer: Vaccination against the 'flu is the most effective way to prevent disease. Since we are in front of 'isolation of a new influenza virus, we have to wait to prepare a new vaccine that will be specifically prepared for next flu season in the fall.
antiviral drugs (neuraminidase inhibitors, surface receptor the virus) should be taken within 48 hours after the onset of flu symptoms and in subjects exposed to a close contact with people infected with the influenza virus.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Doujin-moe Members Account Share

lives by the sword ......

Germany, collapsing wages The number one top manager of Volkswagen, Martin Winterkorn, was in 2008, the top highest-paid manager of Germany, however, in these times of crisis, the ranking of the salaries at the top of the main groups of ' stock index Dax stands for more drastic cuts to increases staggering.
The list of salaries, published today by Financial Times Deutschland (FTD), is clear: with a manager as the CEO of Deutsche Bank, Josef Ackermann, who have renounced the bonus as a sign of solidarity with their employees and the industry Last year, the remuneration of directors of the Dax-30 fell by an average of 26% compared to 2007.
Winterkorn, who also recorded the highest increase, earned 12.71 million euro, almost 150% more than last year. But this is an exception. For many, from Ackermann, the levels of past years are a thing far and, judging from the economic forecasts, it will remain for some time. If the salary of
Winterkorn took a leap forward as much as 147%, in fact, that of a number of Deutsche Bank fell 91%, precisely because without the bonus, to 1.39 million €. The company makes the CEO of Daimler, Dieter Zetsche, with a -55% to 5.03 million Euros and the chairman of BMW, Norbert Reithofer, with a fall of 40% to 2.26 million €.
Winterkorn, however, is not alone. The salary of a number of Deutsche Telekom, Rene Obermann, has increased by 21% to 3.21 million euro, while those of top executives of Lufthansa and ThyssenKrupp - respectively Wolfgang Mayrhuber and Ekkehard Schulz - were up 8% at both 2.91 and 6.35 million €.
Even at the level of the Management Board, Volkswagen is the first in the list, with a total compensation of € 45.38 million of the 175% increase over 2007. Followed by Siemens with the 57.92 million (+39%) and then the ThyssenKrupp, with 33.12 million (-9%). The board as' poor and, once again, to Deutsche Bank, with 4.47 million euro, a decrease of 87% salaries of the mountain. March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bait Bus Straight Blog

Biological tests

living wills: legal aspects and bioethical
To the first time in Italy, 5 November 2008, the Court of Modena has issued a decree on appointment of administrator support in favor of a person if that, in future, is incapable of discernment. The support administrator will be responsible for giving the necessary consent to medical treatment. This will be given an opportunity to have the same legal effect as a "living will" even in the absence of specific legislation.
The living will, or to be more specific in the terms "forward declaration of treatment" or "living will" nelo Anglo-Saxon world is the expression of will by a person (the testator), provided conditions of mental clarity, on the therapies that will or will not accept in the event that should be in a position of inability to express their right to consent or not consent to the proposed treatment (informed consent) for traumatic brain injury or disease, or irreversible disabling diseases that make it necessary to treatments with permanent artificial machines or systems that prevent a normal social life.
The desire to pass on the fate of the person of first degree relatives or legal representatives if this person is no longer in a position to discernment for biological reasons.
not yet exist in Italy a specific law on living wills, the formalization for an Italian citizen of his expression of will concerning medical treatments that want to accept or reject may vary from case to case, because the testator writes what he thinks at that time without a specific format, often referring to topics as diverse as organ donation, cremation, pain therapy, artificial nutrition and aggressive treatment, and not all his will could be legally acceptable and bioethical considerations.
Article 32 of the Italian Constitution provides that "no one can be forced to a specific medical treatment unless required by law" and in 2001, Italy has ratified the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (L. March 28, 2001, n.145) of Oviedo in 1997, which states that "the previously expressed wishes about medical intervention by a patient who, at surgery, is unable to express His will be taken into consideration. " The Code of Medical Ethics, in adherence to the Oviedo Convention, states that physicians should take account of previous manifestations of the same desire.
is important to note that despite the Law 145 of 2001 has authorized the President to ratify the Convention, however, the instrument of ratification has not yet been deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe have not been legislative decrees issued under the law to the adaptation of the Italian legal principles and norms of the Constitution. For this reason Italy is not part of the Oviedo Convention.
The issue of living wills, sees different positions between currents of thought a secular, radical (going so far as to want to discuss euthanasia) and strong positions in defense of life founded on Catholic principles. With regard to euthanasia the National Bioethics Committee has made clear in 2003 with a document of recommendations, which states that an advance directive may not contain information "in contradiction with the positive law, the standards of good clinical practice and the medical ethics or who seek to impose an active medical practice in his knowledge and belief unacceptable "and that" the patient can not be empowered to request and obtain assistance in favor of euthanasia. "
The document also says that NBC's "physicians should not only consider advance directives written on a sheet signed by the person, in writing, but also justify actions that violate this will."

The "Case Englaro" The story of
Eluana has fueled a debate in Italy, the media first, then political institutions, on issues related to end of life issues. A public opinion, mainly close to the Church Catholic policy and area of \u200b\u200bthe center-right, has expressed opposition to the interruption of artificial nutrition (via nasogastric tube), which is considered equivalent to euthanasia. Another part of the country, mostly secular area, said they were favorable to the will of the reconstructed directly affected in the absence of a formal living will.
One of the main points of divergence in the debate concerned the withdrawal of nutrition and hydration to the woman, or if treated as a medical treatment, therapy, and then, or like a basic life support, and if their possible suspension could be made by third parties in the absence of diretta ed esplicita volontà del paziente.
Nell'ipotesi in cui la nutrizione artificiale venga considerata una terapia, la sospensione dell'alimentazione e della idratazione alla Englaro (configurabili anche come accanimento terapeutico), troverebbe riscontro alla sua applicabilità nell'articolo 32 della Costituzione Italiana e nel Codice di Deontologia Medica, dopo un ragionevole accertamento della originaria volontà della donna. Tale orientamento è quello che ha condotto la Corte d'Appello ad autorizzare la sospensione del trattamento.
Viceversa, considerando l'alimentazione e la nutrizione alla stregua di un sostentamento vitale, la sospensione di tale pratica si configurerebbe come forma di eutanasia, poiché il paziente that they were deprived not die for the direct consequences of the disease that affects, as is the case for switching to a cure, but for the omission of a form of support.
At the international level, in terms of science and bioethics, the prevailing interpretations are to regard the forced nutrition and hydration, even for people in persistent vegetative state, such as free medical treatment refused by the patient or his legal representative while in Italy the National Bioethics Committee has expressed (in 2005) in a different way. The Code of Medical Ethics, regarding the suspension of food, says that "if the person is aware of the possible consequences of its decision, the physician should not take action or cooperate in constraining operations of constraint of artificial feeding, but must continue to assist. "
Regarding the decision on suspension of treatment by others, the Code of Medical Ethics, Article 34 states that the doctor, in the absence of an explicit expression of the will of the patient, it will still take account of previous events will by itself, adherence to the European Convention on Bioethics 1997, ratified by the Italian Parliament.
The political debate in Italy on the living will, though in a cross-disciplinary reviews, focused too, as a result the story of Eluana on the issue of artificial nutrition and personal choice or a third party to terminate such treatment. Orientation of the parliamentary majority that in the law under discussion on advance directives for treatment, excludes the possibility of applying any practice of euthanasia, consider hydration and nutrition as a life support was offset by the orientation of the forces of Opposition considers that the treatment and as such come within the patient's self-determination that the law should allow.

bioethical issues in recent years many scholars have shown that in an era where the dominant idea is to prolong youth and life in a state of pleasure and well-being, sickness, old age, but above all the pain and death are a source of horror because they appear as full of experiences only depriving and negative meanings. So there is anthropologically and culturally in our time, an inability to accept the biological limit of human life and existence, which makes it particularly difficult task of making as much as possible the peaceful end of life. In this sense, must be framed the debate that is developing between doctors and philosophers on the question of euthanasia and that is dividing into two "sides" in opposing public opinion as demonstrated controversy unleashed by the deafening as a result of the so-called "Englaro" and, before that, "Welby case."

In an anthropological perspective the model representation of death in our society is radically opposed to any previous model. In pre-capitalist cultures the presence of death is central. In the peasant culture, as in non-Western cultures, life and death are perceived, rather, as different forms of the same human condition. The two terms interpenetrate in reality, as in symbols. Even as a child was somehow brought up the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath: death has its places, its signs, its ceremonies. In this type of society the "good death" is death considered "natural" old age, in his own bed, surrounded by relatives, having "put order" in all its worldly things. In pre-capitalist culture of death, when it is "good death" does not fear what they fear is rather the "bad death" has always been attributed to unnatural causes, external to the will, which alter the course of things right, time and the right place to die.
The history of the representation of death in Western industrial societies is, however, the progressive development and strengthening of the opposite pattern. Without going into details, is the story of progressive reduction in the space of presence of death. Our society lives among the many this contradiction is not the kind of company that produces more death "unnatural" for speed, short-lived joy, for violence, but at the same time, the company rejects the idea that most of death, which he is most terrified and obsessed. The dominant productivist ideal is to live as if death would never come.
It 's interesting, for example, note that in France in the last decade, the use of making a will has declined by about 100%. This separation of life from death, and this denial of death, accompanying the whole story of the development of society industry. Death is progressively confined and removed both at the individual level, at the social level. At the individual level several studies have largely shown that psychoanalysis today are refined and multiplied by the removal mechanisms of the idea of \u200b\u200bour own death.
The two models of cultural representation of death seem in some ways opposites. The good death, the death that most today would like, it's probably just the "bad death" of companies that have preceded ours: a sudden death, unexpected, for which there can be neither a place nor a time to suit. E 'in this cultural context of the rejection of the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath that is the problem of euthanasia, and in fact only in this context, the problem could unfold completely. Rather, the actuality of the problem of euthanasia seems manufactured from two factors: firstly, the extent of the consumerist culture, the other from medical advances in recent years.
These two factors can and indeed often come into conflict with one another. The same prolongation of human life, the percentage increase in the elderly population, is the most tenuous of this contrast, the possibility to extend for long, expensive periods, the terminal phase of fatal illness, it is the most extreme form. From a production point of view in both cases it is a dispersion of efforts. Not we certainly crush the economic and productive reasons supporters of euthanasia. As we have seen, these reasons are much more complex and complicated, we just want to emphasize that this is a case in which the development of science will be forced to deal with the environment of values \u200b\u200bthat more or less directly produced it. It 's easy to assume that in the near future will multiply the number of cases where medicine will be able to postpone the final moment of terminally ill patients and these could then be a real economic problem, much more than it is today. Then it will make a choice and will be mainly a choice of values.
One can hope that these values \u200b\u200bin all cases preserve the dignity and human freedom itself. The choices you make will, in fact, an expression of the various possible ways of understanding power: that of the physician towards the patient, such as that of society in respect of the individual and the citizen of the politician.

The reasons of each other's
In some ways, the issue of euthanasia, passive, opinions are less distant than it seems: we agree in rejecting the so-called "therapeutic obstinacy" in refusing, that is, the artificial continued life of the patient decerebration irreversibly, we agree in opinion, which was formerly of Pius XII, on the legality to give the patient the approach of death narcotic drugs, although it is expected that the use of such drugs shorten life.
Concerning the claims of the Vatican certainly does reflect the choice of Pope John Paul II who, according to authoritative witnesses refused to prolong his agony by refusing an aggressive treatment with those who are considered to be his last words: "Let me return to the Father's house. "The views
instead they become more and more divergent when discussing whether to regulate by law, this form also restricted to passive euthanasia, on the prospect of extending his eligibility, albeit for understandable reasons of mercy to the terminally ill; active euthanasia. But we report briefly the reasons for and against the rules for passive euthanasia law, as they emerged from the most representative work of the current debate. We recall that the term "passive euthanasia", or "omission" means the removal of the sick, or the acceleration of the death of the sick, now considered inevitable and imminent (terminal phase), according to the instructions of a large series, through omission, or failure of therapeutic interventions acts to prolong life. "Active euthanasia" implies, rather, an act deliberately aimed to shorten or end the life of the patient for to die, or who is under the particular conditions of physical suffering.
The main arguments in favor of a scheme for passive euthanasia law are:
· The passive euthanasia is a compassionate practice now widespread, its regulations deprive the whim of the doctor, or relatives of the patient .
· The regulation of euthanasia, the doctor passes freely from illegality of an act most commonly for admission of the doctors themselves, than you might think.
· A clear legislation on euthanasia would allow the judiciary to operate on a legal basis for safer and more homogeneous.
· Everyone has the right to decide on his own death and to die with dignity.
• The cost of the terminally ill were affecting the health facility, draining resources that could be converted to sick curable.
is the possibility to "control" the death of terminally ill patients would increase the availability of organs for transplantation.
· The main arguments against the scheme for passive euthanasia law are:
· A passive euthanasia would result in about an epidemic of "good death", which would be impossible to control the extension.
· The health care facility, already in itself inadequate, they would be raised by a commitment to extend the maximize the life of the patient, the risk of a therapeutic mass absenteeism.
• If it is to stop the artificial prolongation of life in extreme pain there is no need for a law: that is widespread and accepted practice of medicine by morality. Passive euthanasia legislation actually conceals the attempt, or at least the risk, an extension of this practice up to and beyond the borders of active euthanasia.
• Who can decide whether to "euthanasia" the sick man? If it is the patient himself to decide the necessary clarity of mind is clearly not a case of applicability of euthanasia, but to "suicide." If the decision is relatives, how to ensure that this decision does not conceal other interests? If it must be the doctor to decide, how to avoid mistakes, and behave differently, even in this case, any interest other than the patient?
· E 'shown that the therapeutic trials and efforts to give marginal relief to the sick are often allowed to advance scientific research.
· The new therapies and resuscitation in general developments, even in the short term, treatment of pharmacology, make it difficult when did the definition of terminally ill patients.
We specifically left out of this review of reasons for and against the arguments of a moral and religious. On this level the two different positions may be summarized as follows: first, the sanctity of human life committed to full compliance with its terminals and even in its most difficult moments, and second, it is the right man to die with "dignity," do not offer the show to get rid of her moral and physical. In fact, as we have said, the line divides the non-Catholic world and the secular: the secular world is further divided and doubtful in it, and even among Catholics can be found more or less nuanced positions. The reason
moral of the two camps of opinion is basically the same: to preserve the dignity of human life. Nor, on the other hand, it calls into question the legitimacy of various anthropological foundations of this "dignity." What the world criticizes the Catholic lay opinion is quite a tendency to slip from a secular vision of a consumerist view of life and man. For its part, the secular world sees the positions of the Catholic world, the danger to pass from the defense of life to an exaltation of the pain itself, as the last testimony.

The role of medical law and ethics among
The question on the legality of euthanasia is investing heavily to the medical world as evidenced by what is happening overseas. Towards the end of this month, in fact, the U.S. Supreme Court must rule on the constitutionality of four laws promulgated by many states that prohibit doctors to put in the condition of terminally ill patients commit suicide. In the case of a positive decision the rule will extend to 14 states comprising more than half the U.S. population and it is likely that the mechanism will cover the entire country. This means that doctors will no longer be prosecuted as the famous Dr. Death (Jack Kevorkian), which since 1990 has practiced 44 assisted suicides being acquitted three times by juries in states' prohibitions ". The official representatives of the medical profession are opposed, but the majority of doctors or at least more than half are in favor with the three quarters of the population. Advocates of legalization have a number of topics including: The priority of the autonomous choices by the patient, the priorities it has given rise to the introduction of informed consent. A percentage of deaths and suffering is substantial: if today the pain relief therapies have made little progress, there are other symptoms such as vomiting, breathlessness, and extreme weakness against which you do not have adequate weapons. To say nothing of incontinence and other events that offend the dignity of the dying. There are also differences between the interruption of treatment for intensive resuscitation express wish of the patient because the doctor's role is limited steps to let the disease take its course and "activity" of health care that is even with the consent or a family member, directly determine the death or provide the patient / family with the means and instructions to do so.
But advocates of assisted suicide challenge this distinction largely centered only on the role of the physician. On the contrary, while in assisted suicide the patient is conscious and active, when interrupt the mechanisms that keep it alive, however, is almost always passive. Also can not miss abuses, abuses by family members concerned to inheritance. One last point. It may in fact lead to a factor: "major depression" of the patient, the doctor could cure instead of helping suicidal intent, but the clinical condition general should allow differentiation.
course in affirming the legality of assisted suicide could never follow a sort of moral obligation for the doctor, because obviously conscientious objection for those who still considers the essential principle of the art health care to bring life and not death. Rather, the debate has drawn attention to shortcomings and barriers to terminal care of a socio-cultural and economic life that exclude many patients from being able to take advantage of palliative care.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

How To Fold Easy Serviette


New York on February 6 2009

The legacy of the financial genius of the Deutsche Bank:

hole from 1.8 billion to Wall Street traders hard times even the top of the roof when they hear about the super salaries 'wizards of finance', the number a Deutsche Bank Akermann turn up their noses: the best brains, he says, they will leave. But maybe a look at the story of Mr. Weinstein would not go amiss, especially in light of the 'red' DB in the fourth quarter 2008: € 4.8 billion, compared with a profit of $ 1 billion in the same period last year.
Mr.Boaz The parable of "The Fall of Boaz Weinstein, once one of the best traders on Wall Street, says much of what the major international banks are still invested by the effects of market turmoil, "writes the Wall Street Journal. To which did not escape the rise and sudden fall of Weinstein, the super trader at Deutsche Bank who loved 'bet' on the most innovative tools of finance, bringing home the DB huge profits and big salaries in its portfolio and awards up to $ 40 million a year. Then, in 2008, the collapse of Wall Street, the explosion of swelling of the 'toxic assets', the fleeing from stocks that a few months before miraculously multiplied profits.
result, the division in which he works Weinstein, left last year to Deutsche a 'hole' of 1.8 billion dollars. In a few months have been deleted the stock market gains of two years 'at large'.
Yesterday, Deutsche Bank issued a loss of 3.9 billion euro in 2008, the first in 50 years, and the number one Josef Ackermann described the last few months as "a series of earthquakes with constant change of focus." Someone very close to the DB.
Weinstein, 35, in addition to being the 'genius of Saba', who headed the finance division, is known on Wall Street for his passion for the game: poker and blackjack, where it is a true ace. After all, at work, Weinstein, strong point: the trend of securities reckless speculation also led him to the top. Now, I lost hundreds of millions of dollars, to trace the China - says the Wall Street Journal, thinks of its own fund. And someone is betting that it will be called Saba.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

$99 Dollar Gown Sale What Month?

The Foundation for Research on Cancer "Teresa and Luigi de Beaumont Bonelli was founded on January 3, 1978, with the erection of non-profit organization the President of the Republic (OJ No 56, 25.2.1978).
The initiative came thanks to a donation of the Marquise de Beaumont Bonelli Teresa Berger, who at his death in Rome in 1973, it also affected (such as ten million people worldwide each year) from " evil of the century, "istituitiva heir of his estate to the Foundation being established and appointed President for Life Professor Giulio Tarro, internationally renowned scientist who had followed the research and studies in America and in the virology department of the hospital" Cotugno "Naples.
The Foundation, which has its head office in Naples, via Giulio Palermo 112, was born as a unifying moment for other acts of donations and aims to promote cancer research but may also have their own pensions in favor of university-level research institutes, laboratories and other scientific bodies and to create and direct management of laboratories for research.
It is in our country a rare example of private donations that contributes effectively to support the large expenses required for cancer research.
Although the concrete activities carried out research (Professor Tarro was among the first to show the other virus that caused respiratory virus infection in Naples the death of many children), the Foundation has never received any grants or subsidies from either the state, or local authorities, known for lavish gifts in other areas.
And despite the legal nature of the Foundation puts it (as opposed to associations and other similar institutions that are free from any verification) under the constant supervision of the state, thus ensuring complete transparency and fairness of its administration and of ' utilization of available funds.
fact, it is worth remembering that part of the Management Board, as required by the Statute also the Prefect of Naples and president of the hospital "Cotugno".
In this context, easy to understand why the Foundation, through its President Prof. Giulio Tarro and its Board of Directors has decided to appeal to all those who, aware of the commitment required by the civil fight this terrible disease, intending to join in a spirit of service, to involve more people in the complex activity; to support scientific research that leads the Foundation for years.
With the goal of making more and more near a bright future.
Foundation Teresa and Luigi de Beaumont Bonelli for Research on Cancer does not conduct or sponsor research to be carried out on animals.