Monday, December 15, 2008
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Research in Medicine: a particular perspective
Let me - even to prevent this brief contribution to a conference that promises to be so full of ideas and thoughts, will move on paths, rather than discounted, of course - here the reverse concept of courtly "Search".
"The search for truth is more precious to possess," he noted that immediately after Albert Einstein added, "Imagination is more valuable than knowledge." These aphorisms, seemingly contradictory, outlining a speech on the intrinsic value of research that goes beyond its applications "practices" and that, unlike ideology, connotes a natural impulse, the very essence of mankind: curiosity. There are some other fulfillment that can invest Researcher: wealth, power, fame ... but nothing, absolutely nothing, can replace the adventure of discovery, the pleasure of seeing those that were vague inferences become conclusive experiments. Needless to say, especially in a society as complex as ours, that the scientific research in particular, and more medical, certainly can not be reduced to a mere delight of the researcher. Also because the fallout of a scientific discovery can be devastating.
Science - unfortunately or fortunately - is not pure. Science is already animated by an intention technique: watch the world change. "Scientia est potentia," said Bacon. Born hence, the need to reconcile the irrepressible need for a free search with the fallout of this on society, and the start of a whole series of philosophical musings and scientific considerations that are known as bioethics. Born in the seventies by the need to establish contact between scientific and humanistic culture, bioethics has quickly established itself as a vantage point on issues fundamental to the psychological and physical health and identity (birth, life, health, death) and those made more progress from the current biomedical (cloning, biotechnology, genetic medicine ...). Bioethics see the human being as an individual with of specific individual and as part of a system, natural and social, with which it is in continuous interaction. In it meets medicine, biology, ethics, philosophy, law, politics, for a complete analysis and interdisciplinary, respectful of the complexity of the human being. From this point of view of its relevance and its importance is enormous, at a time when science seems to have finally replaced all 'economy and politics as the driving force of history. But with what consequences? What are the risks? What chance of regulation and defense? And, above all, what is the relationship between scientific research and quality of life?
Bioethics is a new science called to respond all this, always placing at the service of man and his balance with the environment.
Bioethics is a young science. He has just over forty years, being born, at least as a term, in 1970, having as its perspective to build a bridge towards science and towards the future. It was groped to bridge the rift that was created between scientific knowledge, very advanced, and the humanistic and ethical, cultural categories related to old and outdated. Just to make this work of renewal and sewing, bioethics was established from the outset as a set of knowledge: the sciences, particularly biology, philosophical, ethical, what giuridico e, in ultima istanza, anche quello teologico. In questi anni, la bioetica si è rivelata una formidabile occasione di dialogo tra tutte queste discipline, partendo da una visione positiva della scienza.
Nessuna epoca della storia ha conosciuto un progresso scientifico neppure lontanamente comparabile, per velocità e risultati, a quello attuale. Inimmaginabili confini sono stati raggiunti e nuove straordinarie prospettive per la ricerca sono state aperte anche in biomedicina, oggetto specifico della riflessione bioetica. Grandi orizzonti si sono aperti anche in ambito terapeutico. Le ricadute tecnologiche di queste scoperte hanno però creato anche circuiti di business non sempre virtuosi. Giorno per giorno emergono sempre nuovi problemi etici, often distressing for the future of society, and a "quality" of life not only "nominally" human. On the other hand, innovation is often not so rapid as to give time for reflection ethical / philosophical really thought out, however, made difficult in our complex society, by contrast divergent anthropological references. Therefore, an urgent request for legislative oversight above, in many areas, an adequate reflection. An example? Theory and practice of human artificial insemination, in our country, where the "trade" is spreading in the absence of any rule. Add the tendency of many exhibition exhibitionist, trend that unfortunately does not save the world scientific and academic, loyal until yesterday, with some exceptions, the principles of confidentiality and measurement. Very often "discovered", real or imagined, is made available to the world not through the scientific journals, but using the media coverage of the major means of communication. The results are often trivialized versions, also with regard to sensitive issues and vital. So, in terms of human cloning, simple working hypotheses have recently been presented in the media as "scientific truth" and acquired as a possibility for solutions to serious ethical questions, prompting confusion in the professionals and illusory hopes for the general public. Even worse when
sensitive bioethical issues, such as the current "case Eluana", or use for scientific research of embryonic stem cells, become grounds for comparison, but not of confrontation, as happened in the referendum in three years ago on assisted procreation, referendum characterized, as is known, a conspicuously absent from the electorate. Absenteeism which - besides, of course, ethical and religious convictions, lack of interest, to resolve difficulties with a yes or no questions undoubtedly complex ... - Has, of course, weighed, still widespread mistrust of science.
From this point of view, what was seen as an "outcry" from the world of research, with the "fallen in the field" of many scientists, including two Nobel Prizes for Medicine in defense of embryonic stem cell research (in some cases, emphasizing their potential for therapeutic purposes) has come to cement large sectors of public opinion in sort of a conflict between science and humanism, a vision of science as a blind mechanism in pursuit, as the only purpose the satisfaction of the delusions of omnipotence of the scientist . To transcend the debate that has (poorly) animated the referendum has certainly contributed to a more limited scientific culture that characterizes our country. Yet we are daily inundated with massive amounts of "scientific" article, from newspapers, television, Internet ... But these items in the claim of making "news" at all costs fall or the demonization of science or the excessive promotion of innovative discoveries and treatments that they do still need several years of further training may be applicable on a large scale. In general
bad habit of depressing lack of communication between companies and research, we are seeing not only in Italy, did you act in a slight reversal, to promote relations of mutual understanding and trust between scientists and the public. This requires, however, in our view, a "Copernican revolution of two points of view of science: the first is to leave your Particular (and corporate economic interests, ideological beliefs rooted) to put in a perspective that considers primary as the general interests of national and international community with a "preferential option" for the categories and peoples and most vulnerable and least represented (at the level of mass media), the second is to make a choice of priorities for action also in the goals of scientific research.
past decades, the medical profession has undergone a radical transformation that has altered other aspects. One of the most important is certainly that about the relationship between doctor and patient, and more generally between medical art and society of the potential users. It is increasingly crediting an idea according to which the physician is a provider of work - as an architect or a plumber - on the market that offers its expertise and that, according to the requests, the physician should tailor its " supply "of services, without pretending to judge or in any way address the question that comes from the patient. A single thesis ends thus be assumed, especially in the biotechnology field: we need to meet any desire transforming medicine into a kind of "medicine of desires" He risks
as a prophylactic course divided into four stages: 1) technology (just think of the endless fields of application of genetic engineering) opens new possibilities, previously unthinkable or impractical, and 2) they want to light previously unpublished, and 3) the desires tend to be considered rights, 4) the battle rages for their legal recognition. Note that in this framework, the management function is exercised not by the law, nor politics, but the technique, which involves the death of the concept of law and therefore ethical. And to quote Hobbes "auctoritas, non veritas facit legem" is the power to dictate law, and no longer a reference to the truth of things.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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Parmalat, Deutsche Bank to pay 90 thousand euro compensation
Parmalat Deutsche Bank to pay 90 thousand euro of risarcimentoGiustizia
A subsidiary of Deutsche Bank in Bologna was ordered to pay compensation of approximately € 90 thousand (including interest and attorneys' fees) for the purchase of bonds issued Parmalat Finance Corporation BV, a Belgian company not listed on the Italian stock exchange, and not from a finance company Collecchio. Just this last difference is based on the error in which a family has fallen from Bologna who had invested some € 60 thousand in bonds. Inevitable error, according to the court, since that the bank has kept quiet about the information. In issuing the ruling - one of the first in Bologna Confconsumatori according to the association to which the victims were targeted - was the court in Bologna, chaired by Bruno Berletti. The purchase was made by two pensioners and their two daughters at the end of 2003, with the intermediation of Deutsche Bank. But in spite of those bonds were guaranteed by Parmalat financial securities were totally different from those of the "original" means the company had listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange therefore not subject to prohibitions and controls and Consob, according to defense attorney John Franks, "he continued to issue bonds to get money so cover the debts of the parent company is now in shambles. "The judge then has acknowledged the mistake made by investors confers the credit institution that has failed, knowingly, to the obligations of good information, care and protection of the interests of customers required the Consolidated Financial in 1998. During the process, according to the lawyer Franks, the bank has failed to demonstrate that they have adequately informed the family.
Source: Ansa
April 23, 2008 - 19:03
Parmalat Deutsche Bank to pay 90 thousand euro of risarcimentoGiustizia
A subsidiary of Deutsche Bank in Bologna was ordered to pay compensation of approximately € 90 thousand (including interest and attorneys' fees) for the purchase of bonds issued Parmalat Finance Corporation BV, a Belgian company not listed on the Italian stock exchange, and not from a finance company Collecchio. Just this last difference is based on the error in which a family has fallen from Bologna who had invested some € 60 thousand in bonds. Inevitable error, according to the court, since that the bank has kept quiet about the information. In issuing the ruling - one of the first in Bologna Confconsumatori according to the association to which the victims were targeted - was the court in Bologna, chaired by Bruno Berletti. The purchase was made by two pensioners and their two daughters at the end of 2003, with the intermediation of Deutsche Bank. But in spite of those bonds were guaranteed by Parmalat financial securities were totally different from those of the "original" means the company had listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange therefore not subject to prohibitions and controls and Consob, according to defense attorney John Franks, "he continued to issue bonds to get money so cover the debts of the parent company is now in shambles. "The judge then has acknowledged the mistake made by investors confers the credit institution that has failed, knowingly, to the obligations of good information, care and protection of the interests of customers required the Consolidated Financial in 1998. During the process, according to the lawyer Franks, the bank has failed to demonstrate that they have adequately informed the family.
Source: Ansa
April 23, 2008 - 19:03
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The open wound of Tango bond
Injury Tango of the bond to open Isabella Bufacchi comments - Saturday, October 27, 2007 (omissis. ..) The default brought out astonishing figures: 450 thousand Italians held 14500000000 of dollars of Argentine debt. No other country in the world did this show at "retail." Paradoxically, at the time of the moratorium, the Italian banks were exposed with their wallets for only a few hundred million dollars. This phenomenon, which disqualifies the Italian financial market square in the eyes of the most advanced in the world, was explained by those tones where academics often take refuge Italy when he is wrong for sale: investors had become accustomed to double-digit returns BoT years of high inflation and did not know the meaning of "real return" did not know what was the rating detail ignored by many employees at the counter of the bank's investment policy. And so on. (Omissis. ..)
Injury Tango of the bond to open Isabella Bufacchi comments - Saturday, October 27, 2007 (omissis. ..) The default brought out astonishing figures: 450 thousand Italians held 14500000000 of dollars of Argentine debt. No other country in the world did this show at "retail." Paradoxically, at the time of the moratorium, the Italian banks were exposed with their wallets for only a few hundred million dollars. This phenomenon, which disqualifies the Italian financial market square in the eyes of the most advanced in the world, was explained by those tones where academics often take refuge Italy when he is wrong for sale: investors had become accustomed to double-digit returns BoT years of high inflation and did not know the meaning of "real return" did not know what was the rating detail ignored by many employees at the counter of the bank's investment policy. And so on. (Omissis. ..)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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Florence Court
detail Florence Court decisions.
Judgement No. 1063/2008: The Spa Deutsche Bank is ordered to return to the three actors in the amount of 15,522, 70 € (on which the compensation must be made of the coupon of € 1178.68 after expenses deducted) and the award of attorneys' fees .
Judgement No. 1069/2008: The Deutsche Bank is to pay to those who have sued € 26,220.71, plus interest at the statutory rate. He must also pay legal costs and those advanced by counsel for the offended party.
detail Florence Court decisions.
Judgement No. 1063/2008: The Spa Deutsche Bank is ordered to return to the three actors in the amount of 15,522, 70 € (on which the compensation must be made of the coupon of € 1178.68 after expenses deducted) and the award of attorneys' fees .
Judgement No. 1069/2008: The Deutsche Bank is to pay to those who have sued € 26,220.71, plus interest at the statutory rate. He must also pay legal costs and those advanced by counsel for the offended party.
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Crack Parmalat savings and betrayed canceled orders ..... ARGENTINA TANGO
Crack Parmalat savings and betrayed canceled orders without the
The Court of Bologna, Civil Division II, in sentence no
33/08 published on January 8, returned to address the issue of saving
betrayed and ordered the Deutche
bank - the outcome of a mini-class action brought by five
savers - to repay the sums
invested in Parmalat bonds.
The decision of the Court of Bologna signals to those who find themselves in similar situations
that there are still a few months to promote
possible prosecution. The term of five years of civil
expires in December 2008 for those who purchased Parmalat securities between March and December 2003
In the case under consideration, the Deutsche Bank
five customers had asked to invest in bonds Parmalat
09 Eur for a total of 60,000 € negotiated on behalf of himself and
off-market, private equity and
the name generally given by Bank as "Parmalat bonds. After the crack
suffered by Parmalat in December 2003,
investors had tried unsuccessfully to get on a conciliatory
the repetition of their investments, and had been forced to initiate a civil action
in 2004. The Court, while recognizing
the legality of the transaction
adequacy and lack of stress,
with a particularly attentive to the protection of the weaker
, annulled the contract for the purchase of essential
bond in error about the identity of the
The Bank, having never delivered in full to customers
denomination of the bonds issued through the vehicle of
Parmalat Finance Corporation BV,
has created a situation of information asymmetry by giving the users in a
representation of reality, err essential
recognized an essential part of the contract.
For more information on the decision: e-mail protected from
spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Crack Parmalat savings and betrayed canceled orders without the
The Court of Bologna, Civil Division II, in sentence no
33/08 published on January 8, returned to address the issue of saving
betrayed and ordered the Deutche
bank - the outcome of a mini-class action brought by five
savers - to repay the sums
invested in Parmalat bonds.
The decision of the Court of Bologna signals to those who find themselves in similar situations
that there are still a few months to promote
possible prosecution. The term of five years of civil
expires in December 2008 for those who purchased Parmalat securities between March and December 2003
In the case under consideration, the Deutsche Bank
five customers had asked to invest in bonds Parmalat
09 Eur for a total of 60,000 € negotiated on behalf of himself and
off-market, private equity and
the name generally given by Bank as "Parmalat bonds. After the crack
suffered by Parmalat in December 2003,
investors had tried unsuccessfully to get on a conciliatory
the repetition of their investments, and had been forced to initiate a civil action
in 2004. The Court, while recognizing
the legality of the transaction
adequacy and lack of stress,
with a particularly attentive to the protection of the weaker
, annulled the contract for the purchase of essential
bond in error about the identity of the
The Bank, having never delivered in full to customers
denomination of the bonds issued through the vehicle of
Parmalat Finance Corporation BV,
has created a situation of information asymmetry by giving the users in a
representation of reality, err essential
recognized an essential part of the contract.
For more information on the decision: e-mail protected from
spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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Login Register Welcome back, Exit THE COURIER Archive Home Reviews The newspaper Corriere TV Health Motor Home Travel Woman and Mother Dictionaries Books Games Store Services Headlines E-DiCola local editions on newsstands Subscriptions Archive Initiative - Ore7 Foundation Award Cutuli Via Solferino Corriere della Sera> Archive> Deutsche bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau Archives CASE / nazismoDeutsche revelations on bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau
----------------------------------- ------------------------------ IF / revelations about Nazi Deutsche bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau BERLIN BY OUR CORRESPONDENT - Now' s official: the Deutsche Bank finance 'the construction of the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz - Birkenau, where they were exterminated a and a half million Jews. The more 'big German Institute provided generous credits to even one of the companies that install the crematorium - ie soon' money to another industry group, owner of the company that manufactured the deadly Zyklon B gas used in death chambers. L 'admission comes from the same bank . + Status Manfred Pohl, director of 'Institute of History of Deutsche Bank, to announce a conference print new documents d 'archives confirmed the bank's ties with enterprises in occupied Poland involved in the creation of more works of death of the Holocaust. More ', according to Pohl, the cards "clearly show that the officials of the subsidiary concerned knew perfectly what they were for the credits, even if it is not' quite sure of what 'they were the leaders who are aware of Berlin" The chairman of Deutsche Bank, Rolf Breuer, and is' said 'hit from the bonds of' illegal organization with the State national - socialism. " But his spokesman refused to comment on details, stating you want to first wait for the completion of the research work. Showing copies of contracts with some construction companies, Professor Pohl explained that the first confirmations are 's analysis of a thousand documents and that, among those already' checked and those yet to be seen, the papers documenting the period covering almost 10 km. The new admissions yesterday cast doubt on the proposed acquisition by Deutsche Bank Group American Bankers Trust, a deal worth 10.1 billion dollars. The World Jewish Congress (WJC), and 'decided to block the' agreement until the German bank is not ready to pay "moral damages" to survivors or heirs of the victims' s use of forced labor and for taking part the "Aryanization". Yesterday, the WJC has expressed hope that the admission of Pohl are "the premise of progress sufficient to address the problem of compensation of the 'Holocaust. "According to the executive director, Elan Steinberger, already' in the next few days representatives of the WJC in New York should meet a delegation of government officials in Bonn and Deutsche Bank (Meanwhile 'already' yesterday the Financial Controller of the City 'New York has reaffirmed its opposition to joining Deutsche - Bankers). L' institute, along with a few other German and Austrian banks, is facing claims worth billions of dollars. But until now, has always denied the 'use of slaves during the war years, while it may provide marginal to the "Aryanization", the legalized theft of property of Jews by the Nazis decided in 1935 to the laws Nuremberg. Paul Valentino Paul Valentino
Page 25 (February 5, 1999) - Corriere della Sera
Login Register Welcome back, Exit THE COURIER Archive Home Reviews The newspaper Corriere TV Health Motor Home Travel Woman and Mother Dictionaries Books Games Store Services Headlines E-DiCola local editions on newsstands Subscriptions Archive Initiative - Ore7 Foundation Award Cutuli Via Solferino Corriere della Sera> Archive> Deutsche bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau Archives CASE / nazismoDeutsche revelations on bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau
----------------------------------- ------------------------------ IF / revelations about Nazi Deutsche bank finance 'the construction of the Auschwitz - Birkenau BERLIN BY OUR CORRESPONDENT - Now' s official: the Deutsche Bank finance 'the construction of the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz - Birkenau, where they were exterminated a and a half million Jews. The more 'big German Institute provided generous credits to even one of the companies that install the crematorium - ie soon' money to another industry group, owner of the company that manufactured the deadly Zyklon B gas used in death chambers. L 'admission comes from the same bank . + Status Manfred Pohl, director of 'Institute of History of Deutsche Bank, to announce a conference print new documents d 'archives confirmed the bank's ties with enterprises in occupied Poland involved in the creation of more works of death of the Holocaust. More ', according to Pohl, the cards "clearly show that the officials of the subsidiary concerned knew perfectly what they were for the credits, even if it is not' quite sure of what 'they were the leaders who are aware of Berlin" The chairman of Deutsche Bank, Rolf Breuer, and is' said 'hit from the bonds of' illegal organization with the State national - socialism. " But his spokesman refused to comment on details, stating you want to first wait for the completion of the research work. Showing copies of contracts with some construction companies, Professor Pohl explained that the first confirmations are 's analysis of a thousand documents and that, among those already' checked and those yet to be seen, the papers documenting the period covering almost 10 km. The new admissions yesterday cast doubt on the proposed acquisition by Deutsche Bank Group American Bankers Trust, a deal worth 10.1 billion dollars. The World Jewish Congress (WJC), and 'decided to block the' agreement until the German bank is not ready to pay "moral damages" to survivors or heirs of the victims' s use of forced labor and for taking part the "Aryanization". Yesterday, the WJC has expressed hope that the admission of Pohl are "the premise of progress sufficient to address the problem of compensation of the 'Holocaust. "According to the executive director, Elan Steinberger, already' in the next few days representatives of the WJC in New York should meet a delegation of government officials in Bonn and Deutsche Bank (Meanwhile 'already' yesterday the Financial Controller of the City 'New York has reaffirmed its opposition to joining Deutsche - Bankers). L' institute, along with a few other German and Austrian banks, is facing claims worth billions of dollars. But until now, has always denied the 'use of slaves during the war years, while it may provide marginal to the "Aryanization", the legalized theft of property of Jews by the Nazis decided in 1935 to the laws Nuremberg. Paul Valentino Paul Valentino
Page 25 (February 5, 1999) - Corriere della Sera
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Italian news Morgan Stanley Parmalat Parma Parma Parmalat prosecutors, indictments four foreign banks voti13 June2007 -
It These are Citigroup, Deutsche Bank Ubsm Morgan Stanley The first hearing will be held on January 22 in Milan
economy milano Crack Parmalat Parmalat citigroup morgan stanley, four banks under investigation for insider trading voti13 June2007 -
'm Morgan Stanley, UBS, Deutsche Bank, the and Citigroup, ie four of the major financial giants mondiali.politica citigroup morgan stanley ubs
Crac Parmalat Parmalat banks surveyed voti13 4 June2007 -
Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley have been indicted with charges of alleged insider trading investigation on Parmalat.italia news citigroup morgan stanley ubs crac Parmalat Parmalat
Italian news Morgan Stanley Parmalat Parma Parma Parmalat prosecutors, indictments four foreign banks voti13 June2007 -
It These are Citigroup, Deutsche Bank Ubsm Morgan Stanley The first hearing will be held on January 22 in Milan
economy milano Crack Parmalat Parmalat citigroup morgan stanley, four banks under investigation for insider trading voti13 June2007 -
'm Morgan Stanley, UBS, Deutsche Bank, the and Citigroup, ie four of the major financial giants mondiali.politica citigroup morgan stanley ubs
Crac Parmalat Parmalat banks surveyed voti13 4 June2007 -
Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley have been indicted with charges of alleged insider trading investigation on Parmalat.italia news citigroup morgan stanley ubs crac Parmalat Parmalat
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Standard & Poor's gave a good rating of Parmalat up to two weeks before the collapse. Over the past six months the value of Parmalat shares had doubled. Deutsche Bank had bought 5 percent of Parmalat and sold just before the collapse. Really nobody knew? Since 2002, I told my shows in debts and false financial statements of Parmalat more than one hundred thousand spectators. I am the son of an entrepreneur.
from the book "all the cricket that counts" pag.259 publisher Feltrinelli.
the same song is shown in site of an online newspaper that seems to collect signatures and articles from around the world. Drafting Phone +39 06 4417301. The date of publications. should be 29 or 30 genn.2004Omettevo to tell you that the words are Beppe Grillo (but I bet that he understood ..).
Standard & Poor's gave a good rating of Parmalat up to two weeks before the collapse. Over the past six months the value of Parmalat shares had doubled. Deutsche Bank had bought 5 percent of Parmalat and sold just before the collapse. Really nobody knew? Since 2002, I told my shows in debts and false financial statements of Parmalat more than one hundred thousand spectators. I am the son of an entrepreneur.
from the book "all the cricket that counts" pag.259 publisher Feltrinelli.
the same song is shown in site of an online newspaper that seems to collect signatures and articles from around the world. Drafting Phone +39 06 4417301. The date of publications. should be 29 or 30 genn.2004Omettevo to tell you that the words are Beppe Grillo (but I bet that he understood ..).
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The current ad (CEO) of Parmalat, Bondi, has decided to take legal action against the creditor banks before the crack, after accusing them of bonds issued until the last moment, although aware of the disastrous situation Budgets besetting the company. Bondi estimated that Deutsche Bank has , compared with a loan of 140 million euro, interest earned 217 million (+140%), Unicredit Bank of EUR 171 million has obtained 212 (+124%), Capitalia Built 123% in most of what he had lent to Parmalat.VEDI VOICE: Parmalat on wikipedia , Find the citation of sources in the bottom of the page.
The current ad (CEO) of Parmalat, Bondi, has decided to take legal action against the creditor banks before the crack, after accusing them of bonds issued until the last moment, although aware of the disastrous situation Budgets besetting the company. Bondi estimated that Deutsche Bank has , compared with a loan of 140 million euro, interest earned 217 million (+140%), Unicredit Bank of EUR 171 million has obtained 212 (+124%), Capitalia Built 123% in most of what he had lent to Parmalat.VEDI VOICE: Parmalat on wikipedia , Find the citation of sources in the bottom of the page.
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fraud on municipal bonds, banks estere26 raided a Milano 4 June 2008 at 15:59 - Source: Unità.it-votes 0 comments searched the Milan offices of financiers from Deutsche Bank , UBS, JPMorgan, Depfa Bank, Alfredo Robledo pm by order of the financial pool of Milan prosecutors, the case of Parmalat and Banca Antonveneta. S'indaga for aggravated fraud against the City. They dumped on the public purse losses for the placement of municipal bonds.
policy Prosecutor Milan prosecutors bond scam Antonveneta ubs deutsche bank JPMorgan Parmalat THE CHARGES: insider trading and obstruction of supervisory bodies Parmalat, the prosecutor asked for 13 years on the former owner of Collecchio Tanzila Attorney: because of its gravity, insider trading MAYBE WE SHOULD PLAY unique
Martinelli (the bell of the Northern League. nda)
fraud on municipal bonds, banks estere26 raided a Milano 4 June 2008 at 15:59 - Source: Unità.it-votes 0 comments searched the Milan offices of financiers from Deutsche Bank , UBS, JPMorgan, Depfa Bank, Alfredo Robledo pm by order of the financial pool of Milan prosecutors, the case of Parmalat and Banca Antonveneta. S'indaga for aggravated fraud against the City. They dumped on the public purse losses for the placement of municipal bonds.
policy Prosecutor Milan prosecutors bond scam Antonveneta ubs deutsche bank JPMorgan Parmalat THE CHARGES: insider trading and obstruction of supervisory bodies Parmalat, the prosecutor asked for 13 years on the former owner of Collecchio Tanzila Attorney: because of its gravity, insider trading MAYBE WE SHOULD PLAY unique
Martinelli (the bell of the Northern League. nda)
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2.2 Court of Milan (44206/03) - COLLEGE SECTION II - PRES. DR. Manfrin: II Tronconi insider trading (ACCUSED: OFFICERS FOREIGN BANKS) The trial, which began January 22, 2008, should finally get to the heart from the next hearing on November 19, during which the Court will rule 'in order to a number of exceptions, some insidious defenses raised by the defendants that have not bargained (incompatibility 'of the GUP Tacconi, territorial jurisdiction, etc.). UBS and its leaders have bargained punishment and are therefore 'left the scene. At the same time, both UBS and DEUTSCHE BANK MORGAN STANLEY (the latter, while continuing to vigorously defend itself in the process) have jointly formulated a proposal made to the civil parties for compensation paid to former shareholders and former bondisti, equivalent to 10 % of the amount invested in its time, albeit with some distinctions and limitazioni.La proposal 'under evaluation.
4.1 COURT OF PARMA - GUP DR SARLI; 864/06 - OFFICERS ACCUSED UBS, for external bankrupt and wear; 983/2006 - ACCUSED EXECUTIVES MORGAN STANLEY FOR COMPETITION IN THE OUTER bankruptcy 3524/2007 - DB ACCUSED OFFICERS FOR COMPETITION IN THE OUTER WEAR Bankrupt and the preliminary hearing and 'started on 11/12/2007 ; hearing on April 7 2008 were rejected requests for exclusion of civil parties that had been proposed by the defenses of the defendants. Probably there will be 'a few request patteggiamento.L' attitude will depend on the civil parties 'by the outcome of the proposal for compensation made by the three banks (UBS, DEUTSCHE BANK and MORGAN STANLEY), and that you' account given above ( section 2.2)
6. Postscript: INITIATIVES FOR savers Have not yet claimed damages do not stick to PROPOSALS OR "DELOITTE" E "UBS, DEUTSCHE BANK and Morgan Stanley." Once in almost five years since crack, the limitation of the right to compensation for damages claimed by investors avvicinando.D is 'on the other hand, the court further action against persons, already' called as civil leaders in criminal proceedings, may find an outlet only in civil (Civil Court) or the outcome of those criminal proceedings which come to a decision (Bank of America; Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Citibank) or even earlier, in cases where the related criminal proceedings were defined with the settlements (Deloitte, UBS). The above, of course, only in circumstances where the individual investor has decided not to accept the settlement proposals in corso.Bisogna also consider that groups of investors who have formed a civil party in the various processes, and therefore are receiving settlement proposals, are not fully aligned. There ', therefore the need to coordinate all the various individual positions and make them uniform, hence the beginning of 2009, also to avoid hitting the prescrizione.Lo tool will' be sent to persons deemed liable for a formal claim, interrupting the limitation period.
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dall'ADUC, Association for the Rights of Users and Consumatori.Redazione: Via Cavour 68, 50129 FirenzeTel. 055.290606 - Fax 055.2302452URL: - Email:
By-Alessandro Pedone, financial planner, Giuseppe D'Orta, independent financial consultant from 30
Archive -10-2008 to 13-11-2008n.23/2008 (Year VIII)
2.2 Court of Milan (44206/03) - COLLEGE SECTION II - PRES. DR. Manfrin: II Tronconi insider trading (ACCUSED: OFFICERS FOREIGN BANKS) The trial, which began January 22, 2008, should finally get to the heart from the next hearing on November 19, during which the Court will rule 'in order to a number of exceptions, some insidious defenses raised by the defendants that have not bargained (incompatibility 'of the GUP Tacconi, territorial jurisdiction, etc.). UBS and its leaders have bargained punishment and are therefore 'left the scene. At the same time, both UBS and DEUTSCHE BANK MORGAN STANLEY (the latter, while continuing to vigorously defend itself in the process) have jointly formulated a proposal made to the civil parties for compensation paid to former shareholders and former bondisti, equivalent to 10 % of the amount invested in its time, albeit with some distinctions and limitazioni.La proposal 'under evaluation.
4.1 COURT OF PARMA - GUP DR SARLI; 864/06 - OFFICERS ACCUSED UBS, for external bankrupt and wear; 983/2006 - ACCUSED EXECUTIVES MORGAN STANLEY FOR COMPETITION IN THE OUTER bankruptcy 3524/2007 - DB ACCUSED OFFICERS FOR COMPETITION IN THE OUTER WEAR Bankrupt and the preliminary hearing and 'started on 11/12/2007 ; hearing on April 7 2008 were rejected requests for exclusion of civil parties that had been proposed by the defenses of the defendants. Probably there will be 'a few request patteggiamento.L' attitude will depend on the civil parties 'by the outcome of the proposal for compensation made by the three banks (UBS, DEUTSCHE BANK and MORGAN STANLEY), and that you' account given above ( section 2.2)
6. Postscript: INITIATIVES FOR savers Have not yet claimed damages do not stick to PROPOSALS OR "DELOITTE" E "UBS, DEUTSCHE BANK and Morgan Stanley." Once in almost five years since crack, the limitation of the right to compensation for damages claimed by investors avvicinando.D is 'on the other hand, the court further action against persons, already' called as civil leaders in criminal proceedings, may find an outlet only in civil (Civil Court) or the outcome of those criminal proceedings which come to a decision (Bank of America; Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Citibank) or even earlier, in cases where the related criminal proceedings were defined with the settlements (Deloitte, UBS). The above, of course, only in circumstances where the individual investor has decided not to accept the settlement proposals in corso.Bisogna also consider that groups of investors who have formed a civil party in the various processes, and therefore are receiving settlement proposals, are not fully aligned. There ', therefore the need to coordinate all the various individual positions and make them uniform, hence the beginning of 2009, also to avoid hitting the prescrizione.Lo tool will' be sent to persons deemed liable for a formal claim, interrupting the limitation period.
NEWS === ====== informed investment information on asset management. Published
dall'ADUC, Association for the Rights of Users and Consumatori.Redazione: Via Cavour 68, 50129 FirenzeTel. 055.290606 - Fax 055.2302452URL: - Email:
By-Alessandro Pedone, financial planner, Giuseppe D'Orta, independent financial consultant from 30
Archive -10-2008 to 13-11-2008n.23/2008 (Year VIII)
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The lender must return 152 000 € invested in banks with depositors '98Le argentinoTango against the government-bond, the Deutsche Bank ordered to compensate customers
President Tfa Nicola Stock VENICE - The Executive Committee of the ABI has today expressed "full support and appreciation" to the action of the Task Force on ' Argentina led by Nicola Stock. But in the meantime, the Court of Venice has a ruling which could reverse the fortunes of investors: it has ordered Deutsche Bank to return to a couple of customers invested € 152,000 in 1998 in Argentine bonds.
If other judges would follow the path opened by the court in Venice Mara Caprioli, savers would have an alternative to acceptance of the halter Argentine government, which reimburses at a very long time by about 30 percent of the amount invested, or for any cause, perhaps in groups, Buenos Aires (or even the expectation of a more far-fetched proposal for a new reimbursement ).
The bank, in the case of the two spouses Venetians, he retired and her home, also was required by contract to provide investment advice. Therefore, despite the purchase of Argentine bonds for 295 million pounds had been a specific request from customers, received by telephone, the bank had to inform them of the reasons why it was inappropriate to proceed with the execution of the operation, reads the sentence.
"Authorised persons - Say the Venetian magistrates - must act with diligence, fairness and transparency in the interest of the customer and the integrity of the market, acquiring the necessary information from customers and work so that they are always well informed. "The court observes
In support of the reasons that should have led the investment bank to advise the customer, "the huge disparity between the capital of the issuer and the amount of the loan and the fact that the agencies had failed to provide the most qualified rating transaction. All the circumstances that are common to thousands of similar investments. The underwriters of Argentine bonds in Italy is about 450,000.
banks have so far expressed their interest reasons to support our customers, not to bear the financial burden. In approving the work of Stock, now the Executive Committee of ABI (Italian Banking Association) urged the banks to bear the expenses arising from any legal action incurred by the TFA, on behalf of clients, against Argentina. Stock
fact reminded today that creditors will not join the offer will take steps "to seize or confiscate the cash flows for the new titles," while those who do not join the offer "does not lose the rights deriving from existing titles."
The hypothesis of the TFA, the ABI is committed to supporting you today, is that savers (Free However any decision is made), completely rejected the offer, may force the Argentine government to make a better (hypothesis, however, that the Argentine Economy Secretary Guillermo Nielsen, in Italy for the road show has rejected the offer in net terms ).
Given the better economic situation, with foreign exchange reserves to 20 billion U.S. dollars, GDP growth of over 8 percent and tax revenues increased by over 30 percent, Argentina, repeated today to Stock 'ABI (I had already said in Parliament last week) "may improve its offer unilaterally but has no desire to do so."
(January 19, 2005)
The lender must return 152 000 € invested in banks with depositors '98Le argentinoTango against the government-bond, the Deutsche Bank ordered to compensate customers
President Tfa Nicola Stock VENICE - The Executive Committee of the ABI has today expressed "full support and appreciation" to the action of the Task Force on ' Argentina led by Nicola Stock. But in the meantime, the Court of Venice has a ruling which could reverse the fortunes of investors: it has ordered Deutsche Bank to return to a couple of customers invested € 152,000 in 1998 in Argentine bonds.
If other judges would follow the path opened by the court in Venice Mara Caprioli, savers would have an alternative to acceptance of the halter Argentine government, which reimburses at a very long time by about 30 percent of the amount invested, or for any cause, perhaps in groups, Buenos Aires (or even the expectation of a more far-fetched proposal for a new reimbursement ).
The bank, in the case of the two spouses Venetians, he retired and her home, also was required by contract to provide investment advice. Therefore, despite the purchase of Argentine bonds for 295 million pounds had been a specific request from customers, received by telephone, the bank had to inform them of the reasons why it was inappropriate to proceed with the execution of the operation, reads the sentence.
"Authorised persons - Say the Venetian magistrates - must act with diligence, fairness and transparency in the interest of the customer and the integrity of the market, acquiring the necessary information from customers and work so that they are always well informed. "The court observes
In support of the reasons that should have led the investment bank to advise the customer, "the huge disparity between the capital of the issuer and the amount of the loan and the fact that the agencies had failed to provide the most qualified rating transaction. All the circumstances that are common to thousands of similar investments. The underwriters of Argentine bonds in Italy is about 450,000.
banks have so far expressed their interest reasons to support our customers, not to bear the financial burden. In approving the work of Stock, now the Executive Committee of ABI (Italian Banking Association) urged the banks to bear the expenses arising from any legal action incurred by the TFA, on behalf of clients, against Argentina. Stock
fact reminded today that creditors will not join the offer will take steps "to seize or confiscate the cash flows for the new titles," while those who do not join the offer "does not lose the rights deriving from existing titles."
The hypothesis of the TFA, the ABI is committed to supporting you today, is that savers (Free However any decision is made), completely rejected the offer, may force the Argentine government to make a better (hypothesis, however, that the Argentine Economy Secretary Guillermo Nielsen, in Italy for the road show has rejected the offer in net terms ).
Given the better economic situation, with foreign exchange reserves to 20 billion U.S. dollars, GDP growth of over 8 percent and tax revenues increased by over 30 percent, Argentina, repeated today to Stock 'ABI (I had already said in Parliament last week) "may improve its offer unilaterally but has no desire to do so."
(January 19, 2005)
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[attachment = 191297] [attachment = 191297] Per non dimenticare
you lacrime di 2 milioni di italiani. E la gioia degli Argentini and non
only parrot the nation Quotidiano DAL ....
Most Italian newspapers yesterday commented on the success of Argentina's debt swap. "Tango bond wins Buenos Aires, ... Daily italianor speak of victory in Argentina.
about "Argentina tango bond graph your Google
il completed his
Che if vincit parli di di di partite e trionfo (and if you plant toni da stadio) ( Faccia chiunque it) in a much serious and crudele vicenda , Which at times has changed the fate of entire families, it's really doloroso.Che after so many words, little or nothing has been done well by our political class for an international solution to the problem, put it than the possibility seems willing and able to work for Nazione.Che the good of our political class has done little on the domestic front also investigating seriously on the work of banks (when we are talking largely to tort judgments, and banks and / or investigated on trial for similar events: see Deutsche Bank and others for the Parmalat affair in Milan (January 24 hearing)) is just as painful. It is perplexing that in a collective problem, nothing really has been taken seriously by those in the hands of the legislature. (I remind all that Argentina has a law with armored payment of its foreign debt). After the declaration of default by Argentina, in December 2001 if not mistaken , The Stock Exchange of Buenos Aires' dropped to about 200 points (towards the end of the following year) for carries in six years to the 2200 / 2400 and earning points, with a trend in more substantial climb, THE BEAUTY OF 1100 / 1200% I say, THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED PERCENT 'Cause if the U.S. economy seems to be so good, you do not pay any debituccio? Certainly rise to the lips and swear words, but to insult, although 'understandable, can' be too easy. The real
questions are: What did the lords of 'Italy to whom we delegate vote with the our sacred powers to defend our homes, our lives, our destiny and our children? our work and its fruits .....?( but this is not 'rhetoric: there are kids in college instead of being' accepted whatever work 'cause the money to send them to study the cows are gaining weight Argentina)
Finally an appeal to the Judiciary, is it true that the law is equal for all, there does not seem equally matched by the judgments which, despite the diversity right 'due to the differences from case to case, they are often made to different results even in the presence concepts apparently identici.Un example: A court in Milan has considered illegal sale of Cirio bonds to investors before these titles were materially to exist (I say then: sold before the issue). n.3575/2006 Judgement of 20 / 3 / 2006. Leggetevela 'cause it deserves for its completeness and chiarezza.Non I understand that this' was done (at least not in so far as visible) in other places and other circumstances and titles, including argentini.Vi'm saying that banks (and First to those that guided the placement, the so-called Responsible) before selling the securities to investors, Argentina and then issued them and what 'date even in extremely close to the so-called final collapse (December 2001). Is like saying the Titanic was sinking and while the company was selling tickets .......... Maybe I'm wrong, but if this' is not, it really hurts me to think that justice may be ( albeit legally) is not unique. is why I invoke a consultations between the legislature and the judiciary so that 'Italians do not fall victim not only of foreign swords, but painfully and ironically, even those who have helped shape.
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This is a document of sale of securities of the Argentine Deutsche Bank
As you can see the date of purchase is repeated three times (25 Jan. 2001) (The default is the end of 2001)
The birth of the title is 5 DAYS AFTER : 30 Jan. 2001come Argentina continued to see the issue ...... but, as in this case, before there seems to be assured that the stock had already sold to investors and then going around is issued (if to believe the courts of Milan) the obligation of the prospectus and other warranties (ask lawyer ) which belong to the offering circular risparmiatori.Ricordate reserved invest.istituz to these emissions. (banche.. etc.), sale to the "small" customers (so-called retail). In the legal process Banks often complain that customers have decided themselves to purchase. This (perhaps) in order not to have led to criticism for the purchase and given themselves the title to the investor (with all the duties of informa. adequacy, etc.. .) that in cases like (gray market) reported here, and there are many, we must ask "HOW COULD YOU KNOW AND THE EXISTENCE OF AN unborn?" Is it not plausible DEDUCTIBLE correct to imagine that it was the bank (even here placements Responsible Argentina) to offer? Blessed be the decision of the judges in Milan (cited el blog). If you're in this situation and you have not signed nor knowledge of the conflict of interest or anything, ask your lawyers.
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proof is (apparently) the offering circular that may be found in the interesting site
this we published a header (note the dates mentioned therein) the 'approvaz.di Deutsche Borse April 18, 1999, ((and then take a look below where it says that the other Off.Circular documents (written in language which I do not know) are visible (just happened) to Frankfurt aktiengeselleshaft at Deutsche Bank. (the Responsible placements mentioned above ... and ... Mandate of Rep.Argentina )..... ))
What you see (Go on the site HTTP: / / ASANDABUBIA3.BLOGSPOT.COM )
and 'entitled' notice Retrieved on Italian Stock Exchange under Argentina "... and the dramatic end in which, despite very words (in our opinion) the more moderate than extreme danger of the situation requires, it is said that ......."
ECONOMIC RECESSION worsened in recent months ....... emphasize RISKS OF SECURITIES .. .... GIA 'REPRESENTED BY NEGATIVE RATING INDEX ...... On behalf of DEUTSCHE BANK AG (the parent tedesca.NdB) ......... ..... AGENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA "
here and 'the SAME ARGENTINA to signal their DANGER 'with a very symptomatic correlation with the date specified by us: we: February 10, 1999 ............................... Argentina: April 18, 1999
why then has' continued to buy? Or are we a nation of fools, or speculators, but its no brakes, or we were not informed in professional ......... well .. not everyone ........... ........ This would seem to provide further evidence that the situation in Argentina was well known by professionals (including primarily banks), but .... maybe ... not so good from the public.
Two figures with very different duties of care: one that the professional, the other that of a good father. (See Articles. Civil Code)
Perhaps the same difference in terms of plants that pass between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
and my mother when sowing the basil on the windowsill .....
proof is (apparently) the offering circular that may be found in the interesting site
this we published a header (note the dates mentioned therein) the 'approvaz.di Deutsche Borse April 18, 1999, ((and then take a look below where it says that the other Off.Circular documents (written in language which I do not know) are visible (just happened) to Frankfurt aktiengeselleshaft at Deutsche Bank. (the Responsible placements mentioned above ... and ... Mandate of Rep.Argentina )..... ))
What you see (Go on the site HTTP: / / ASANDABUBIA3.BLOGSPOT.COM )
and 'entitled' notice Retrieved on Italian Stock Exchange under Argentina "... and the dramatic end in which, despite very words (in our opinion) the more moderate than extreme danger of the situation requires, it is said that ......."
ECONOMIC RECESSION worsened in recent months ....... emphasize RISKS OF SECURITIES .. .... GIA 'REPRESENTED BY NEGATIVE RATING INDEX ...... On behalf of DEUTSCHE BANK AG (the parent tedesca.NdB) ......... ..... AGENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA "
here and 'the SAME ARGENTINA to signal their DANGER 'with a very symptomatic correlation with the date specified by us: we: February 10, 1999 ............................... Argentina: April 18, 1999
why then has' continued to buy? Or are we a nation of fools, or speculators, but its no brakes, or we were not informed in professional ......... well .. not everyone ........... ........ This would seem to provide further evidence that the situation in Argentina was well known by professionals (including primarily banks), but .... maybe ... not so good from the public.
Two figures with very different duties of care: one that the professional, the other that of a good father. (See Articles. Civil Code)
Perhaps the same difference in terms of plants that pass between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
and my mother when sowing the basil on the windowsill .....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Viruses are the most numerous inhabitants of planet earth. They also assumed a different and far more extensive than once thought (Bernard Dixon, ed. Microb., ASM, 2007)
The hundreds of millions of deaths from smallpox, influenza and yellow fever have been reduced by new acquisition model of how the virus life on Earth and influence the events of
'man. A critical review of the 'ecology of these viruses leads to important conclusions (January Meeting of the Soc for Microbiol. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2007).
Virus animals, humans, plants, bacteriophages are true forms of life and represent the most abundant biological entities on earth.
viruses define the composition and behavior of bacterial populations. They play a very important role in the biochemical cycle in terrestrial and horizontal gene transfer.
(Patrick Forterre, Institute Pasteur, Paris).
viruses known (the tip of the 'iceberg) have a greater diversity of genomic material for cells and mechanisms of genomic replication.
There are no genes identical for all viruses. The majority of metagenomic sequences are not similar to those found in existing databases.
Sea, marine sediment, soil, faeces: metagenomic sequences present in 'environment are the major reservoir of material of unknown sequences (Mya Breitbart' s University of Florida, St. Petersburg).
viral communities are extremely diverse with more than 10,000 viral genotypes contained in 1 kg of marine sediment, and then hundreds of thousands of viral genotypes in the oceans of the world.
L 'bacteriological activity helps define the regular season of' epidemic cholera (Faruque Shah, Int Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh). The peak of
'is preceded by the epidemic prevalence in the' environment of Vibrio cholerae, followed by high ambient levels of phage in which the bacterium is sensitive and then later following the collapse of the 'epidemic. Similarly, prophages
influence virulence, the 'evolution and diversity of bacterial pathogens. The
Citrobacter rodentium has six prophages that contain genes presumably involved in
inserted into the genome of 'destroy host functions such as motility of the bacterium (Nicola Petty et al., University of Cambridge, England).
Marine sediments are one of the largest ecosystems on the planet (Mathias Middelboe, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
viruses affect marine microbial mortality, diversity and the biochemical cycle of the Earth.
1 cm ³ of surface marine sediment contains from 108 (one hundred million) in 1010 (10 billion) of virus, 10-100 times more than the overlying water column. From 12 hours to 5 days is the time required for the virus by up to 40% the production of bacteria deep. Thus viruses are important components of the biosphere integrated marina.
Cyanobacteria are key members of the population of phytoplankton and the sea of \u200b\u200bspring water. Cyanophages and lateral gene transfer regulates the structure and 'development of cyanobacterial populations. Cianofogi infect as many as 35 different genes in cyanobacteria (Li Deng and Paul Hayes, Bristol University, UK).
Viruses can play a significant role in carbon cycling in systems dominated microbes such as lakes of 'Antarctica (Johanna Laybourn-Parry, University of Keele, UK and University of Lund, Sweden).
Nature and origin of the virus.
Discovery of unusual virus in prokaryotes and eukaryotes variety giants with the recent progress in comparative genomics and structural biology has brought back the current issue of the nature and the 'origin of the virus.
current cellular genomes and mechanisms of DNA replication could be a strain of those originating in the primordial virosfera of DNA viruses infecting the cells with RNA.
If this hypothesis is confirmed, the virus may have played a key role in the transition from the old cell genomes RNA to DNA genomes of modern cells, and then in 'have established the first cellular molecule of life (Forterre Patrick). In conclusion
viruses as agents of death and disease go to the inventors of DNA
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Forum Ecclesia Dei Roman Catholic liturgical
Tridentine Mass:
Catechism: http://musicasacra.forumfree . net /? f = 1440481
Dictionary of Liturgy:
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Gregorian Chant and polyphony:
Horrors: http://musicasacra.forumfree. net /? f = 1406828
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Conversations: ? f = 1347885
Tridentine Mass:
Catechism: http://musicasacra.forumfree . net /? f = 1440481
Dictionary of Liturgy:
Liturgy and ceremonies:
Gregorian Chant and polyphony:
Horrors: http://musicasacra.forumfree. net /? f = 1406828
Young Catholics
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Theology: ? f = 1691090
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Conversations: ? f = 1347885
Saturday, July 26, 2008
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Looking for a book to download in pdf format?
- The Roman Missal of 1962 can be downloaded here: http://www.musicasacra. com/pdf/missale62.pdf
- E 'can be downloaded Breviarium Romanum of 1961 at: (right click and choose "Save Target As").
- Liber Usualis 1962
- Graduale Romanum 1962
- Antiphonale Romanum 1912
- Pontificale Romanum
- Martyrologium Romanum
- Caeremoniale Episcoporum
- Memoriale rituum
- Missal of 1493:
- Usualis Liber, 1913:
- Caeremoniale Romanum of Patrizi:
- Missale Romanum (prior to the reforms of Pius XII): / Missale / Missale.pdf
Friday, July 25, 2008
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Cagliari: Teachers of Santa Croce Basilica - Via Santa Croce - Sunday 11:00 am (from May 4, 2008). For information:
Barry (CA): Mass every Wednesday at 17.00.
Gesico (CA): St Just Parish Church, Virgin and Martyr, Church street, 2 - Sundays and holy days of obligation: S. Mass 9.30. For information: 070. 987058
Sassari: rettoriale Church of the Holy Rosary - piazza del Rosario - Sunday 17:30 standard time, 18:00 DST.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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Mass Mass of the June 22
Sunday, June 22, Bishop Dante Usai be held in Cagliari, at 11 am at the Basilica of Santa Croce in Castello, Gregorian Mass in Latin in pre-conciliar Roman rite (or Trent), solemnized by the Gregorian chants and organ. To download the liturgy of the day: . The celebrations in the ancient rite is held regularly every Sunday and holy day of obligation at the same time. You are all invited to attend and give notice to your friends and relatives. We wait.
Initiation Activities
Today, Il Giornale di Sardegna a feature on the Mass in the Roman rite (Roman Missal of 1962), which will be celebrated in Cagliari, from May 4, at the Basilica of St. Cross at the Castle, every Sunday at 11. Bishop celebrated Dante Usai.
You can download the hi-res version (about 10 Mb) from the site
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